Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Really when i was told

But as always you say nothing about anyone else yet you seem fit to carry your personal haterd of me into another thread .You disgust me with your bullying in threads yet you call me rude .

I do wonder about that at times… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I try my best. Even though I don’t understand a lot regarding the LGBTQ. For example, I don’t really understand genderfluid or non-binary yet but I’m working on it, or to be precise: My brain is working overtime to “translate” everything so I can understand it.

(Editor Vulp here again: Holy cow, just how fast are you anyway? I barely pressed “reply” to send it and not a second later "has liked your message)

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Reading as flying between zone’s :stuck_out_tongue:

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And I am known for literally dont caring for the sexuality, gender, race or anything that people make big thing about.

I dont care what or who you are, but you act like a child. Its also you who approaches me, not me that wants to deal with an annoying person like you.

Simply place me on ignore then if you do not like my views :slight_smile: as i will do so for you now :slight_smile: and calling me a child whatever see your own actions with "get a life " comments.

Their core is complex.
The outer behavior is more similar and predictable than most people are comfortable to admit.

A lot of us can often improve by doing some honest self reflection. Very often people actually do the opposite of what they preach others should do.
A great example is the oxymoron sentence that goes by “intolerant to intolerance”

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He hit you with a slap, and you hit back with a baseball bat, i dont think that is quite fair. Also, arent you supposed to be all about tolerance and stuff? “Get a life” was a bad and unnecessary insult to you too.

While both of you have different opinions, dont need to go too far with insults, it certainly wont change the others mind.

Because he says the same in every thread about LQBT and calls us not normal for our feelings and how we are inside . How would you feel living in the wrong body sit there and think about that .
I am tired of the cheap low crass insults and putting up with comments that people like me are mentally insane and not normal . What is normal anyway who deems what to be normal ?
I just love for love no matter what .

This covers more then mammals but whatever.

Irrelevant to the point I was making, although its common for you to go off on a tangent.

I call people he/she by their biological sex which in most cases can be ascertained simply by looking at them, relying on my natural instincts when doing this has never been wrong. I also refer to trans people by he/she because they’re looking to be seen as he/she and often make physical changes to take on the outer appearance of what the opposite sex looks like.

If I do this to a Non-binary person in the same way I am subject to abuse and lectures about how they’re neither male or female and get spoken at about gender which even you state in this thread is a social construct. I even have some of them go as far as to say that they’re not biologically male or female too (hence trying to muddy the waters). Some of them are also using various types of media and LGBT groups to indoctrinate easily impressionable people into seeing gender rather than biological sex.

I wasn’t referring to sexual attraction, once again an irrelevant point. I will answer based on my sexuality though.

I’m a gay male, so attracted to males. Luckily I’ve been in a relationship for several years which means I’ve not had to seek anything for a long time. If I know someone is straight, regardless of how attractive they are I wouldn’t even so much as flirt with them, but once again I don’t need to do that as I have what I need in my partner.

I’m also not attracted to trans people, be it MtF or FtM. I’m not interested in people who are identifying as something different to what I know they are biologically as it doesn’t fit my type.

Once again going off on your own tangent.

Its quite easy.

Genderfluid simply means that people can ‘‘switch’’ between genders or even have multiple genders.

non-binary would be that doesnt fit into the definition of our binary system (basically two genders) so neither women or men. And here people can start to argue if it makes sense for them.

Not to mention, their opinions also does not JUST reflect on themselves but also to others. I mean, for example. I’m a white guy(Bi but that doesn’t matter contextually), anything bad other white guys like me do reflect bad onto me as well passively.

Even though I had nothing to do with it. It stereotypes and creates stigma around the idea that “that type of person is not good”.
And yes, this happens. To everyone. I remember a time when rumors were spread in my school(When I was in school that is) about this one kid who was gay and how he was infectious and all these bad things.

As shameful as it is to admit, I let that affect me to a certain degree. Though I have since let go of that since he never did anything. POINT being, the behavior of one can reflect upon the many and everyone needs to keep this in mind. Especially when we are talking about larger communities :heart:

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Yes i am sorry i have placed them on ignore now so i do not bite i am just tired of being worn down and seeing there statements .

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Nope, puting you on igno would be not the right solution. Neither solve the problem you have with me. (Because beside that you are annoying I dont really have a problem with you)

Also last time you were the one who wanted me to put on igno… so you can do it yourself.

Personally, i would just accept who i am and adapt to it (like i already did with my body that is far from “normal”), i can still freely do what i want. Whether i was male or female, it would have no impact for me.

Insults are certainly not needed, which i agree with. As for what we could consider normal, well the best way is to look at natural world and what happens in it.

That is all totally fine and great.


Well no see, placing them on ignore isn’t a bad thing. That’s just you actively avoiding further negative conflict, which is good cause it defuses the situation. The “bad” part is the insults from both sides, no matter how small or petty they have been.

And you are acknowledging that it was bad and how it affected you. That’s a good thing :slight_smile:

Now then,

So, if I may use an example I’m familiar with to relate to this part. “switching” genders or so, would that kind of being like me switching between my Warcraft toons? In a sense?

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Fite me!


The problem with all these is that they are hard for others to perceive because they are something within ones personality and not some physical characteristic.

These terms have risen to prominence so fast in the last few years that one cannot help but wonder if all these people have always been like that and were unable to express themselves or if is all this just a huge fad (it does not help that some bad actors do their best to be cringe about it) that will run its course and then calm down.

What even are non binary options?
Do you mean like opening up the customisations so that both male and female models share the same pool of hair styles and stuff?
That is a fair request i suppose.

If that did happen i would want a toggle for it purely because i would never use them and so it would clutter up my screen lol

Also, this whole thread is a perfect example of why i stopped coming here.