Can we please have non-binary gender option?

First i am a she
Second you are spreading ANTI lqbt messages in this post which i am defending
Thirdly if anyone is trolling it is you with hate speech

Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support (

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual/romantic orientation or gender identity/expression (male, female, trans-gender, bi-gender, pangender, genderfluid, agender or any non-binary identity not listed) pertaining to themselves or other players

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be temporarily banned from the forums
  • Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums

Which I stated I wasn’t, and you continued to say that I ‘have’ to be. Which would require you to be psychic, as you already admitted you have a lack of understanding in the first place about online conversations.

What people consider aggressive is quite different, context matters and of course everyone has a different ‘line’ for what that constitutes and manifests itself as. So, again. Don’t make those assumptions and try to go ‘lul you mad/annoyed?’ it adds absolutely nothing to your statements and puts emotions onto the other person as if you know what they’re feeling(Hint: You don’t.)

Sorry, you don’t pay for my sub I can type however I like and it still doesn’t mean I’m whatever emotion you are right now. :3

No, you posted what you perceived as me to be angry. I did the same to you.

I did actually. :3

In which I personally elaborated later on, which you missed. and continue to miss. So, I guess it’s time to add you in there since you keep doing this and continue to harass me.

It’s the fact you say they ‘can’t do x or y’ and ‘they should work on this first!’ as if they only have one person working an entire department.

You don’t have to - but calling other people that, and then telling OTHERS to ignore them is.

Nope, you do it to misgender.

I’m not verbally talking to you, so again you failed. Slander requires verbal - and if you meant something else I’m not doing that either.

No one complained about the two gay druids in Cataclysm/BfA.

Then you should delete every message you sent to the commenters here :slight_smile:

This is what I get for skipping quests texts… but now you got me curious, which ones?

I am pan sexual and i am defending my rights to stand up agiasnt people like you who hate people like me . You are ANTI lqbt and you should be banned from forums for spreading hate .

nah he’s spreading anti you messages


Yeye keep believing that this is the case. Its not.

Oh noes its not the correct term. Sure if you want to play that route: “libel it is”. You are stating false stuff about me with the intent to defame me. Thats how it is. You cant qoute transphobic comments because there are none and your claim of me misgendering you is defacto false.

Quest givers in the Firelands dailies. Tauren and a NE. Stand back to back, slowly spinning around going “Imma protect you Tholooo!” “Noo, I’l protect woo!”. All their dialogue is like that, it’s Tyrande/Malfurion BfA level. They show up a few more times as well, like in lake event during Druid class hall.

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I’m curious how they would actually implement something like that in the game. I mean, my character is male but I am unsure if “he” is ever used to refer to me. I imagine if the character’s sex is ever mentioned, they’d already have the backbones of some feature to use they/them (although is it even true all non-binary people even refer to themselves in that way?)

As for adding it when making your character though, I guess that also depends on whether they just mean male/female in terms of sex rather than gender and also if you added another option, what would that even mean model wise. Without just then choosing a male/female model it would probably never happen.

Dunno I am honestly curious in what they could do and examples where the current system is not fulfilling.

The more you know, I never pay attention to what NPCs say

You can make posts about those flows , and i hope they will get addressed. What you are saying useless is a very important thing for me and many people like me i believe. Also, my request has absolutely no intention to offend you, or effect your gameplay in any way whatsoever. What thats freedom of speech, i respect what you think.

if anyone were to hate you I doubt it has anything to do with your orientation and everything to do with you personality and communication, but honestly let’s be real no one cares enough to hate you, i think they rather find you obnoxious and repetitive


Tholo and Anren are friends. Stated by Anren himself while inside the Molten Front. They are more like J.D and Turk from scrubs.

You can keep believing it’s not the case, but it is.

In which case, I said I’m not doing that either. <3

perhaps in real life, but not in game, this will not affect you, lying about this is what makes you a troll

edit: the levl 11 doesn’t help either xd

Hurrdurr if i don’t like your opinion you need tO gEt bAnNeD.


You are im afraid as all your claims are as invalid as they can be. So you dont want to qoute me because it would count as “repost” (it doesnt. Since a long while) so then go ahead and point me towards the posts by Number. Go on, i will wait.

That will effect my gameplay, i can have a stronger bond with the character i play and enjoy the game with. Please let me decide what effects me and what not . You are a very disrespectful person sir.

they always refer to our character as they