Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Zadalari? :thinking:


This took me way longer to comprehend than i’d like to admit.


It is way more simple as Zandalari, simply call everyone “mon” and be done with it.


Isnt that more of a darkspear thing? Or of the lesser trolls in general?

Trolls be da best mon.

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I think its in general for all trolls. (All trolls use same language - Zandali)

You are correct about that.

That we speak the same language im aware of. But i think the term “mon” is used more regularly by the lesser troll races and very rarely (if at all) by the Zandalari.

Not at all, during questing its widely used, Bwonsamdi especially loves to use that.

Haven’t been around much lately… I blame procrastination.


Sad Michael Caine Alfred always makes me sad, even though it’s fixed like 10 minutes later :frowning:

You always make me smile via your gifs they are little bright sparks on these forums :heart:


I’m honestly just posting for my own lulz but if you like em I’ll try and post some more just for you! :smiley:


How exactly does non gender binary look like?

I am talking about a situ when you know only employee, not male female, not Bob or Bobette. Just a person will be joining the team. They start on x date.

Then you say him or her as you please, and since they’re not around to find it objectionable, it doesn’t matter. Can’t say I’ve ever experienced “So we have a new person starting here next month” though, it sounds very weird.

I’d call them whatever I’d assume to be correct with the information I have.
Nothing sinister with making assumptions and being wrong. If they would correct me later on and tell me their preferred or correct pronoun, gender, name etc. I’d simply apologize and use that information from there on.
I’m in contact with a lot of random people on the phone or in person that I’ve never met or spoken with before every day and I constantly make a lot of assumptions based on the information I have or my own beliefs. Like their age, gender, household status, relations etc.
If I’m incorrect I simply apologize and correct myself from there on.
No harm intended.
We all make mistakes.

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Right on we need more customization options , sliders and body type we have enough looking like a caveman if we want to play human male for an example.

We the players we want the Shal’dorei options you promised long ago too !

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i believe the cyberpunk has shown everyone the cheap way to do that - add a neutral option.
Just change the desctiption at the creation screen from gender to body type and bam you got it

our chars dont have a voice or romances so the only real change to please OP would be a description on the creation ( and barber ) screen

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to hell with OP

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Only 2…all derogations are caused by some problems etc. etc. but healthy human have one from 2 genders.