Can we please have non-binary gender option?

the thing is if blizzard did add this option to the game… it wouldn’t make one bit of difference. rather than giving a select group of people peace of mind while playing the game.

what i’m saying is there is more important times and places to ask for changes like this the energy making this thread to raise the concern could of been spent actually raising the same matter on a more important level in real life where gender equality and beliefs are not being properly represented.

Aren’t they already making all the dialogues referring to the player to have they/them in the last few years?

I think if they refer to ‘champion’ like how they did in BfA? Then yes. I’m not so sure about older quests though!

Players mindset are definetly not making it easier. Hard agree on that. But remember our timeline and our landscape. We’ve only been tracking our very one history for about 2000 years alone currently. We have allot to learn. And while things are going fast recetntly on all fronts. We cant just assume and take it for granted all things will always be.

Your right. it wouldn’t We would all look the same. Hence why I asked my first question. ‘‘What would a binary gender look like’’ And if you where Blizzard you would ask your self.
What is the point? they wouldn’t appear any different. They don’t physically look like either or. You can’t make a gender option out of this. But your always free to roleplay as one if you feel like it on Argent dawn or any RP server.

But it would…

Imagine being a young person who is going through discovering that you are non binary, or even trans or gay and the online world you escape to suddenly includes characters like you or options for you to express yourself where you can’t in real life. Do you know how much of an impact that can have? to have a place you can be accepted and comfortable?

It might seem like it has no impact, makes no difference but it can and does.

And when companies like blizzard win awards for their LGBT+ inclusion in their games do you honestly see that having no impact on the wider community and world?


Mute it :man_shrugging:

I agree, not everyone can know everything especially if they have never been confronted with it. That is why I think these kinds of requests shouldn’t be met with ignorance or ridicule if people do not understand them. It’s a real issue for some of us.

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It’s not stupid. and it wont be remembered. But these things do need to be talked about.
Or would you rather have thread after thread about these topics appear infinetley?

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And Ironiclly… Its not even those of us making the most threads about it. But We will be there answering all the questions. I might wanna tune down the hostility and fear on my own part tho.

speaking purely for myself, it has never really effected me in any way shape or form how i am represented in a video game.

or what gender i am called in real life.

i once had long hair in highschool and a teacher mistook me for female (this is a true story) we all had a good laugh about it.

im not against people who genuinely believe this kind of thing and want to be represented… but to me personally i feel it is nothing more than a distraction method to stop people taking up arms against more pressing matters in the modern world.

ofc if you feel supressed you should by all means speak up and be vocal about it.

but in the right places in the right format where it counts and makes a difference.

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This is a fantasy game you should not be looking for representation, the whole point of having elves, orcs and trolls as playable races is that they are fantastical beings that look nothing like or act like real people.

Moreover we should not be encouraging change in the game that originates from divisive real world politics. The point of wow is that we get away from the real world, not that we bring it inside.

Yes but… Most of the threads about representation that has been made. Have been made by people against what they represent. No one has been openly asking for it.
Althought there was that Black gnome back in the day who thanked Blizz for the two gay deers ages ago. Not that he was evil for doing that.

And how does it hurt you, my little wimbledon common roaming friend, if there is an option for someone to be referred to with gender neutral pronouns?

The thing is, the game is already doing that though. It has only male and female options, brought in from the real world. if you wanted it to be non-representative, either there shouldn’t be any sex, gender or sexuality involved at all, or there should be a myriad of different options. Both of these would be ‘fantastical’.

The fact is the game draws on real life structures by it’s nature. So asking for a something that a few people can identify with, that won’t be hurting anyone, seems absolutely fine.

You raise a good point Twiggz, I just want to add a little something:

This bit, I can personally attest to the fact that adding to representation in games, can and will help save lives. It sounds really dramatic, and it is, but increasing the scope of representation can help young gamers feel less ostracized, less alone and like they have someone they can identify with. The rate of suicide and self harm in the LGBTQIA+ community is about 4 times that of any other group (statistics vary), and increasing representation can certainly help with that.
Giving people that little bit of what we see as representation, would appear to them to be validation, as in the game is saying ’ look, here’s someone like you, you’re absolutely not alone.’

This is of course just my take on the matter, but i wanted to add to the discusion :smiley:


you are not wrong, that is a valid opinion to have on it.

i fear those pushed to the point of suicide because of these reasons could be mainly because they are looking for that means to fit in , in the wrong places.

if it was to stop a single suicide though i would fully support the option in the game.

I’m sure this thought is inside the thoughts of Blizzard staff, and are contemplating about doing what they can to make everyone happy.
It might take time, but I feel they will do what they can. (After all, Blizzard likes Money.)

No it isn’t, having male and female options is not in the game to be representative to players, its in the game because the setting was created with them.

Just because someone is represented, doesnt mean that the games aim was to give them representation at significant cost. Also just because some people are, does not mean that others have to be. As I said before this is a fantasy game, so u should not look for the ability to create yourself in the game.

Moreover bringing in this would not be fair at all, as you would be importing a specific outside political argument when we all know blizzard is not going to be fair and give the opposing political side representation in the game.

Again… What would a binary even look like? It would have no physicall difference compared to the real world if you went by physicall genders. And you cant create a character by sexuality. And if you absolutely have too. You can roleplay one.

You can’t take off your underwear in WoW and exactly show everybody. This thread needs to die xD

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Its hurts me because I enjoy the games setting and that should never be tainted for outside political reasons. It also opens the door to people that have shown time and time again that they will destroy any setting or fandom that doesnt apply their political principles, and gate keep previous fans and members out of said community. Therefore we must gate keep them instead which includes rejecting NB in wow, and so if you cant enjoy the game without having NB in it, you have to find a new game bc wow is for ppl that like wow.

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