Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Wait, isn’t that the Rowan Atkinson one? If so, I’ll agree it’s a good show but Scrubs has a special place in my heart.

I like the movie, Back and Forth.

Again, that’s how YOU chose to present yourself. Your expectations of being treated is clearly different from the norm, since you say you weren’t. But you clearly portrayed yourself in that manner.

Funny you mention that cause I’m certain the majority of people believe that when someone is angry, the majority will think they are angry.

Again, literally no post of mine use or indicate anything related to self-harming while you used a sentence which more or less carries a tone associated with “leave me alone or you will regret it”. Which is why I added on why it feels threatening as well.

I even showed you which sentence came of as being angry/Frustrated/whatever and explained why now. You refuse to do so, which brings to light something much worse.

Since you think I came off in that way, it would only help the forum as a whole to show me exactly how/Where so it can be changed, considering how bad thoughts such as self-harming actually is and how it shouldn’t be normalized through a medium like the forums of World of Warcraft.

So dm me exactly which post, which word and which sentences showcased me as coming off that way so it can be rectified for the sake of other people.

Sure you are. You are presenting yourself in a conversation that does not match up with how you really feel at the moment. I reiterate, if you don’t want me to think you are angry/happy/Comfortable/Uncomfortable or whatever, then don’t present yourself that way, as it is misleading(I;E Deceitful behavior. Intentional or not).

You maid the claim I came off in a certain manner, now I’m challenging you to back up that claim. that’s on you.

But I’m just about finished with this conversation as you. Well, you are you and that’s impossible to deal with logically.

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" Wear it like armor , and it can never be used to hurt you."

Not quoting the first part since that would ruin the quote for this example.


I think it’s weird to call people them or they, so if I ever meet someone who demands that it will be ‘strange’ but we get used to everything however so for this too. I just understand ‘them or they’ as a group of people and it’s just weird to use it to just someone individually.

Indeed it is

That movie was and is awesome!
Tho’ the christmas caroll and all the other lil’ movies were cool too


Who would have thought this thread would explode into throwing insults and worse?

Well, I could have predicted it on the content of other threads like this.


I agree. I want to be Ultra Male. It’s like Male, but 100% more male than male.

no i want cat girls in game first ! Once we got cat girls then we can discuss other gender options. That is final !


I think there should be ducks in the game, but we can’t have everything.

btw Blood Elf.

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Instead of gender why not non-binary age??

kawaii neko boys and girls what we need!

Margoss sells a Rubber Duck Fishing Bobber, which is shaped like a duck, so I imagine at some point in time they must have existed somewhere on Azeroth…
Obviously Blizz nerfed them so bad all ducks rerolled chicken.

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I make the same point over in my Give Us Ducks thread.

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The majority of people in the real world are binary. So they are catering to the majority.

It’s actually pretty normal in English, and always has been. Like, a normal conversation would go “Is Dave coming out tonight to the pub tonight?” “Nah, I just called them, they’ve got their parents visiting this weekend so they’re having a quiet weekend in”.

Its actually pretty normal in Britland, and has been since centuries before the whole pronouns thing.


I haven’t read the entire thread but I don’t think people fully comprehend the effect that implementing pronouns and such in to the actual game would have.

Many people forget about it quickly but in-game is still the internet.

Adding a pronoun to your character in-game will all but guarantee you being corpse-farmed in PvP.

To be honest, it is going to make Jack All difference in game. When was the last time an NPC ever referred to you as ‘He or She’?

It would have an effect on the way people treat each other in-game. Both positively and most definitely negatively.

OK, sure, I concede that point, but that then is -players- choosing to do so, it is not something that Blizzard themselves can necessarily effect, but I do see what you mean, yes.

I am fully aware its a game and you are right, ,maybe they would just corpse camp me, which would show me that the community is bothered with my( or any other players in this case) choice. This is the point i dont get , why i my gender identity would make other players corpse camp me? Whats the difference between he/she or non-binary. The moment we realize theres nothing different and we are all humans with different orientations , we will have a better environment.