Can we please have non-binary gender option?

They still are, it’s just that Blizzard take a lot of time to lock them. It was a weekend post though, and the Community people who lock them are now based in the US so have probably only just started work.

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It is too bad they cannot make the greens into volunteer mods.
They are active around the clock.

points at the marriage thread being up for 8months until it was automatically closed by the system

Is it because the A.I unlike humans always thinks in 1 and 0? (if you get it)

I think Puny gets enough heat just for posting in green, imagine if she had mod rights :sweat_smile: ppl already thinks she runs a discord dedicated to flag ppl so i can imagine how it would go if she had the power to ban ppl :stuck_out_tongue: That being said, i do agree that forums need more moderation in general.

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are you saying there is no such conspiracy? i saw people saying there is.

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My lips are sealed :zipper_mouth_face:

They do? But Puny seems such an nice poster. Are people this jelly that some people were slightly elevated for being mostly an example of how the rest of us should try to conduct ourselves?

very suspicious

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That thread was one hell of a drug. I think everyone involved needed an IQ drip afterwards.

Clearly not everyone took their doctor’s advice because what was it, two months ago or so we got another Pelagos thread which totally isn’t about you-know-what-with-Pelagos just hate the guy for no reason and badly hide the fact it IS about that thing.

If the threads of fate are to be read correctly, we’ll have another Thiernax thread in…crystal ball tells me 1.5 months.

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Alot of posters just go at her no matter what. She disagrees with blizzard? “U shouldnt do that, you are supposed to represent blizz!!” She agrees with blizz? “U are such a shill, how much they pay you” and so on. Or just attack her in general for anything she posts. And yes, they seriously accuse her of running a mass flagging operation on discord even though everyone is free to join that discord and see for themselves (i’ve been part of it in the past, i saw no such thing). But this is off-topic so will just leave it at that :slight_smile:


Maybe but I have witnessed the person in question participate in topics critical to Blizzards direction as well

Well, technically the businesses people shill for do.

But who likes the people who scream “SHILL” at everyone? That’s the real question here.

I’m not religious, I wouldn’t know.

Sorry, asking for others to respectfully call you something you would prefer to be called is not ‘weaponizing’ or ‘attempting to hurt others’ in fact it’s usually the person that’s trying to avoid calling someone something non-offensive that is trying to do that.

Evading forum filters or something of the sorts, or just trying to get away with saying something offensive without directly saying it?

Not really up to me, up to you to be respectful to your fellow players. Unless you think this game is all just NPCs?

Actually, a lot of words have their meaning change over time with culture! In case you’re unaware, the year is 2021, and not say 1960 or some such. Old meanings can indeed become invalid, or indeed offensive. It’s where a lot of slurs come from, if you were unaware.

It’s july 4th weekend, so if they are truly US based now - may have to wait another day.

I am open to suggestions on how to better refer to the group that is an anagram of adult themed words.
Would Rainbow people be better? It is not my intention to be rude to people who happen to belong to these categories.

The correct term would be LGBTQ+, if you’re truly not trying to skirt the rules and make fun of/mock the group.

Cant you just use LGBTQ+? :slight_smile:

I will keep that in mind and use that term in the future then.

I will also amend the previous post

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Sounds more like a troll but here I’ll answer anyway:

No you may not have a ‘non-binary’ gender option (if it were up to me). As I’m not convinced you are limited at all.

Chose the sex of your character and then play it however you feel like. Including whatever gender/identity you put upon them. And dare I say: you don’t have to play a carbon copy of yourself in this fantasy world so go crazy with your imagination.

By invalid you clearly mean offensive, let’s not dance around it and just say it how it is. Something being deemed offensive in this day and age doesn’t make it invalid. Context is also important with the use of words but you want to ignore that and instead police people on the words they can or can’t use.

You’re making quite the forum career out of being overly offended and throwing buzzwords at people. How about you stop trying to gate keep language and also stop getting worked up at people disagreeing with you on an internet forum.