Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Bro that’s my favorite show, and the best show of all time!
Dr. Cox da best.


How would you want Blizzard to present your character as non-binary?

I have non binary friends but they obviously still have a male or female form. They often choose to look more androgynous look. Is it more that you want your pronoun to be changed to reflect how you? Do you want a third ‘sex’ choice so to speak instead of male/female?


J.D. corrected that during Season 8. He loves Elliot more. Which was very important to her. Turk isnt aware tho.

Bet he tells Turk the same thing :smirk:


NPCs have already started doing that in shadowlands. Most NPCs (if not all) refer to you as “you” or “their”. Or the old fashioned “champion, da wounds”

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A playa remains a playa…

I need to finish that series sometime. Lost it when my previous external hard disk burnt out. :frowning:


It is the best show ever made. Nobody will ever change my mind.

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yesterday there was a similar thread on the us forums which ended up with a flame war

what a funny coincidence

I meant more that other players could identify you as they etc. But I had not noticed that NPCs did it, I pay zero attn to what they use on me xD

They always do. The biggest one was a 2.5k posts long one we had. And it was a flame fest in its entirety


Okay Kretias we’re doing this now and I will not take no for an answer. Meet me in Dalaran, we’re doing eagle!

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Farming rares im afraid :frowning:

While I respect your oppinion, I would say Black Adder, the 2nd and 3rd season were and are the best show ever made

They’ve been calling you a shill this entire time.


Okay, so meet in Korthia for eagle instead. You’re not getting out of this.

I noticed it subconsciously. We did discuss it in Guild however because of a similar topic in guild chat and thats why it sticked in my head i suppose.

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That’s nothing new.

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Ah yeah, she probably no longer notices.

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