Can we please have non-binary gender option?

the fact that you gave a link to this thread and wrote
“lmao those guys are mad lololol”

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Did you always feel this way or did California give you an idea?


When we make a new char, we select gender. Thats all i was asking , can we please add 3rd option as non-binary as that would be too much to ask to add all lgbt genders for start.

The troll ignoring the reply that exposed him.


I have never been to states in my life. Hopefully one day!

So, there are only two genders? Strange, I thought people had labelled a ton of different ones.

I did not want to elaborate on this as its getting off topic, but thats the general opinion about it yes, majority of the world says there are only 2 genders. We are trying to show that sex and gender are different things therefore as i have explained afew times in this thread already, there are non binary genders. All the genders stands for lgbt+ and more, except binary ones.

I meant via modern internet means, social media or TV etc. I mean, is the non-binary a new thing, i.e. last few years, or have you had this feeling for a long time, i.e. 10+ years.

Because the WoW forums seems to of shown these gender things ever since LGBT+ has got louder, with the advent of social media going huge or covid where everyone stuck at home being exposed to ideals. Before covid LGBT wasn’t as prevelant. The normal world hasn’t been functioning, all the football fans at home etc. Everyone stuck exposed reading the internet or TV etc. Basically echo chambers of the internet became a bigger thing since covid especially.

LGBT in say 2007 was only ever a thing left to pride parades in the cities for a week and that’s all we heard from it.

It just seems with social media blowing up and covid, more people are seemingly identifying with these labels. As if the idea has been given to them.

It may be easy to implement in english, but wow is implemented in several languages.
As someone coming from a latin country, I don’t have the faintest idea how to integrate the concept into my language, since it’s so rooted in gendered words. Even “they” does not work, it translates into two different gendered words.

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LGBT community always existed, but recently they can be vocal more and be seen without hiding. 15-20 years ago , all my lgbt friends( back then it wasnt called lgbt ofc) had to hide their sexual identity as much as they can, which would make them upset. Its very simple, imagine i want to put red lipstick on me, i cant, why? only reason why i cant is the publics opinion, and i am afraid of how the public will treat me. So much harder to find a job, go to school , have a partner( this had to be hidden 100%) etc etc.

Nowadays we dont need to hide, not afraid. Because also there are many people do not see us as we are sick or mentally ill. They are aware we are normal human beings and respect us.

Yes I know that, I demonstrated that in my post. I was saying their voice has gotten louder with social media being a big thing and because of that, young people adopt these ideas as a thing that is ok to do.

I mean, we can tell kids to believe in Santa too. Teenagers can be persuaded into adopting more subtle ideas, as they don’t fall for the basic ideas anymore.

Non-binary? They feel they go beyond man or women?

When we say male or female, we mean what they are born with. Male or female parts. That’s an unescapable fact. We don’t care what your mind thinks you are.

Might as well ask Blizzard to make it so players can’t walk on the path as it insults paths:
Panpsychism: is the view that all things have a mind or a mind-like quality.

Am sure we can ask Blizzard for a lot more philosophical mental ideas to be added to the game too.

There are more important things that need attention from the devs. And at the end of the day it’s just a game, enjoy it and don’t cram western idiologies into it.

This covers most of it:-


Actually, you are making claims there, that are simply factually incorrect. I am being entirely honest in my wording, it is a societal issue, not a political issue, the two are very different things.

You say most people do not agree with it, is that in your country, or globally, or what? I mean ‘Most people’ is a pretty widespread term, even if it were not, which it is, it would remain a societal term, not a political term. Ergo I am being honest.

Good job I never said that then, isn’t it?

I might need to start asking for some statistics proving your claim there. You say ‘Most people’ without actually having any proof. Also, to use language correctly, it is a societal concept, not a political one.

What a very strange take to have on things. I have been outside quite a lot as it happens, Obviously lockdown has its restrictions, but yes, I have done so. I have talked to some people who I am -reasonably- certain were ‘real’ people, and not some sort of weird Synthetic or Replicant. Actually most of those I talked to, despite living in a fairly ‘little England’ type area don’t really care.

I wouldn’t be able to. I mean given what the word Oviscapte means, I would not be physically able to, even if I wished to. Only the OP could do that. I mean only they could do that. And given that they did not make that particular post, they did not do so. Where were you seeking to go with that?

If you look at the angry kids raging about non binary, you would indeed be forgiven for thinking that this was, indeed twitter. or 4chan, or twitch, or reddit, or any of those places where they get so angry and cross about things that have no impact upon them.

Weirdly its the opposite in English. Maybe it is because we are this weird mash-up of Latin language and Germanic language, but yeah, we’ve always just had ‘They and Them’ as words to describe ‘a person, plural or singular’ without defining their Sex. I mean technically ‘Man’ still means the same as it does in German . ‘One’ as in, ‘A Person’, of either sex, whereas the correct (Though no longer used) words for male and female are ‘Wer’ and ‘Wyf’.

But then, as I say, we also don’t call windows ‘She’. :stuck_out_tongue:

771 messages on a topic that isn’t a topic lol, just people arguing over thin air.

Think we call it ‘The Internet’, which is by definition…thin air…

Why do I hear boss music?

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Exactly, we can see on a species level whether someone is most likely to be male or female. It’s literally something that happens within the whole animal kingdom too. As we’ve created language we’ve used “gendered” words like he/she to refer to them. Gees we even do this with our pets/animal companions.

Non-binary people are just trying to muddy the waters and remove our natural take on sex in humanity (by confusing the argument with gender) to please their thoughts on what they are. The non binary space is such a mess echoing numerous different messages, none which make any sense or have any realistic physicality that my conclusion is that it is all in their heads

They often latch onto trans people and the LGBT movement and some also refer to themselves as trans sometimes, but even trans has a physical reality which many trans people seek by trying to gain characteristics normally associated with the opposite sex by the use of hormones and surgery.

It seems fair enough if some people want it. But if so, can those of us who chose a sex or a gender or whatever you want to call it for our character go back to having our characters referred to by NPCs as ‘him’ or ‘her’ and not ‘them’ as irritatingly keeps happening in Shadowlands? Some of us aren’t interested in gender, and don’t consider ourselves as having one. We just have a sex that’s not particularly important. I’m not dismissing anyone who does see gender as personally important, just many of us see no relevance to our own lives. Referring to an individual as ‘them’ unless the person has specifically requested to be spoken about like that comes across as unnatural and rude and spoils the immersion of the story. The trans people I know see it as very important to be referred to as him or her according to the gender the person chose and not as the birth sex and don’t want to be referred to as ‘them’ either.
I’m sick of this to the point where I’m going to turn into one of those people who skips reading the quest dialogue, because today I was doing an Ardenweald quest in which an NPC referred to a seed multiple times as ‘them’ while also referring to the seed as ‘it’. It looks so unnatural and badly written.

Yeah, that’s because mammals, including ourselves have a biological sex. We’re a bit different, I mean we don’t automatically move into a house and kill our partner’s children they had with someone else, like some other mammals do (Lions specifically), we do have a bit more thought processes going on.

I don’t think they are. It doesn’t seem that way. I don’t feel any waters are being muddied here. I am a straight male, I am attracted to straight females. I may also be attracted to lesbian women, but I respect the fact they’re not into ‘me’ as anything other than friends. In kind of the same way that if a straight female is not into ‘me’ as anything other than a friend I am cool with that, or if a gay male is into ‘me’ but I am not into ‘them’ they respect that.

It really isn’t that complicated. “Are they into me?” No “Then nothing is going to happen” “Are they into me?” Yes, “Am I into them?” Yes, “Well groovy, something might come of this.”

To say that is kind of trying to overturn thousands of years of human development and medical practice that allows us to make these things happen, at which stage you have to kind of go “At what point do we have the cut-off point?” When did Science and medicine have their ‘end date’ beyond which we do not continue to develop? I mean I think vaccination against Polio was pretty cool, but eh, maybe we should have stopped in the year 1620 or something? Anti TB is pretty cool too. Medicines to aid with medical health was pretty good too.
I’m pretty sound with black people having the vote, and women too, but maybe we should have stuck in the 1700’s

Where is this bizarre mythical age when people think we should have just stopped progressing our knowledge as to how we work as a species? The 1980’s? It wasn’t all that great. Who wants to have the only social media be MTV and watching endless repeats of ‘Money for Nothing’ by Dire Straits?

That’s just bad writing.

I mean technically it is correct use of the English Language, because there is -something- in that Seed, so a ‘They or Them’ but you don’t know what until it opens. It therefore is also an ‘It’, because the seed pod itself is not a person. What is inside, is, but not the Seed pod itself.

Incorrect. There are two -Sexes-. Not two Genders. That hasn’t been the case for thousands of years. Two Sexes, more genders. That’s simply how it has been.