Can we please have non-binary gender option?

You can keep insulting me all you like but you know full well of your anti LQBT+ in other threads i do not need to break forums rules to make facts known about you .
And calling somebody a clown at your age i mean come on surely a person like you can think of a mature insult .

if the shoe fits 

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Then stop being Anti LBQT+ and spreading your hate and stop posting to me and about me :slight_smile: everytime you mention me or reply to me i will do so to you because i will not back down to hate breeders like you .

Well if it’s all kept written down on flash cards to be easily remembered, there’s a chance :slight_smile:

I for one couldn’t care less tbh about breast sliders for males and females, as long as this inclusiveness is not something that is put in the game before a fat/height slider for my panda, which is not fat enough. Adding some neutral sex in a fantasy world isn’t baseless but it would probably require more work than it’s worth. You would satisfy a minority of a minority by it probably. A more broad approach including a mix of everyones body customization desires would be far better, while leaving the 2 genders as they are because it would probably require to recode the whole game.

Couldn’t be smaller than mechagnomes tbh.

Now you are taking me out of context. You chose to respond to me in a certain manner and that manner makes you come off as being one of the three mentioned emotional states I provided, frustrated, angered or annoyed. One of the three, or a combination of any of them.

You cannot under any circumstance fault me for saying you come off as being angry when you openly use an aggressive comment, knowing how it would come out. You type like you’re angry, I’m going to assume you’re angry. This goes hand-in-hand with my “Taking it at face value” that I reprimanded you for in the very first comment.

If you are not angry, then do not act/write as if you are. Period.
And yes, it’s up to me to dictate how you are feeling based on what you are writing, since that’s how you are choosing to present yourself. Again, don’t want me to think you are mad? Don’t write as if you are.

And unlike you, I actually provided the set example where you come off as being angry. I asked you to do the same for me, to point out where I came off as being “having thoughts of self-harm”(Not a direct word for word quote*), you either could not, or would not.

You are failing to see the point. The article did not answer the person in question, hence why they asked you to personally elaborate. You refuse to do so(this is essentially moot at this point and thus serves no purpose in including it in the conversation any further).

No, they weren’t. If they were, I challenge you to point out exactly which words made which sentences come out as if they were. Surely that isn’t too much to ask. If you choose not to I’m just going to assume that you either can’t or won’t due to inability of actually finding it or because you are too lazy to do so.

Well they are a pretty huge company and customization is always welcome, sliders would not only be for people who are non binary it’s for basically anyone who wants to express their character differently.

I’m personally really happy with my character, I really love how she looks and I’m able to express myself with her.

Not everyone even want to express themselves in WoW and just play an ORC and go zug zug, people enjoy different things in WoW.


They are a badly designed, unfinished race that’s terrifying to look at. 95% of the tmog doesn’t work for them, so they are a perfect example

More childish insults because you lack any courage in your convictions . You know you are well known for bieng ANTI LQBT+ yet i am the one who is delusional ?

Nothing better left to come up with right?
Quote me the part where not replying to trolls is againts CoC.
Noone likes spammers and trolls, and you two literally doing just that, especially the warlock. Don’t believe me, check his comments on this topic only.

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Hey guys, just jumped in, whats going on here?

If you can’t even tell when “insane” is being used as a measurement you may should go back to school instead of wasting your time here


I havent used a straw man to misgender you. I keep bringing it up because you keep using them.

You cant qoute them because there are none. So slander it is.

I feel a little bit attacked here not gonna lie


I’m so sorry xD

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Two trolls keeping this topic alive, not much tho.

Ye fully aware of it.

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bunch of people can’t talk bout anything else, same stuff

Me that kind of orc.