Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Yeah if someone wants me to call ‘them’ like that it’s fine for me. But to me it’s just not correct and people shouldn’t just change the rules or the meaning of a language

edit: but if it’s correct language in English that’s okay and I didn’t know that :smiley:

Male/female in wow is purely from sex point, we dont have any genders in wow for player characters as far as i know. I wouldnt really have any problems to have playable races like sethrak, tuskarr, tortollan, etc, who are sex/gender neutral.

Trust me, it doesn’t get any easier even -for- a native speaker…

“Put Wood in t’hole”
“Born in a Barn were we?”
“Trying to trap flies?”
All ways of asking someone to close the door.

“Well I’ll go to the foot of my stairs!”
An expression of surprise…astonishment and so on.

“Love a duck!”
Not an imperative to show amorous attention to a waterfowl, but again, surprise…

Look, I never said my language made sense, damn it! :rofl:

For children it’s kinda easy, because they don’t have language patterns imprinted into their minds. It’s more difficult for adults, and tbh if someone tries to “force” me, I’d probably retaliate according to 3rd Newton law.

In fairness I was trying to be funny when I said I’d assume you can’t speak English at all. Clearly you can, we’re doing it.

Realistically I’d assume it’s some local dialect. But I still wouldn’t consider it standard English at all. I would understand it though.

But the only reason I’d understand it is because I would consider it a mistake but know you meant Dave because that was the only person under discussion. If you said “they” without that context, I’d assume plural. 100%.

Very many people, at least on the forums, takes great exception to Magni referring to them by this identity.

Assuming dialogue voiced/written at other players wouldn’t show (it doesn’t currently, you always see it referring to -you-) it could still casually show up in screenshots, videos or streams unless people went out of their way to take precautions against it.

Is it as bad as having words like “sister”, “brother”, “uncle” and the like though? Those are still bad right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Fans of high elves high elves are inclined to disagree.

People hate you because you are a toxic troll who cries and whines about anything and everything. You sexuality has no bearing on that


Well at least you are honest but if you hate me why do you not have me on ignore ? :slight_smile:

It is really hard to have a conversation with another person referring to the third as they/them sometimes. They/them usually implies multiple people, or if you were talking about someone where you didn’t know their gender. Language evolves over time ofc, so now we tend to use it for non binary.

Some people will always use gender neutral terms and I think going forward that will become more common.

because your meltdowns are great entertainment


Maybe in English, but I think the language of the future is Chinese, and I have no idea about its grammar.

The weirdest thing, is that I have a specific ‘Dave’ in mind, who is just a weird, weird human being, got smashed in the face with a shovel as a child, awarded compensation money and blew it on Transformer toys, he has one half of a tooth, a perfect set of dentures, but never wears them. For some weird reason whenever I use that example, Dave always springs to mind!!!

I admit, English is bad. We do have a word for the act of throwing someone, or yourself, out of a window, and a word for someone who looks like they -should- be an Uncle, whether they are or not.

I disagree, as I explained about my niece who will refer to people as a boy or a girl, a he or a she, a him or a her. It is not natural to her at all. And she is too young to understand that some people are non binary. So no matter how many times you explain that ‘insert name here’ is a they/them. It does not compute.

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Thing is i do not melt i am just very stubborn that is all and you call me toxic :slight_smile: i guess you have not looked in the mirror love :slight_smile:

Sex =/= Gender.

Sex is not Sexuality. Sexuality is what you’re sexually attracted to.

Sex = male or female
Gender = male or female

Thus non-binary is a sex or gender. Not a sexuality.

So following that terminology, the WoW characters have a gender; Male or Female.

No, those are still very much Male and Female. Otherwise they cannot even procreate in the first place.

Tbh, we’ve had brit tourists for a couple of years doing “balconing” on the seaside.

In english maybe, in my native language there is no gender neutral terms. Which is always quite confusing. I mean there is term, but its for objects only, not for people.

But we were told gender is social construct, which wow does not have. We can choose sex = male or female in char screen, but we cant choose gender at all.

We dont really have much info on how they work, considering they have exact same models. Tortollans are always confused about us, calling various terms.

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I have studied people who are acting like a-holes or just generally being mean to people, they wouldn’t corpse-camp you because you have pronounces, but because to them, it would be fun to try and trigger a response.

As is with all trolling. The troller only does so to elicit a satisfying response from the victim. And this wouldn’t change. So the environment wouldn’t really improve, more like giving trolls more ammunition to use. For example, instead of corpse-camping someone because they’re a gnome, now they do it cause they would have pronouns.

So nothing would change really. The kind part of the community doesn’t care about pronouns in a good way, they see another friendly player and that’s all.

Magic. Look at the titans for instance.


English can be quite wrong but still be understood. But that doesn’t mean people should get to put whatever they want in my mouth, which is what the original discussion was about.

Here’s the last D&D journal from our group. It was written by somebody who’s dyslexic. Kindest man though, really!