Can we please have non-binary gender option?

This is your only comeback. Grow up already. The world isn’t twitter.


you are wrong though, but doubt I can change your mind



Coming from you who called me

a He when you know i am female
called me a coward because i back up my views
called me insane and snowflake and other words because you lack backbone to admit you hate us gays .

Actually, you did. Looks like you’re incapable of telling the truth, just like the other poster that’s @ me this entire thread.

and the real world, majority, IE not you since you already showed quite a few signs that you take things on the internet differently(including talking to one person at a time in an MMORPG forum)

Then you in fact came off as thinking about self-harm, that’s all.

I’m not the one being deceitful, thanks.

I did actually, but hey by the time you actually go back and read where I did you probably won’t be able to reply to me.

Nope, not wasting any more of my time doing that for you. It’s on you, you’re the one that made the claim. It’s in the 200’s.

Some people consider an opinion that doesn’t agree with theirs harassment and misgendering somebody a serious offence and not supporting gender ideology as being hateful but it’s because those people want to be heard but almost nobody really cares about that stuff. It is hard when a normal gay person is being incorporated and represented by a community of people upset by everything.

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So its fine then that they can spread hate speech about LQBT ? but i am not allowed to defend it ? wow what a piece of work you are . You are just as bad as the ones who hate gays given the go ahead to spread hate speech .

This is the internet, ppl can say anything, literally.

I’m a girl btw that’s why I play male blood elf. So should I report this person now? :open_mouth:
Or every other person who called me “he”?

Grow a spine. Maybe then will some people take you seriously. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. You just use that as a shield because you know you are the intolerant one here, not us.

I’m not really sure if even your own community wants you there

hiding behind labels to protect your repetitive rambling, smh

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You honestly think its fine to spread hate about gays then ? you think its fine to be nasty to genders ? Being trans and none binary is normal deal with it and stop spreading hate .

Where did I say it’s fine? The few people that behave “fine” here are Vulpicer and Kretias. She is provoking you, you are provoking her but at the same time she is representing herself while you are trying to incorporate a community into your views. I like how you assume I am not allowed to be gay because I disagree with inclusiveness of genders.

Strange as you are the first in que for every anti lqbt thread .Yet you can not admit it who is the one who needs a spine ?

I just can’t do this anymore please leave me alone…

I said nothing of the sort i said you gave her free will to insult gays please be truthful i know its hard for you to do so .

Then stop insulting me by mis gendering , stop insulting me about how people are with there genders . It is perfectly normal to be trans and none binary so stop insulting me about it and i wouldnt have to defend myself about it .

147: Not a single Transphobic remark. What i said is a scientific stance. XXYY syndrome is what its called. As is it that we only understand a fraction of our Brain at this point. Qoute 3 of said post is also not talking about it. It discusses the sex of a character and how it willingly ignored the gender question as that is something everyone can decide for themself.

Qoute 4 i have stated that the odds of you getting trolled for outing yourself in pugs is highly likely going to happen and that a Guild is a much safer place for that to happen and provided an example.

Qoute 5 is about Sexual expression. Still not transphobic. It also has no place in this game.

Qoute 6 i am disagreeing with his stance that only heterosexual relationships in regards of a certain act are one that is more than self-identy and pleasure. As that is a wrong statement in its entirety.

Qoute 7 is stating that i dont want it here as i can see it being abused given the mentality of the average player.

Qoute 8 i am disagreeing with Isha again as the scientific standpoint is opposed to him. That ones identity is not just “an opinion”.

Qoute 9 is me saying that the general consensus of science is opposed to what he said.

Qoute 10 is me stating that he shouldnt generalize as there are always bed eggs amongst every community.

152: Not one transphobic comment. Not even talking about it. Also my first comment towards you.

174: Included no remark from me in this regard. It wasnt even talking about this subject.

Ye pretty much. I still would put them more on like J.D. and Turk from scrubs than an actual couple. If you know the series you should know what i mean.


To be fair, they love eachother more than their wives. I want a friend like that

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Wait, isn’t J.D and Turk were a couple, just so far in the Closet, they were in Narnia basically? :thinking: