Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Woops there’s scientific data disproving the whole ‘only 2 sexes’ stuff that people keep pushing. There’s SRY, DMRT1, and FOXL2 that also deal with such things.

sex is not binary

And for those that again still can’t figure out what non-binary is despite being told… Gonna get out the flag.

Mambo nambo one is my identity

Human made up nonsense? Language is completely made by humans, mathematics is completely made up by humans… hell, biology is a completely made up by humans.

Here are objective facts - in every single culture without a single individual exception, there are expectation placed upon you the moment you’re born - how you should style yourself, how you should cut your hair, how you should walk and talk, what jobs and roles you should partake in.

These expectations are completely made up, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t real - again, everything that you say is completely made up. Yet words manage to provoke people into violence, war, murders. So even if it is made up… it is real. I know the modern pseudointellectual rejects metaphysics and philosophy. You’d think The Enlightenment didn’t happen if we only talk to people like you.

Non-binary people simply defy these expectations that are placed upon all of us the moment we are born and this thread, along with the negative responses to it, shows first how real gender is, and second how incapable your culture is in accommodating people who step out of line.

You people are completely wrong in your applying of the sciences, biology, etc. First, no science exists in a vacuum - biology is heavily tied to physics and chemistry, and as far as humans are concerned - sociology can have an effect on biology, too. We know for an absolute fact that society can have an effect on human biology. The sciences exist to explain reality, not determine it. Non-binary people objectively exist, therefore the job of the sciences is to explain how, why, etc.


No, I haven’t. I have not asserted how anybody feels at any point.

They do not have a right to me agreeing with them. If you believe that is their right, then I have indeed denied them a right.

But I believe that it is their right is to do what they want to with their body and follow their own beliefs. That is the right they are asking for, is it not?

At this point you simply hate me. There is no connection between what you say I say and what I actually say, and your primary purpose seems to be to antagonise me.

By the way, I have several gay and trans people in my guild. I have have a night over at the house of one of them. We are very good friends. Bit of a strange behaviour for someone who believes gay people are scary, huh?

I’m out.


Mate, your gender is encoded in every cell of your body, fact.

No matter what physical or mental transformation you go through, it’s there. There can be only XX or XY. Genes are a fact, like it or not.


Technically speaking, people with a 3rd chromosome does occur.


Yeah but it’s always X or Y, and Y wins if it’s there.

Disproven again.

Which you’ve been trying to deny in this thread, multiple times.

Ah yeah ye olde ‘I can’t be racist/sexist I have Y friend that is that thing!’ which literally means nothing and is a last resort when you have no retorts.

Disproved that, so you might want to change your post.

Again, disproven so change it up or get gone.

But there’s always an X or a Y. The sex chromosomes is there.


You never struck me as somebody who would dismiss how others are and how they are born and how they feel .Its not a choice you are born with it but i am not going to fall out over it im just sick of hate spewing hate speech by others not you .

I think you’ll find that historically Right Wing people have been really rather keen on censorship. Quite famously so. To the extent of executing people.

When would you say that was? I mean it was obviously more than two thousand years ago, I’m just wondering when precisely you thought that was a thing?

Actually, they aren’t. Scientific -facts- are not Hate speech, nor have they ever been. Now if you mean Pseudoscience then yes, that can be hate speech, however that is not actual science, is it?

Actually, no, that is incorrect. Biologically there are two -Sexes- only. Sex and Gender are two separate things. It is only a modern conceit amongst the young that Sex and Gender are the same things. I have no idea when, or why, the younger generations started getting all upset about this, but eh, it is what it is.

Only works if they made a post with a scientific Fact in it. They didn’t. They confused Gender with Sex.

What about the women who post here? Not everyone here is a ‘gentleman’. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are correct, biologically there are two sexes, apart from some really rare cases. Animals don’t seem to care, they’ll happily bang anything with an aperture they can bang. Our understanding of Gender is indeed human made up nonsense, along with the following; “Language, cooking, tool use, transportation, language, philosophy, education, not sleeping with your own children, creating weapons, organised warfare, terraforming the environment, science, aerial flight, naval transportation, space travel, splitting the atom, poetry, music, love, basic hygiene, racism, nationalism, peace, etc etc, loads more stuff”

So…uhh, something being invented by humans is automatically bad then?

Yes, it may appear that a person is XX or XY, however it is Scientific -Fact- that this is not always the case,

That simply is a fact.

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What a successful troll topic.
It is clearly intent to stir up controversy between people who are normally fine with each other.
Do not make any serious attempt at responding to such stuff everyone.

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Erm, first of all, objectively wrong. XXX, XXY (male), XXY (female), XX (male) and many others exist, objectively. The XX male syndrome is quite the pickle for you guys - it is a man, with completely male features, but has XX chromosomes. You people usually respond with “but those are exceptions” and that’s what this is about - should exceptions be accommodated?

I know quoting Ben Shapiro probably makes you feel smart, but it is an incredibly reductive and objectively stupid way of viewing the vast amount of knowledge we possess.

There is nothing in biology that says men should wear pants, that men cannot wear high heels and stockings, that men cannot wear colorful makeup or have Disney princess hair. This is all cultural. In Mulan there’s the scene where she cuts her hair to “become a man” and this is interesting - in our culture, it makes sense… but in Chinese culture it doesn’t, because their expectations of men are completely different and men are not expected to cut their hair short.

It’s weird how you people will use this “it’s not real” as a beating stick for the marginalized, but you won’t stop for a second to think if your own gender expression is “real” or you’re just following what society imposed in you.

Some day, you’ll start actually reading instead of consuming politics on twitter and youtube and maybe you’ll wake up. Until then - do not be reductive. Our biology isn’t simple at all.

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Right, it’s sexes no genders.

The thing is, people who argue for non binary genders back it up with pseudoscience.

I studied molecular biology, it was part of my 6 years training. What they’re trying to do is take certain genetic disorders and link it to gender identity which is utter BS.

And also disrespectful towards people who suffers from these disorders, who btw, have a lot bigger problems than gender identity.


Obviously I was talking about how LGBT people feel about their sexuality.

It’s evident you hate me. It’s evident that feelings go on inside your head. It’s evident that the LGBT community gets upset. A lot.

But I have still not said anything about how an individual feels about their sexuality. Nothing at all.


If you’re afraid of someone, why would you call them a friend?

That is very illogical.

Fair enough.

But let me tell you: This LGBT stuff has gone from something scientific only to being something both scientific and political, and there’s going to be one hell of a backlash from the socially conservative. I promise you that. I won’t be out there on the front lines screaming about it myself, but I will be defending an LGBT friend if needed, that I vow.

It honestly makes me sad,to see how people falling for this poop…

I mean,he baited you HARD AF,and you fell for it like rookies…

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Disproven again.


You can be afraid of allies and still call them such, and friends. It’s very logical, actually. Saying you can’t would be illogical. It would explain why you’re trying to deny their existence along with other things.

Yes please

And there’s the counterpart, with female features and male DNA.

Only that it’s a feature thing and gender identity has occurred based on what the society told him he is. He looks like a man, therefore he’s a man, but his genetic sex is female.

Case in my hospital.

Female comes with abdominal pain, turns out she has testies swollen in her abdomen. Genetic testing reveals she’s actually a man.

Yes exceptions occur, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is actually a he and had testies inside his stomach that haven’t evolved.

You see, most transgender people use these exceptions when in fact, they are ordinary people without any genetic differences.


the low level alt should had tipped people off right away.