Can we please have non-binary gender option?

tbf it is mainly the stigma of that community which gives the people within a bad name.

people feel bolder and more entitled to speak up about inequalities… which is good thing… and equally can potentially be a bad thing when it is taken to far over menial daily life aspects which happens far more commonly than otherwise.

that community has lost all respect in the eyes of most of the world.

disassociation is the best thing people can do to get a point across these days.

Please don’t be ashamed, you just have to confidently distance yourself from those kinds of people.

Indeed we aren’t all like that.

Not all vulpera players are bad either.

As I said before, a problem these days is that all kinds of people spend too much time fixating on what differentiates them from other people instead of what they have in common.

So instead of the society being more blind to phenotypes and private preferences and just end up accepting everyone equally just as people, we have groups that keep tribalising around some characteristic and then clash either virtually or even physically in some places. Of course they also drag the image of others who share their characteristics with them in the public opinion of others.


Be honest… Am I - that - vulpera creature? :man_facepalming: Yes or no… I can handle it.

Adding the OPs suggestion to the game would be a waste of a developers time.


I was actually speaking even more generally about all sorts of groups beyond that. Including those who may behave just as baddy as a reaction. Because 2 wrongs together do not make one right either :frowning:

Sometimes I wonder if humanity as a whole in the more comfortable places in the world has gotten in the “beautiful ones” stage of the mouse utopia.

tbh i never been one to join any kind of community, i just do me and my own way.

can be tough at times by yourself but makes life more interesting.

each to their own though i guess.

im much less vocal on these things irl… but i am thinking all the time when i see yet another person claim to be part of a community or movement … i guess it is a mindset either you have it or you don’t.

What the hell. Is happing here… What planet are you two on right now? whats going on? This some Jedi talk I can’t understand?

no harm in not understanding, no harm here anyway… i was just explaining my personal feelings about why this type of thread exists. when ten years ago it would not… maybe even less than that.

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Btw do check that link I sent with the mouse utopia summary.
It is a very interesting study about what happens to social animals in overpopulation + comfort.

Ì don’t even know what a binary gender would look like… I know some people are born with both… Erm… genitals. But the person above me is comparing us to mice. What the hell in the force is going on here?

Sometimes ignorance can be a bliss.
In case you really want to know, some posters above have posted links while explaining to others.

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i think it is the broader concept of how people/animals adapt when put under certain influences.

i have no heard of it myself personally but i will look into it.

that is just my take on it as a outsider.

It’s easy, go look in the mirror. You see that ordinary person looking back? That’s what a non binary person looks like. Just a normal person.

I think OP was asking for gender neutral pronoun options rather than an aesthetic appearance although the idea of body sliders would probably appeal too. That would most likely be a popular addition for a lot of people whether they are LGBT+ or not and is not exclusive to a non binary request, the pronouns, however would be.

I can’t see any harm in the option being added, it *doesn’t hurt anyone :man_shrugging:

*exception being those who will scream and cry about anything LGBT+ being added because they are wombles…


No matter what there will always be people who take an issue with something. Like with everything in life.

Most of the time what makes the difference is not what one does but how well they do it.

Like the difference between 1 bad movie touching a controversial subject vs a good movie touching the same subject

It’s extremley rare. But some people are born with this condition… Both. Yeah… you know.
Some guys can even have two… Again yeah… It happens. But it is really rare.

i have no problem understanding the concept of gender, i am also fully aware of the things you mention which can happen.

however i have no concerns about gender people can do with it as they wish, my concern is merely pushing for it in the right places where it matters and actually makes a lasting impact…

not a videogame where is doesn’t matter and the person only wants it because they themselves feel uncomfortable playing a hero with a male or female gender. if anything that points out the fact said person could potentially be less comfortable with the idea of gender and all its meanings than the average person.

People need to learn the difference between sexuality. And a actuall physical gender. thats whats happening. They are crossing eachother. And when we talk about it. they are getting mixed up. You can have a gender. But the sexuality of another. And honestly this confusing is getting out of hand. On all sides.

But real physical gender crossed people do exist. Although extreemly rare. outisde of just their sexuality alone.

It’s not so hard programming quest texts to refer to you as ‘they/them’. People just want to feel validated in a game that already took over 16 years to introduce a canon gay couple and the player base’s mindset isn’t making this any easier.

Edit: Also it’s not hard educating yourself about non-binary genders. All it needs is a few clicks on google. Non-binary people aren’t obliged to educate you.