Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Even the roman emperors knew not to mess with the peoples entertainment.

I only hope it does not affect those who are just trying to peacefully live on their lives.


To me YOU sound like part of the problem.
The unaccepting, rigid, disrespectful side.

There’s 2 sides to every issue.
Both sides have ‘fanatics’ and as far as I’m concerned both those sides should just get a grip.

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Been here since TBC just roll belf male.

But but
 Horde. :tired_face:
(and also oversized pointy ears - ugh)

Oh im all in for abolishing social constructs in its entirety and everyone should do whatever the beep they want and accepted/tolerated as such etc etc njada njada. Would spare a lot of discussions.

Not denying that. I just wanted to post the scientific PoV on the matter.

That’s scientifically incorrect.

Quite right

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Its more like YOU WANT A PROBLEM. Thats the real problem. Its a YOU problem
 YOU want to be OFFENDED.

Yes, I think that people that make their whole life about race, gender and sexuality have serious problems and cant be seen as normal people.

In no way or sense did I said in this sentence, that LGBTQ people are not normal. Its all about the loud minority. Just to make this clear
 there are a lot of normal LGBTQ-People that are sick of this poop aswell. Most of them just want to live their life, because guess what
 they are just men and women who are X, but they dont live their lifes around it.


VE for Alliance :slight_smile:

Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth. Some transgender people who desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another identify as trans.Transgender, often shortened as trans, is also an umbrella term; in addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex (trans men and trans women), it may also include people who are non-binary or genderqueer. Other definitions of transgender also include people who belong to a third gender, or else conceptualize transgender people as a third gender.The term transgender may be defined very broadly to include cross-dressers.

But for that people would need to stop focusing on this poop
 But we both know that the LGBTQ community has a huge problem with that.

Im more about you saying its a “feeling” which it very clearly isnt given advancement in said field.

There are bad eggs that prove counterproductive to the cause in every group.

Sweetie, can we stop on the small things and focus on the mainpoint? Transgender would still not be a gender.

Yeah, thats right
 but I rarly hear the LGBTQ-Community speaking against these bad eggs and the main problem is that they are the loudest parts of the community.


I’m not involved. I have ‘no horse in this race’. So no, I’m not offended.
I’m the gender I was born with and no desire to change that.
I do however respect it if someone else feels differently.

You are rude, crude and frankly; wrong.
Your use of words needs work. Calling people, YES OTHER PEOPLE, those things is not okay.

I don’t agree with the fanatical ones either, but calling them the things you did

And I get THAT and agree.
Doesn’t excuse the terms you used though. Because that makes you just as bad as ‘those fanatics’. Just with an opposite view.

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We do. :frowning: And what really messes me up is when objects change gender in different latin languages. :confounded:

True, like that british peep commiting to cosmetic surgery to look korean due to them calling themselves “Trans-racial”(hell, even the LGBTQ who has no grounds to counter-argue against the person is against it), even going as far as pseudo identity copying by intentionally making them look like a popular korean BTS member, going as far as including said BTS’s member’s name as a pronoun.


The bad eggs are always the loudest one. Look at Höcke for instance. Always such a big mouth but in the end all his noise meant absolutely nothing. Its only an issue if companies falsely believe these people but that always backfires heavily (unless they share their respective agenda). And many people dont even bother with these people because they wont stop but achieve nothing in the long run anyhow.

Yes but people like that will never get their agenda through on government level because they cant back what they say up even remotely so the government dismisses it straight off the bat.

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It’s just biology on a level higher than 6th grade, really. Not terribly hard to understand, you just have to actually trust people with advanced biology degrees and more talking about the subject which I know a lot of people with heteronormative views don’t like to do.

Curious viewpoints from someone that makes their heteronormative views their entire personality. Checkmate.

Disproven by biology past lower education.

Nice, more asmon fans and transphobes. Weird how the people that like him tend to be!

People have responded about it, including me. You just choose to ignore it like you do a lot of things. :3

They have, actually.

Should go back to school, poor soul.

Actually is, now. :slight_smile: Why I keep calling you what you are.

Sure post a lot about something you don’t care about, weird.

I am heavily against the idea that anything pushed to kids before legal age, religion , sex etc. We should just teach them non-binary people are no different then binary ones, human beings and just treat them equal.

Not to make them think being non-binary is the goal in the life.

The agenda being pushed by various tv series platforms and video web sites online , abit too much. Meanwhile i agree that they do this so the next generation wont be like, oh why this guy looks like a girl wtf? when they see a transgender on street, they are trying to make them understand that its a normal thing. However sometimes they are pushing too much when children involve, that really really bothers me.

He cares about he stuff which he demonstrates no understanding of.

When I see a topic I don’t care about, I tend to not bother with it. Because I don’t care about it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You cannot deny lgbt exist. Those people are real and part of daily life, have families, friends,jobs. Doesn’t matter if you accept it or not.

You may very well disagree with what they think , but i think saying its nonsense is offensive. Your opinion needs to be respected, but its not an opinion you are saying nonsense too. Like i can say earth is square and you say its nonsense, i wouldnt be offended at all. But here i am, flesh and blood, and many many other people like me part of daily life, living the life we did not choose and had 0 control over, and you calling us nonsense, would disappoint me sir.

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I am not making a comparison but there are people who deny the Holocaust happened, there are people who think the Earth is flat, there are people who think vaccinations are bad for them.

Humans can sometimes just be ignorant.

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