Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Wow, are you for real? if yes, im really sad for you my friend, you are filled with hatred


It is ‘Pander’ not ‘Panda’. I do not normally get grammar police on people unless they express unpleasant views.

What do you mean precisely by ‘It starts with this…’ Where do you think it ends exactly?


That may be true but it’s also not something that Blizzard can stop.

If a guy who hates the whole pronoun thing starts corpse-farming people with pronouns, actively hunting them down to ruin their experience – without actually saying that the pronouns are why they do it – then Blizzard is powerless to punish it, as corpse farming isn’t a punishable offense in itself.

That’s just the most obvious example from the top of my head, but there’s most definitely more ways to harass or exclude or target people with pronouns in-game.

Actively not inviting such people to groups and guilds is another example.

Vote kicking them out of LFG parties is another.

The vast majority of people still disagree with the idea of there being more than two genders. It’s an unending political debate.

As I said – This is the internet and because of that people are free to act on their negative biases all they want without seeing any kind of backlash for it.

Oh didn’t knew that. The translation they use in my language for non binaries just doesn’t make any sense.

I did laugh when I read this, they kind of did “Panda” to the people by giving us Pandaren though.

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Nah, I studied engineering in mathematical modelling and finance - certainly something infinitely more useful than gender studies in order to “learn” words that do not even consist of known English morphemes, but is just a bunch of letters some people strung together and called it a day. It doesn’t even sound like English. Heck, it doesn’t even sound like Chinese. It sounds weird. Really weird.

I respect people’s power to do what they want with their bodies and define themselves how they want. I support them in making their choices and exploring their identity, sexual or otherwise.

In return, I expect people to let me use the language I please. I’m not going to go out of my way to insult you, but if you try to invent language for me and use rules and laws to force me to use that language - well, forget about it.

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I meant , i totally get that they are disagree with the idea, which is totally fine. But why take negative action ? If you disagree with that, just ignore and play your game. ( im not referring you by writing ‘you’) . So if i think women and men arent equal lets say, and i want to live in a world where men is superior. Still i wouldnt take any negative actions on female characters in a video game, that would not bother me at all

Question is why you want to show others what your gender identity is, we dont have this option in character creation menu, the only identity we have is we are “champions of azeroth” thats all. We cant even have any relations with NPCs or other players. Every character you make can be anything you would like it to be personally. But if such option existed, what would be your example on how it could be implemented?

I would love to have body sliders in wow though.

You’re right Razien, which is kind of what I said, it is a player issue, not something that Blizzard can (Or should) remedy.

Thing is, how on earth would random Johnny Hatemonger know that another character used pronouns? You can never see these things unless they have TRP or MRP and the type of people who have that, tend to be y’know, kind of tolerant so won’t give a damn.

But yes, I do see your point, it could be used, if known, as another stick to beat people with.

Yeah, English be absolutely crazy at times! I like to think of it as our revenge for the French deciding that Windows were female…

But yeah, ‘They’ and ‘Them’ are singular terms as well as plural terms, kind of like ‘Sheep’. We say “There is a sheep” or “There are some Sheep” We never say “There are some Sheeps” If that makes sense.

It still removes some context from the sentence. Imagine if the question was “Is Dave coming home tonight?”, and Dave was married with 2 kids.
The reply was “Yes, they are coming”.
How many portions would you have to cook without asking additional questions?

I don’t want it so other people can see it, i want it because that would make me ( and i believe many people like me) feel better and represented in the community.

Yeah, learned something new today so it makes sense :slight_smile:

Considering all player characters are asexual, there are no indications if they are “binary” or “non-binary”, there are no roles other than DPS, Healer, Tank, which is not really gender related. As i said, when you create character, you are absolutely free to make it anything you like and it will be correct. You can easily play male orc with a pink dress.

Odd, I added they/them pronouns to one of my RP characters and they just get saluted and such :man_shrugging: seems most people aren’tthat bothered about it.

I wouldn’t be surprised

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Ah, but that is where context is key. If you’re asking if Dave is coming over, then they and them is fine, if you’re going “Is Dave and his lot coming around?” then They or them still applies. It’s in the question, basically… It is just weirdly how English works, I didn’t make these rules, I just grew up here :smiley:

No, I think he’s actually just wrong. His example works because the plural of sheep is sheep, not sheeps. It’s a bit odd but there you go.

You can’t say “They goes to the shop” like you can say “He goes to the shop”.

Of course English is spoken in many places and therefore you will find all sorts of weird English, but in the Queens English? Nah, not a thing.

Simply because they can.

There are many reasons why people act like *ssholes. Political stances are one of those reasons, so adding pronouns which at its core is a political idea would be giving the people who dislike that idea a reason to be mean.

And thus they act out.

It’s just basic human behavior, really.

While I’m certain there are people who are bigoted against women, those are in an overwhelming minority in the normal human population, while the amount of people who disagree with the political gender identity idea are quite a majority thus harassment would be far more common.

Because if you add a non-binary gender option in-game, they would see that, no?

I suppose that would depend on how it’s implemented, of course. As I said I haven’t read the entire thread and I am not 100% certain on what’s asked for in here.

As Aina said over 430 posts ago…

If it’s just quest text displaying your pronoun, which is something only the player would see, then I doubt it would cause any harm or uproar.

If you want special character models or other things that other players can actually see then there’s going to be problems and using those things would be putting a target on your own back.

It would also cause development problems now that I think of it, for example with certain titles such as “Lord” or “Lady”, there are simply no non-binary versions of that in existence.

Sure, but for example when my brother comes to visit on a family holiday it’s implied that his wife is coming with him.

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Then why it would be a big hassle to add non-binary too? so we would have female/male and non-binary. I am not dictating that it must be done or anything, i was asking that would be a good addition for lgbt community. Also i have no right to speak on behalf of that community ofc, but as a non-binary person, i would like to have this option in WoW , thats all.