Can we please have non-binary gender option?

With Adam Holisky being product manager, he can recruit his good buddy “gender expert” XylariaVG and I bet they can come up with something!


This is the constant return question a lot of people in the thread are asking Etilerpasif, yet it goes unanswered. Either due to OP’s inability to answer it himself or because there is no actual answer. And anyone partaking in this thread has gotten zero confirmation on which one of the two it is.

Edit: I was just about to post this when he responded with somewhat of an answer. Finally :slight_smile: :+1:

ALthough to be fair his “human warrior with breasts” point, can already be done :expressionless: Unless he is referring to a biological male sex with breasts(Which on the same hand, can also be done).

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Kul’Tiran males have moobs, so there you go

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So basically make a mockery out of the male and female forms then.

You still haven’t told me what a non-binary warrior looks like, just what you want to create.


Are you trolling or?


How does a person become one?
Is there a degree or its a skill which is passed directly from expert to novice?

Not sure… lots of people where asking them selfs this, but that was in twitter bio, before everything blew up (its not anymore)…

Hang on, I thought ‘non-binary’ was about not identifying with gendered stereotypes (like the vast majority of people, but anyway…)

Why would a biologically female warrior, with no gender dysphoria, amputate her breasts?

I need to know now, which ‘binary’ does non binary even refer to? Because I thought it was a gender?

If non binary does refer to gender, then what on earth would that have to do with the persons sexed body? Why would that involve removing healthy body parts? For people with gender dysphoria, I get there is a mental impulse to do that. But why would a nb do that?

As an aside, if non-binary is a gender, then it’s very name is a misnomer. As far as I could gather, even if one were to say there were only two genders (and I know people actually believe in more) then the addition of NB makes it a third gender at least. This means there is no binary. Maybe the name needs to be changed (non-gender?).

Or does it actually refer in fact to the biological sex binary?

Thats a shame. I hope that individual has passed the knowledge and expertise to others before ending such a rare career.


I like how Blizzard did not delete this topic. Did not delete it for trolling, for off-topic, for not even explaining how to implement this option.

Nope. Good job OP.

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The main problem with it, that peeps, who are struggling with English(like me) cannot even comprehend what is that binary thing.

obvious trolling, props to guys who didn’t take the bait

he’s laughing his *** off about how you guys are reacting at this very moment in whatsapp

gavat means cuckold
etilerpasif is a combined word, etiler is a district in istanbul where lots of sex workers live, pasif means bottom homosexual
let’s face it, he’s a troll but a good one

I would like to create it based on male body, less muscular than normal male models, with boobs and earrings / eyeliners. I can count all the details , but i know i cant ask that i want nail polishes, but less muscular body and boobs + earring are totally doable.

Still making a mockery of the male/female forms. I’m fine with having different types of bodies (as in size wise/muscularity etc) as I’d love a Kul Tiran with a less round stomach area but adding/removing breasts is going too far.

What exactly makes you think thats a troll post? i just very politely asked if we can have non-binary gender in the game thats all. I find your attitude hostile to be honest.

No I am using the word correctly you are just very clearly dishonest. It is a idea most people do not agree with it, and it is still very contentious debated therefore it is political.

Here point proven about the dishonestly. You can’t just say “its not political because I believe this highly ideological perspective on gender”, it makes no sense. Most people completely disagree with what you just said here which is why NB is a political concept. Go outside for once lol, talk to some real people and you will see how much what you just said is in no way agreed upon.

Stop trying to oviscapte its obvious trolling

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With all due respect, i do not think thats mockery of female/male forms. While i disagree with you, i respect your PoV

you took a wrong turn dude this isnt twitter


As it represent a group of things, name is irrelevant actually, can be changed. Its an umbrella term for gender identities that are neither male, nor female. Identities that outside of gender binary,