Can we please have non-binary gender option?

I used two different words, actually. But you can keep trying to mix things up into whatever narrative you want that’s not respective of current realities.

Did you know, Blizzard is doing that right now? Gasp!

Seems to be like you’re the one that’s offended you can’t use whatever words you want to insult people with.

A reality of you trying to police others use of language where you also misinterpret the context and go on the offense. This forum is clearly showing this.

If pointing out your forum persona is considered being offended then you’re clearly not as knowledgeable on the use of language like you try and make yourself out to be.


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“Policing” by telling others not to use language that is offensive, or correcting them from using words with old meanings that mean something different contextually onw?

I’m not the one making a forum career over getting offended that I can’t call people slurs and insults anymore, you are. :3

A “No, you are” type response to deflect one’s own insecurity at being pointed out.

Such an original argument.


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Yes I’m sure having no argument and making a spam post to the effect of trying to waste another posters time because you hate that your hateful views are no longer allowed in public spaces.

You’re one to talk about hateful views, using arguments that offends those lacking the ability to read between the lines and/or take what is said at face value.



What’s going on here? Ah, people still being hateful, bigoted and hypocritical towards minorities they do not recognise as usual. Nothing to see here.

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Disagreeing is now hateful, going full victim complex here little foxy. A typical response by the weak people of today.

Also you’re not one to talk about spam, you’re literally spamming threads just to air your grievances with other posters and cause arguments/debates.

The irony and hypocrisy is strong with you.

You forgot about the people who give ammo to the aforementioned people with their conduct and thus reinforcing any biases they have.

Are you trying to imply something here other than the fact that I’m very used to hateful views like yours being levied towards me? I am used to it, sure. Which is how I know when people are doing it. :slight_smile:

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What is wrong with what i have asked? People are expressing their opinion regarding the matter. Maybe topic kinda did spread alittle but as long as its civil i dont see any harm discussing anything related game, and i made this thread to ask something regarding the game :slight_smile:

I am implying you are a hypocrite. You act as if you can’t stand offensive views, which is okay. But at the same time you behave just as offensively as those people you claim to be against and then attempt to avoid and play it down when confronted about it.

You say one thing, but you act against it. Ergo a hypocrite. OR, in your own words. “Posting in bad faith” per Verbatim.


With all due respect, I find it naive to not expect such a topic to catch fire. Too many people are primed to explode in one way or another with this. If you made it like 10 years ago there would be more people who were curious than concerned.

Honestly there are some things that would be super easy to implement like more armor that’s skimpy for all models, allowing makeup and other accessories for the ‘male’ models they have and such. The harder ones that would be nice is body sliders and all that I don’t think we’ll ever get to see that would let you customize so much more than ‘Two base model type per race’.

To be fair, there was some curiosity expressed initially in this thread, such as asking what the OP was thinking of in terms of non-binary characters, e.g. whether they meant being able to choose which pronouns are used when NPCs refer to your character, or more androgynous customisations options, or a third character body model etc.

Being able to choose which pronouns to use for your character would be nice and you’d imagine wouldn’t even be too hard to do, given that on the rare occasions that your character is referred to in the third person it already has a toggle for male/female, so adding a they/then option and even other pronouns wouldn’t seem like a supremely difficult task (but then I know nothing about development so who knows!).

This would be great - it’s always a joke that a chest piece for a male covers the entire chest but for females it’s a tiny bikini. Why not both options for both body models? More choice is always a good thing.


^^ This

But it seems the topic keeps going off in different directions :frowning:

who likes hyperbole

every topic do

Very true.

why risk opening a can of worms which is not very easy to close… when you can just not add the option and never open the worms.