Can we please have non-binary gender option?

I am actually fully statemented and diagnosed classic dyslexic. you might want to be careful how you call me out I may just become extremely offended for no good reason because you called me out for my disability.

Or I could just ignore your bigotry because you find my inability to spell correctly unpalatable.

Just like I find it unpalatable that people believe they are a boy in the morning and a girl in the evening. And I genuinely believe that in most cases this gender fluid fad is people with mental health problems and it should be challenging and not nurtured.

I am sorry if that offends you.


I am indeed a real person. With a seemingly unpopular opinion, we all have them.

Oh and no not full of hate, I have a good happy life.

Go play FFIXV if you really want that feature.

Dude it’s a Game. No politics and other real world stuff. Just a game. Enjoy it or leave it

And 20000000 pages of text to check if quests address you with proper pronouns.


They still own us the promised shal’dorei customization options though and seriously why we didn’t get slim human like a mage looking like a caveman is making any sense…


De Shal’dorei neva forget’ de Shal’dorei neva give up

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I mean to comment on some streamer they are quick to react but to give us what they promised nothing comes, covid isn’t an excuse anymore get a move on blizzard ! We’re paying you not getting it free.

Tbh, I’m sick of poking them in Twitter and in Reddit, seems like talking to a wall, perhaps it is.

I’m so tired to look like any other Shal’dorei I meet in game so I swap genders now, at least they gave that option for free.

We ask them for slanted eye option, as it is with the Npcs, they add extra earring.

Just fed up already tbh.

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On top of that there are npc model and some people made good thread you included with many ideas/suggestions they are just being lazy no more bs excuses from them, it is a spit in the players base face 3-4 face and haircut for years !

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For male Nightborne literally only 2 faces are “normal” #1 and #6 (both identical), and one withered one (maybe some prefers) and 3 others are bugged, been reporting a bug, in return nothing.

For female 6 faces all identical with an exception of the lip size and #3 being a grandma face.

No slanted eyes, no sharp facial features, ehhh my broken dreams.

Still a Shal’dorei main though.


It would be nice not having to hide my grumpy-old-manliness.

Oh man, so funny. No. No I’m not. Not even close.
Let me ask YOU: What is wrong with you? :rofl:


Oh thats you :smiley: rly nice mog

One day someone will be doing Lowland Scots and Geordies in their game. And it shall be a great day. :beers:

Indeed it would be unusual in most cases.

It was more we were trying to figure out what the reference would be in other languages that don’t have they/them like we do in English.

But World of Warcraft is a fantasy ROLE PLAY game. It’s not real life.
Character you make in game is not you.


I identify as a botched circumcision. Please give me option Blizzard :frowning:



“The customer”
Or “Kravurox, ender of worlds, bringer of darkness”
Works in most situations ^^