Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Quite good example. Why are there even male and females titans when they can’t procreate at all?

Tbf, most people speak Chinese. Though whether it’s Mandarin, Cantonese or one of the others vary :thinking:

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It’s either Chinese or Indian. No idea which is larger.

India has a lot more languages.

They provoke you with pronouns because you are extremely easy to provoke, not because you are non-binary and they are bigots. It is impossible to talk with you about anything because of your continuous hostility.


As far as I know gender and sex are interchangeable words. They mean the same thing.

And they aren’t a social construct.

This is where we get in to the territory of whether or not I personally believe there are more sexes/genders than Male and Female, and that is an opinion I would prefer to keep to myself lest I’ll be called a bigot.

Although surely from that it is already readable what my beliefs on the topic are.

Tortollans have discernible male and female voices to distinguish between male and female. Even Ogres, who only have a male model in 99.99% of cases are known to have only male and female because its actually addressed on several occasions.

No no no, we aren’t playing that card!

Mandarin is the biggest by far.

Fortunately for you, Chinese grammar is extremely straight forward with one exception: Counting words.

The only really hard thing about it is the blasted characters, but let me assure you: Not learning them will make Chinese even harder even if they were abolished. It’s hard to explain why until you actually see Pinyin. It’s really bad.

Yet you are the one to call me toxic and rabid and i am hostile ? take a good look at your own words before you chastise anyone else you are just as bad as them .
You are one dishonest poster btw , you have not said one word about there anti gay speech and anti gender speech but call me rabid when i go at them for it . People like you are whats wrong you need to defend your views and not bow to hate speech .

And this is one of the best things that has happened. The day the mists departed should be celebrated till the end of days.

White Tiger watch over you.

How do you refer to a new person joining a team if you do not know if they are a he or a she? Is there no way of expressing that?

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You’re supposed to always ask for pronouns first thing when meeting somebody new.

Really? Everything is offensive until it’s not?


Careful, you will be called all the bigot words for saying this. In my language gender and sex are same words too, but in english apparently it means different stuff. Either way, my example was to comment on the non-binary idea.

Yeah they do have different voices, supposedly female and male, but we dont really know how their society works.

There’s a few ways.

Firstly there’s gendered names. That helps a lot.
Secondly there’s the ability to refer to a person as an object, but it’s not polite once you know them. “I do not know who it is that’s coming”.

The language is old. It assumes either someone has seen the person and can tell you or that you have.

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We have had situations where we don’t know details yet, and have not met them. Something like - HR have secured a new employee to join the team, they will join us on the 1st of next month. At that point we wouldn’t know their gender (preferred or otherwise).

This is a good question albeit has an answer not many people like.

One cannot for example, identify as being a cat. I;E “I was human but now I’m a cat and identify as such” or unicorn, wolf, whichever concept, object, creature or thing you decide to insert.

As for why? Well, cause it conflicts with human nature is one answer I suppose?

Take non-binary people. They do not identify with either genders(Male, female or trans. I consider these three to be the only 3 biological ones to exist but that’s another red thread altogether). They Identify as human, they just don’t feel themselves being male, female or trans.

Which is okay. But going back to your question regarding the unicorn. The answer is complicated, we CAN let people say, identify as a unicorn. But in doing so they essentially choose to forfeit their humanity(cause they don’t identify as human). The complication would come in the form of how we treat them afterwards.

Lets say person A now identifies as a cat right? Thus according to logic(if we only follow that) they forfeit their human nature for that of a cat. Should they still be able to reap the benefits of what it means to be human, I;E doing things only humans do and not cats.

Now if we don’t follow logic and assume they don’t forfeit their humanity in the process, then they’d uh. Be something in the middle, like. An anthropomorphic cat(Cat that looks humanoid/has human features. Don’t google that please).

So to answer the question, it depends on one’s opinion on humanity I suppose? Although I too, do not see such a thing having a place nor purpose in WoW other than to satisfy a very very small minority of people, as it can’t possibly have an impact on actual gameplay.

Well all of the words come pre–gendered, like employee has female and male forms, teammate also, female and male forms. Sometimes male form is used as default if you dont know who the person is, but there is no neutral form.

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If the name was Frank I would assume they’re male, if the name was Lisa I would assume female :man_shrugging:t2:


Maybe they can decide how they look like. Who knows.

Oh we most certainly are :stuck_out_tongue:

In my language gender and sex are the same thing; male/female.

Unless explicitly shown or told by the developers otherwise, it is only logical to assume that they adhere to the natural male/female mating procreation process, as all mammals and reptiles do.

There is a point to be made for certain races that were based on creatures who specifically do not follow the male/female relationship, but I do believe that we do not have a race like that currently in the lore.

According to Twitter you should’ve inquired their pronouns first thing regardless, and your inability to have done so means that you should lose your job and have your life ruined because using the wrong pronouns is a hate crime committed upon the LGBTQ-community.

I wish I was joking, but no.