Can we please have non-binary gender option?

You could get the pink fur option on your vulpera though…

Don’t actually know if that is restricted to the female vulpera :joy:

In a sense yeah. If each of your characters would represent a gender and your account represents you.

Or like when you go to the barber ingame and switch the gender of your charakter everytime you want because you feel like it.

Its may a bit oversimplified but I guess it works.

You can also translate it from fluids. Like water you can basically go in any form you want to as long you have the mould.

I just logged on to check and can confirm both male and female vulpera have the same 8 colours to chose from :slight_smile:

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I wont lie, i had no idea what sexuality kids in my school were, nobody actually even cared about this. Nowadays i read about 12year olds who talk about this stuff and im just shocked, we were so different 15-20 years ago. Now i remember there was a kid who liked to hump trees, yeah trees, dont know why, but nobody seem to pay attention to that…

Pretty similar to being a christian, not all are crazy insane people who deny science and things like that.

I can understand that, im not too interested in those things either as in my language it dont even make any sense which is tough, though i still like to sometimes discuss about it, but no need to go too far as long as other person is also respectful.

But there IS NO GENDER in WoW. You can RP there is, sure.
But the game mechanics simply do not involve it.

What you want is more character customization.
Well hallelujah, I think many people want that.

Whether we all want the same type of options is up for discussion, but this thread is simply taking the wrong stance. You should have asked for more character customization and be done with it. No gender talk. Just options. More options. More options is good.
Gender has nothing to do with it (unless you personally feel it does, but that doesn’t matter for the discussion in general - you can call your character’s gender anything you’d like).

I see. I think I get it. Still confusing but not overly so, I’m going to sleep on it, let my brain categorize and stuff and it’ll probably make a lot of sense in the morning(especially since it’s night-time here and I’m pretty tired :joy:

A good comparison, yes. :+1:

The problem I have with this is that neither gender, sexuality, race or anything like that defines a persons personality. As soon as a person defines their personality by these traits, they immidiatly become shallow and just a husk.

Whats even more funny for me is that people that would define themselves by this would also contribute to the stereotypes they are so much against :smiley:

Thats another problem. It is just a loud minority… but this ‘‘cancer’’ is spreading into real life politics. Thats the mainreason why I speak against it.

That would be gender neutral not non binary. Which is also not a gender. Non binary is something outside our binary system.

Then i am confused. What kind of options would count?

For gender none, as there are no genders in WoW. However, we could have body sliders, extra customization to modify our characters, which i would love. Enough of oversized ripped males.

I dont know… because I think that nonbinary and gendering (outside of language) is nonsense. But I am also not the one who needs to make everything about gender.

I dont think they can change the models around like that very easily. Like we would never get full blown sliders in this game. And changing around models is like adding a new race work wise. I would like to be able to play as a human thats not a body builder. But i dont see that ever happening.

Fortunately we have lots of non human races with smaller frames :smiley:

Letting you pick your voice would also help for those so inclined.

I’m absolutely for more character customization.
I’m just against making it ‘about gender’ because that’s simply not what the game is about. Irl is another matter entirely and that’s not something I’m going to discuss on the WoW forums.


That would be interesting addition, more different voices could be cool.

Same, we can already have females with massive armor and males that can wear pink dresses and have flowers as weapon.


That totally depends on the person, although I do agree its extremely prevelant in those who define themselves as this or that gender.

I don’t say I’m a male because of anything gender related, rather that being the physical reality of what I am (my biological sex). I don’t think Biological sex is an indicator of someone’s personality as I’ve seen males and females express a large range of personalities/attitudes.


Personally I am trying to be as accepting of all kinds of people as I can. However I have some issues with how some of these trends feel like a hostile takeover of a of many aspects of our lives, especially the entertainment.

Totally agree… it ruined a lot of things.

Thats why I speak against it.

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The problem is that one must walk on eggshells cause it is extremely easy to be straw-maned into a malicious heretic by those who do not like that and then call the powers that be to clear up.
Humanity just refuses to grow out of oversimplifying things into “either 100% with us or against us”.

One would had thought that with so much access to historical records, social commentaries and even movies about tyrannical regimes etc people would had been better at being critical of the information they receive

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I think Sims 4 did it right with gender customization in the end.
They just removed all gender restrictions on all customizations and let the players mix match however they want. Voices included.

I can totally see wow doing the same.

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Wellllll… I’m not sure how much work it is to make hairstyles fit different head shapes/sizes, but judging from how little we got in 16 years… I wouldn’t hold my breath.

But we can still hope of course!

Heck, I’d gladly ‘sacrifice’ development of a raid for a BIG BIG BIG customization push to happen. I don’t think everyone will agree with me on that though. :rofl:


I totally dig that.