Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Incorrect. There are Men and Women. The rest is made up. I mean Gender is meaningless anyway but hey for some reason people cant stop being offended about it.

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No that stuff is dangerous!!!

Not incorrect. There are men and women for the biological sex. This cant be disputed.

Gender has nothing to do with ones biological sex. However from a scientific standpoint the general consensus is that its a social construct. Whether that remains true or not is subject to change as is everything in science and especially if its in regards of the human brain which we know absolutely nothing about in the end.

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Not offended by it in the slightest, you are however incorrect. There are two mammalian sexes. That is simple science.
Genders however, are a social construct. Like not keeping other people as slaves, or allowing people to vote, or allowing our increasing understanding of science and medicine to alter our situation in the world.

If you donā€™t like Trans people, or the whole Non-Binary thing, where would be your cut off period in history, beyond which we should stop improving our knowledge and understanding of ourselves.

Give me a year, come on. A Decade even?

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I bet itā€™s sometime in the 1950sā€¦


Iā€™d say ā€œIā€™ll ask my mumā€ but she would only have been 7 when the 50ā€™s endedā€¦

When Gender is a social construct than we need to accept that a Gender must be socially accepted as such. Beside a loud minority people acctually dont care enough or accept other Genders than Men and Women.

It also doesnt really make sense to add more when genders or gender stereotypes are not really needed.

It has nothing to do with liking or not likingā€¦ I dont care about this nonsense.

Transgender is also not really a gender. Its just a discription for a human being that feels to be the opposite gender. Non-Binary is nonsense because our society is binary and everythingelse doesnt make sense.

I would also love to know why you think that all is so important? It isnt we dont need this to understand ourselfesā€¦ gender is meaningless and idiotic because we are individuals

So what do you care if they added an option for people to have gender neutral pronouns? or body sliders?

If you donā€™t care why are you arguing against a change that wouldnā€™t even effect you in any way?


Just because I dont care about the gender nonsense doesnt mean I will accept it.

The problem is that if we do nothing against this nonsense we will soon have even more stupid stuff that nobody needs.

Just like in rl I will speak against stuff I dont agree with even if I dont care about it.

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It is not nonsense and you fo from thread to thread spouting your hate speech every time LQBT+ is talked about . Its a normal thing in life which you can not handle simple as that ,you life in stone ageā€™s .


None binary is normal
Trans is normal
Bi sexual is normal
Pan sexual is normal


Go get educated because you do not like being stood up to with your prehistoric views .
Nice edit btw shows how ill informed you are about life .

Are totally different things for a start so yeah please get educated before you comment .

Definition Bisexual is the person that is sexually attracted towards both the men and women. Pansexual is the person, who is sexually attracted towards all the genders, i.e., men women, transmen, transwomen, and genderqueer.

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Technically speaking it is not normal(Edit thrown in here to clarify a piece. The ā€œnormalā€ used to be something, less than what it is today).

HOWEVER, it is becoming the new normal. I;E The norm is being changed, which some can consider to be good(like I do), others. Less so. Depends on who you ask that is. But please understand the contextual matter(oh and by the way, Iā€™m not disagreeing with you here. Just to keep that clear)

(Editor Vulpicer here, I fixed up the text a bit, fixed some grammar issues and added a piece for clarification)

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This has been the same thing as always.
People trying to follow the trends of their era in order to fit in. That even includes social rebels who still end up doing the same things they claim to stand against.

Remember the South Park goth kids who were calling the other people ā€œconformistsā€ yet they themselves adhered religiously to the stereotypes of what a goth is thought to be like by dressing in black clothes, black makeup, smoking, drinking coffee and constatly talking about they are ā€œsufferingā€

Humans are mentally pretty complex creatures who are far too diverse to be pigeonholed into a few categories. Yet people love their damn categories.

You should relax a bit with personal attacks, no need to be so rude.

I am simply not as pathetic to build my world around gender, sexuality and other stuff that literally has no effect on my life.

Since againā€¦ we are binary society, there are two genders. Trans is not a gender, its just means that you identify as the other gender.

So saying you dont care what you are into is the same as saying you are bi.

You are a good decent level headed poster i just get annoyed that person goes thread t thread with there views when they do not even know the differnce between bi and pan .

The dude is one of the rudest posters here. Calling everyone names who doesnt has the same opinionā€¦

Pretty used to such behavior

I am well known on the forums for being Pan sexual i love a person for who they are no matter what .
So please take your age old views and assumptions away from me please .