Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Said discoklaus…

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What have nightbournes got to do with it? They are already in game if you haven’t noticed just need some better customisations :man_shrugging:

And again, someone else being able to have the option for gender neutral pronouns doesn’t hurt you at all, they won’t steal wimbledon common from you!!

Maybe if you look at it this way. Binary already exists, maybe a non-binary person would be happier with an androgynous model, for example having the frame of a female character but without the breasts and having a gender neutral hair style. Or a less muscular male frame, with gender neutral hair styles (i’m sure some gender neutral hair styles already exist though).

As far as i’m aware, and of course i could be wrong, but theres no real way to make an androgynous model in game yet, i believe breasts always show for example.

Like i said, that’s just my way of looking at it, but i thought it might help if you wanted another persons opinion :smiley:

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Ok i see your point there. I have to disagree with you though.

Blizzard put male and female options in the game, of course they were created to be representative to players. Your avatar, in an RPG game, is more often than not a representation of you in the game.

I do not see a persons existence as political. Non-binary people exist, they are not a construct of a government. If you see them as political, then that’s your right to hold the opinion, I will just have to disagree with you.

Firstly drop the wimbledon stuff it makes no sense. If you keep going ill flag you for trolling.

I just told you how it hurts me, any change for outside reasons to the setting hurts me. and actually you know what its not on me to prove it hurts me, its on you to give a good reason for the change. And wanting representation in wow is not enough since ur char is not supposed to be representative.

There two quotes with hella good reasons in them

Edit: I mean your reasons for not adding it were utter nonsense

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it was made by a troll who has long since left, fact you even think there’s something to talk about makes me think you’re one too

No im not a troll… I just take everybody seriously on a public forum. I have this strange thing going on for me. That since its public… people wanna be true about who they are and what they mean. And since this isn’t 4chan (Yet) I keep posting what I think and feel about the replies and opinions that I see in the moment. …Although i do read up on the replies that people have said to the posts I respond too. …Most of the time

What you mean? The OP posted in here 6hours ago

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Ah yes I see he replies, he’s not discussing anything though, he doesn’t care. Just glad to see his troll post gain so much traction from people who’d take anything serious, is my guess. By all means carry on, I don’t know what I was thinking. There is no stopping you

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I was just saying that hes posting. And i have seen him talk with some people. Does he post 24/7 in here and participate in every discussion? No, he most certainly does not. He doesnt need to be however. This thread will soon be forgotten/locked/deleted/unlisted anyway until the next one emerges.

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People are having a discussion about the topic OP started :man_shrugging:

Strangely enough, you don’t get to decide what other can and can’t discuss.

You do however have the option of muting the thread so it no longer offends thine eyes…


I’m always free to appeal to common sense though.
And where is this mute button?

Gender affirmation therapies exist and are applied. In fact, one of the main reasons why people want to normalize trans-related issues is so people can seek adequate medical help when they need it… because now what happens is that many trans people seek help online and buy their hormones online without getting medical advice. There are many reasons for this, but a huge one being the giant stigma around trans people. Which still exists, despite of what the right wing media will tell you.

However, gender affirmation therapies don’t always work and sometimes the only solution is for a person to transition.

Gender affirmation therapies manage to work because they first challenge gender norms (like telling people they can still be men even if they’re highly emotional, physically weak, effeminate), by telling patients most people’s experience of gender is different, by telling them no gender is better than the other.

Gender affirmation therapies try to help the person find an identity that’s fit for them.

These are opposed to some other practices which rely on coercive behavioral modification, where a doctor would try to get a boy “to act like a boy” hoping that would cure the boy’s gender dysphoria. That doesn’t work at all.

Also, as far as the risk trans people take to transtion - post-transition regret is less than 5%. Multiple studies done on the subject find the same things out, again and again - transitioning is good for trans people. It has a positive effect on their entire health. The studies, repeatedly find the reason for the high trans suicide rate is the lack of trans acceptance, not the transitioning, and we have seen as trans acceptance becomes more widespread, trans people are suffering from less mental issues and are committing suicide less.

All the data I have is on this side - doctors need to be well studied and equipped to help people with gender identity issues to sort their issues out. For some, that would mean maintaining their current gender, just improving their relationship with it, and for others that would mean changing their gender. All choices are valid and trans acceptance helps people who have to transition. It doesn’t hurt anyone. And we know transitioning is the best cure for gender dysphoria. We have around 30 years of studies on this. Sex change operation have been happening since the 1930s.

I used to be like you in 2015. Everything you’re saying is the same thing I used to say. Then I talked to people and read and… I had to change my mind. I simply couldn’t prop up a good argument against all the science in support of the exact same thing. And no science opposing it.

Drop down menu that says either watching, tracking or normal also has option to mute. You are welcome :smiley:

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Since approximately 0.02% of the population is non-binary and +14% disabled in one way or another, until I can’t create a disabled character: NO, YOU CAN’T. Not any need of represent non-binary people in a fantasy game, sorry. There are literally 1000x more people in real need of representation attention from the western societies, but better keep away politics from the game. (And before we start again from the roots: yes, it’s simply a political campaign, not any sign of REAL nation-, or world-wide threats looming around non-binary people. It’s just a part of a too hard forced advertise, what helps the giga companies sell otherwise worthless -and actually toxic- soft drinks, shoes -made by chinese child workers and slaves-, trash video games, etc; much more easier with the mask of acceptance and hypocrite philantropism.)


Thats the whole point. If that bothers anyone id like to hear why , and if not, then why not having it ? It wont have any impact on your gameplay but will make us the lgbt community happy.

I won’t even argue with you about you calling me a troll, but wanted to let you know that im here Nigom. This does not mean i live this tab open on my browser in front of me 24/7. I m reading all the answers, and actually really happy that there are many people support the idea, and sadly there are some heavily against it, but as i said before i respect all opinions as long as no hate speech and no calling us alphabet people. I show respect , and i demand the same too. I never insulted anyone here, yet you deserved it many times:)

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I thought you were describing an extreme Heavy Goods Vehicle Licence for a moment there…

Bit late for that squire…We’ve already got Humans, Trikes, Cars, Aircraft, Apples, Bananas (Even though no one knows where Tel’abim is) Books, Guns, etc etc…quite a lot really. There’s a lot of real life stuff in the game.

You know what’s weird?
When people use that excuse because it is something they don’t personally like in real life. “Urrrgh, don’t bring real life into a game!” they say…whilst playing WoW which is full of real life stuff that -strangely- never seemed to bother them before…

Why would you make that suggestion? Thats a bit weird…

Wow…‘Infecting’? I really hope English is not your first language, as then I could understand it, but if it -is- your first language, then jaysis, you’re really showing some attitude there…

There is?
I mean that was exactly the point I made earlier. Unlike in real life, in the game you actually get to choose whether your character is male or female at the point of creation. Ergo that kind of covers it.

You keep stating ‘Political’. I’m not sure you are using that word correctly. It is strange, whenever it is something that people who are a bit…lets call it ‘set in their ways’ don’t like something, suddenly it is ‘political’. Well, I mean it’s not, is it? If you consider what ‘political’ means, then when it comes to matters of sex, gender and love, they are about as far from ‘political’ as the defined word can get, because those things know no order or rules, unlike politics!

Somehow I don’t imagine that Blizzard would regard it as serious grievance, Afenton saying you come from a relatively harmless district of London that does not have an unpleasant reputation, indeed far from it, but is currently holding the world tennis championships. Oh, and is populated by fictional furry bipeds who take good care of the environment and are a force for good. The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are just fine…Better than River Wombles, or Shudders Blood Wombles…

Trust me, it’s not all it is cracked up to be. Actually, I tell a lie, I have 98% functionality, so I can’t really grumble, It’s my left arm anyway, and I’m right handed so meh…

I really would like to know how you come to a conclusion that i do not care? If you are saying im glad because my post got people involved , yes im happy to see many people support the idea and the lgbt community, also very sad to see some people heavily against the idea and oppressive towards the community. If this bothers you, just mute it and ignore this thread my friend, you made your point and expressed your opinion which i disagree

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