I think you’ll find that historically Right Wing people have been really rather keen on censorship. Quite famously so. To the extent of executing people.
When would you say that was? I mean it was obviously more than two thousand years ago, I’m just wondering when precisely you thought that was a thing?
Actually, they aren’t. Scientific -facts- are not Hate speech, nor have they ever been. Now if you mean Pseudoscience then yes, that can be hate speech, however that is not actual science, is it?
Actually, no, that is incorrect. Biologically there are two -Sexes- only. Sex and Gender are two separate things. It is only a modern conceit amongst the young that Sex and Gender are the same things. I have no idea when, or why, the younger generations started getting all upset about this, but eh, it is what it is.
Only works if they made a post with a scientific Fact in it. They didn’t. They confused Gender with Sex.
What about the women who post here? Not everyone here is a ‘gentleman’.
You are correct, biologically there are two sexes, apart from some really rare cases. Animals don’t seem to care, they’ll happily bang anything with an aperture they can bang. Our understanding of Gender is indeed human made up nonsense, along with the following; “Language, cooking, tool use, transportation, language, philosophy, education, not sleeping with your own children, creating weapons, organised warfare, terraforming the environment, science, aerial flight, naval transportation, space travel, splitting the atom, poetry, music, love, basic hygiene, racism, nationalism, peace, etc etc, loads more stuff”
So…uhh, something being invented by humans is automatically bad then?
Yes, it may appear that a person is XX or XY, however it is Scientific -Fact- that this is not always the case,
That simply is a fact.