Can we please have non-binary gender option?

It depends on context, I don’t use they/them by default, I use he/she unless someone tells me otherwise. I will always respects someone’s preference.

Or ‘They went to the shop’.

I don’t believe they can, no?

In which case they/them still applies, because it is singular and plural.

If you say “They went to the shop” I will automatically assume it’s multiple people.

This example works though because it doesn’t conjugate.

I went
You went
He/she/it went
We went
You went
They went

How would a non-binary character look like? We are rarely/never considered he/she by npc’s, they usually use “they”, “champion”, “maw-walker” and so on. If we add non-binary, then we have to add male/female genders too.

“Where’s Dave?”
“Oh, they went to the shop five minutes ago”

Why would you assume that was multiple people?

Same, but it’s probably just that in Bulgarian it’s just bad grammar to use plural form otherwise.

Most useless discussion ever.

ps: hi Ishayu

I wouldn’t, I’d assume you can’t speak English.

How can you identify yourself as something other than what you’re?

I’m confused. Though must admit clearly totally out of the loop with this stuff!

Can someone elaborate on this?
Like what you identify as a unicorn?

No objection I just don’t see it’s place in WoW what so ever.

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Maybe it’s regional thing too. We speak different in different parts of the country.

I would have said ‘He’s gone to the shop’

Obvs I would have understood your response too.

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Is that another idiom for having sex?

Dangerous genie. Better put it back in the bottle before bad things happen. xD

Just let people do what they want is my advice. Yes, it is confusing when you start analysing it.

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Given that my career demands a high level of English language comprehension, and I have lived here for 47 years, I am pretty confident in my command of the language. Sometimes He/she/they/them are interchangeable, and that has been a thing for -centuries-.

Correct me if I am wrong but Non-binary is supposed to be a gender, right? It’s not a sexuality.

One can be both non-binary and a-sexual?

While the player characters may not have a sexual preference as they’re just that; template characters – they are still very much male and female. There’s no going around that aside for if Blizzard were to implement androgynous models for each race.

Honestly this is part of why the WoW character customization is so incredibly flawed and out-dated. I don’t want to bring up the FFXIV debate in this thread, but in games like that the character customization is done with many sliders and there are so many different results that you can make a male character look more feminine by changing their jawline or a female character more masculine by increasing muscle sizes, and so forth.

If it’s a visual distinction like an androgynous character model then they can.

It wasn’t…

But it is now…

Well sorry, but one never knows. English is too confusing for a non-native speaker.

The hate you see is imagined by you. You assume that if people disagree with your views they are hateful bigots. Nobody sane wants to be defended and lumped together with somebody that acts rabid.

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Ah in that case crack on. I’ll stay well away.

So its okay for them to hate me because i am gay but i am not allowed to defend myself and i am rabid ? shows how toxic you are .

My niece upsets one of her Mum’s friends because they are non binary. Ofc a young child will still keep referring to them as she.

They/them substituted for every she/her he/him is something you kind of have to force until it becomes second nature.