Can we please have non-binary gender option?

People actually spam reported my post.


Imagine reporting a legit cripple for asking for representation. If you want it, I want it.

I can imagine. I’m just glad I’m left handed anyway, and the fact that I can still operate a mouse at decent efficiency. I’d probably have had my arm removed for a mechanical one by now otherwise.


Question: Do you genuinely not know?
If answer is “no” then:

Binary genders refers to the numerical value of the biological sex, and of those we have 2. Ergo the binary number for those is “2”. The two being Male and female(You know, the “P” and the “V”) or if you wish to use chromosomes instead you can do that.

Though personally I always confuse the two. Which one is related to your mental state of being(I;E born male but your brain is wired as a female. Meaning you’re a female brain in a male body) and which other is for the biological sex you are born with.

^But that’s more or less just a very very basic explanation.

If the answer is “Yes” however, ignore this post.

You have edited your post twice now which is very dishonest of you and you are being a really annoying narrowminded troll some of the things you have said are borderline vile .

Best thing to do is place the poster on ignore and move on life is so much better and when you stop responding to there posts it annoy’s them .


I think you mean adopting ?

Not just americans that have view’s you know .

On a desktop actually but what do you actually mean ? if it bothers you mute and move on harms you in no way .

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deleted post

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For those of us who are not trans, or non-binary etc, it’s impossible for us to understand what it is like, and therefore some think that it’s just made up or “all in your head”.

I agree that it would be great to be able to ask questions and get a better understanding - since understanding and empathy are key to cooperation and acceptance. Perhaps I’m naive and idealistic believing that if we could all just understand each other, we’d get along a lot better :slightly_smiling_face:

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cultural opinion or biological facts

you still shouldnt care about your vulpera gender both are cute

I totally agree, to say that “its in your head only” wont help. Please remember non binary people did not choose to be this way.


Not being able to understand is completely fine, even if some people might say otherwise. Refusing to understand is, however. Not ok. I’m in the same boat as you personally.

I lack the ability to understand, more or less.

I mean if you want to get technical about it, It IS in one’s head. You wouldn’t say, connect someone’s physical ailments to a mental disability for example(Keep note here that being transgender for example is not a disability).

There’s no correlation between the physical and mental: Other than that the mental and physical for LGBTQ people more often than not do not match(I;E Being male in a female body for example). Personally though i’m happy that these people get support and help in any way. They’re as much human as the rest of us and deserve the same amount of love :heart:


Non-binary = Not LGB or trans but want to be seen as ‘special’. Largely due to current popular ideologies making ‘gender’ the be all and end all of a personality.

Usually people who never witnessed ‘gender-bending’ in the 80’s and 90’s and think that any deviation from a stereotypical ‘binary’ is unusual. I.e. they are biologically female but don’t identify with the ridiculous appearance/sexuality/interest based stereotypes associated with the female sex.

We used to just want to tear those daft and strict gender ideas down. Now, instead of fighting it, we need to put ourselves in a little box and mark ourselves as ‘other’ if we disagree with them, thereby actually enforcing the stereotypes. Because if there is a ‘non’ binary, then there is a binary.

Very true the mental strength and tests trans have to go through to prove they are in wrong bodies is very tough . People who say they are mentally sick or insane are so wrong so very wrong .


Not the whole community, just non-binary people and perhaps some trans people too. Stop talking for everyone that fits under the forever expanding acronym please as if it’s a benefit to them all.

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I meant it wont have any impact on your gameplay. So please tell me if you see a human male warrior, or a human non-binary warrior , how would that impact your gameplay?

Thing is, there is no binary character in the first place, how can you then have non-binary. What would you call a binary character in wow? Please describe it. In order for something to be non-binary, there has to be some kind of stereotypes.

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Many other players in the thread asked this, and i explained. As first step, just to have male/female and non-binary would be a great step , but ofc id prefer to have male/female and the lgbt+ referrals, but at the moment im afraid that would be too much to ask, as even a small thing triggers the community when it comes to this matter.

But we dont have genders in WoW (the way lgbt calls it seperate from sex), we dont have stereotypical male/female, which means non-binary dont exist either, because as your character you can be literally anything, no where in the game it tells you who to be.

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You’re asking for a non-binary characters when the selections of male and female when creating characters are purely cosmetic, we also regularly get referred to using neutral words like “hero” or “Maw walker” by NPCs which doesn’t gender us at all.

What does a Non-Binary warrior look like? If it’s one of either male and female models that we currently have then your suggestion is pretty much useless.

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But what you are referring to there are the characters sexes, of which there are two. Male toons/female toons.

Non binary is a ‘gender’, so nothing to do with the male/female toons in wow. Both male and female toons can have long/short hair, do any job/hobby/slaying, can wear dresses or suits of armour.

There are no sex specific stereotypes in wow at all, so what non existent binary would you be not be? How would this be portrayed?

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Also many others explained/asked this and suggested things, id love to create a female human with no breasts , or a human warrior with breast for example. There are alot of things can be done