Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Hahahaaaa, paladins be so slow! :smile:

Then I do apologise. Without reservation or irony. I would personally find Dyslexia a terrifying prospect to live with, and can but imagine how unpleasant it can be. You have my sincere apologies.

That isn’t how it works though. It isn’t a sudden “Today I’m a Girl” thing, it seems to be a gradual realisation until they actually become determined enough to make what they have been feeling, become an actual reality. It certainly isn’t a flip flop situation. Yes, there have been people who have transitioned, and later in life transitioned back, however they are the vast, vast minority.

The thing is, you mention ‘mental health problem’ and people’s internal censorship goes “They’re crazy” without realising that we don’t apply the same filter to -physical- health, do we? “Oh, they’ve broken their arm, they must be some sort of headcase”

That would indeed, be a grand occasion, and I can see a lot of Buckies and ‘Broon Dog’ being consumed on that day!

We must instantly become friends. It is decreed. What country do you LARP in?


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They should probably stop posting transphobic views and misgendering intentionally, then.

Which wasn’t relevant anyways, and yes.

Yes you have, you said you should be in the closet in fear of trolls instead of letting people go after you and letting the company take action against them.

Which, if you read the article I linked you would see why your views on biological ‘sex’ and how the character creation screen doesn’t give enough for those that are non-binary.

Intentional misgender in which you continually brought up despite me telling you what you were doing 100 times before.

Yes there was

Yes it was.

Not baseless, you kept going at it and just like Isha - you say one thing then go against that thing.

Which you will again, by responding to me again. Proving my points further. <3

Anyways, I won’t bother anymore. Good luck to you.

he is not represent of wheelchair community, we don’t need someone pushing us forward we are completely autonomous

Actually, that’s true isn’t it, Galvangar pushes him when you see him at Alterac, most of the people in wheelchairs I know hate that stuff, valid point.

May i ask what gender/pronoun you prefer to use? :slight_smile:

They/Them is the one I’m most comfortable with currently, or just my username. Most certainly not ‘it’ like Kret referred to me as.

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deleted post

Thanks, i’ll keep that in mind, i usually strive to use they/them when i dont know what ppl prefer but sometimes i forget.

it’s ma’am innit?

You mean like you did just now? Daestra told im a she. And i stated towards you yesterday in this thread that the only one that doesnt misgender me was Daestra.

Also again: I havent intentionally misgendered you once.

Given the context i replied to in regard of Ishayos remark yes it was.

No i havent. What you are doing is once again, making assumption while basing it on nothing.

Biological sex is not up for debate me. Not for now. The general consensus is more than clear in this regard. Including in the article you linked (and sorry mate, you are by far not one that can lecture me on gender dysphoria and all that it includes. Its quite literally a core part and requirement for transitioning in germany).

And it doesnt change what i said. You can still apply any gender you want to internally. Yes you dont have a marker that is going to say “gender X” but that isnt relevant. And given how many genders get added to the list over time it would be way too much work. WoW isnt like that. It doesnt want to be. It doesnt need to be. There are other games for that. Most of what your character is happens inside your own head because its your character.

It is a term. Using a term is not misgendering. You keep using strawman arguments and as such i will call them out.

Nope to both.

The only thing i go against is what i advised you in my very first post towards you and i have already admitted that yesterday very early into the discussion. It still doesnt change the validity of what was stated.

Yes. Read above. And several other posts where it is also stated.

You bothered quite a bit actually. You realize that people that had qouted you get a notification if you edit your post right?. 231 and 285

But ye sure, go ahead and keep going to libel me.

You’d think someone who is willing to have a discussion like PickPaw would also be willing to learn the language they are using to conversate in, as to make sure there are no misunderstandings. :laughing: And this is after you’ve gone to correct them several times too(I’ve been watching the convo on the side).

How dare you tbh. The politically correct term is strawperson.

You looked cooler in the Kyrian gear.

They got dirty, I sent them to Elysian hold to get them cleaned. :C

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(From the side) meaning directly harassing me as well, haha how funny and cute.

Germany, Austria and very rarely Switzerland. But ever since Corona, things have been going downhill and I haven’t visited a larger convention in the past two years.

I do try to visit every ConQuest that comes up, but that event too had its issues with covid.

Remember when such topics were against the CoC due to their inflamatory nature? Pepperidge farm remembers.
Now they are afraid to end such topics cause the mob might label them anti lgbtq+.

I mean you already outed yourself as one such person, so. they do like to keep them up more and action such people. Which is nice for me.

So it is a sin to not share exactly the same opinion as others? One can be fine and happy with whatever people identify as as long as they do not try to weaponize it to hurt others or to takeover culture.
Is it wrong to use euphemisms for words one considers to be frowned upon?
The forums are there to unite us as people who love the game enough to care about it. Why people have to go and fixate on the things that make them different from others in ways beyond the bounds of the game?

In what dystopia of absolution and suppression of dissent are we getting into?

Old meanings for words are still meanings for said words, they don’t become invalid because a new meaning gets used more.