Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Oh i totally agree with you, i was just trying to look from a different perspective and answer the original post. If gender was a separate thing, then it wouldnt make sense to add non-binary either way, as we cant select gender in WoW. If gender/sex is same thing, then we would have to have body sliders to allow creating different characteristics.

You’d get destroyed for saying that in the wrong places :wink:

Having body-sliders irl would be pretty dope not gonna lie.

Why? Isn’t that whataboutism? What I am has absolutely nothing to do with what you are. If you are so superior why are you comparing yourself to somebody inferior? I wouldn’t be defending pronouns and gender because I do consider them irrelevant. I see opposing views you see hate speech.


Don’t quote me on this but from what I understand, according to the LGBTQ community, Sex and Gender are not the same thing. I am unsure if that has changed since but I doubt it considering how hard they stuck to their guns about it.

I admit though having body sliders would be pretty awesome regardless. :+1:

Sure would haha.

I could certainly use that irl, in game would be great as well.

I know, i was just taking both scenarios at once.

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You can not have read all the thread then with all the insults i have been given alongside the ones you have give aswell but sure i am meant to sit there let them insult me and others like me and just not say a word right ?

I know, and I am(to reassure you) not going at you for it :slight_smile:

Supposedly it is. At least that’s how it’s defined in the last ~10-15 years. Doesn’t matter at all to me, especially in a game forum, but for some people it seems to matter. The whole point is meaningless, the only people who should be concerned with gender identity/sexual preference are the ones going to engage in sexual intercourse, not wow players.

With these forums, where people pick things out of context and flame me, cant be too sure if someone gets what i actually say :stuck_out_tongue:


That actually sounds like quite the fun game!
Ours was in the ‘Aliens’ setting, I’m playing a very, very illegal Combat Synthetic from the TWE (Three World Empire) which is basically Britain and Japan and Luna, in the same way as the film ‘Aliens’ is set with US Marines.
We’re in a cage. We have such a stupendous skillset, but we can’t escape. Theoretically my character, Harry Broadsword could just grab one of the humans with the keys, strangle them and unlock the door. But I’m a Synthetic, it is impossible for me to harm, or through inaction, allow to come to harm, a human being. Aliens or other Synths? I am an absolute combat demon. Humans. No.

So the party keep trying to lure our jailors to the bars, and then looking at me, and I’m like “Dun’t know what yeh expect me to be doin’ here sir?” (Yes, the Synth has a Yorkshire accent, no, I don’t know why)
“Can you not just crush their windpipe Harry?”
“Nay Sir, can’t be doin’ that sir.”
“Why not?”
"Thee know full well why not sir, "
“You’re a Weyland Yutani Combat Synthetic and you can’t kill humans?”
“That be right sir Three Laws and all that malarkey sir”
“What is the point of you!”
“Get me out of this box and Ah’ll show thee sir…”
“What is your plan?”
“Ah dunt make plans sir, ah execute them, Ah’m havin’ nap.”
“You don’t need to sleep! You’re a Synthetic!”
“Aye, but it will close your bloody yapping in m’ear for a while”

Sometimes Tabletop games provide the absolute heights of idiocy and hilarity in equal measure!

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So youre saying WoW players do not have certain intercourse? (intended strawman)

Ah don’t worry, if I have beef with you. You will be sure to know, I don’t do the whole “Vague” thing :laughing:

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Not when talking about the game. I mean if that’s your intention - sure, but I’m not using WoW as a dating simulator.

You either didnt get what i was on about or willingly chose to ignore it. Both resulting in sad zandalari noises.

Oh, sorry, I’m a bit slow today, you talking about AD Goldshire Inn?

were have you been hiding i have missed your gifs :stuck_out_tongue:

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So basically, they’re like internet forums.

I was talking about that this is implying that all WoW players never did certain intercourse. Which was ofc a strawman argument.

Already did an Goldshire remark to Ishayo earlier.

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From what I gather sex is your actual biological sex and Gender is what you “identify as” hence why gender is supposedly a “social construct”.

Then again they also claim there’s an infinite amount of genders and that we should have pronouns for each individual one, meaning there’s an infinite amount of pronouns.

Which is unlearnable.

