Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Yuo don’'t know what are in those things omg!!!


Because these are not opinions, are facts. You can hop in a plane and see its not flat, you have tons of evidence that holocaust happened, you have tons of studies proves vaccinations saved/saves and will save lives. People being lgbt members are the same exactly , you (not referring to Punyelf here) might not like it, but thats the reality.

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My 5G is amazing!

Yet despite all that people still deny them. It’s just one of those things. Some people will never accept that there is a difference between sex and gender. What I don’t understand is, what does it matter, it makes no difference to Bob whether someone else wants to be called he/she/they etc.

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Hahah that name and the entry, made me laugh.

I just don’t understand why people care what other people are doing. Even if you don’t believe or think it’s possible that people are certain ways. If they aren’t affecting your life who cares? It’s like people who get mad about someone that is transgender because they are wearing certain clothes that doesn’t match their sex, How does that affect anyone else? I wouldn’t even feel the need to comment on it.

One thing I disagree on is people jumping down peoples throats that are curious and don’t “follow the rules” set out by said community. I’m not a fan of someone who’s in a minority looking to take offence about something someone said when they know fine well they didn’t mean harm with what they said. If you’re non-binary and someone refers to you in a certain way that you don’t like, most likely it’s by accident.


I wish we have more people around thinking the same way you do!

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Mate seriously dont get on my nerves. This cant be disputed as its the scientific standpoint as of right now. Dont like it? Then discuss it with the scientists.


Please, leave entertainment out of this real life nonsense.

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That is why we are here, no offense sir but i do not think its a nonsense.

Actually can, I linked two articles in this very thread disputing it with current science. But thanks for misgendering me again.

I think you’ve misunderstood. The vast majority of people do not care what anyone else wants to believe/feel about themselves.

The problem is when those people NEED us to believe in it all too. And we have to verbally join in with the delusions.

And if we don’t believe your particular brand of gender ideology? Then the ‘hey man, you shouldn’t care what other people believe’ is thrown out of the window.

It’s even affecting what happens in medical fields. People are insisting that there is scientific evidence that reality is wrong. Death threats are sent to scientists and medics who don’t follow the religion. People like the gem above who believes there are more than two biological sexes (they are not talking about ‘genders’) get upset when it is pointed out that there are not.

There is no third gamete. Those with dsd’s have repeatedly begged not to be dragged into ANY gender debate. They are men and women with a dsd , not a third sex.

You can identify as what you like.

You can’t demand that we believe in everything you believe in.

You can’t demand that we pretend biological reality has no meaning anymore.

If you are biologically male, however you identify, you still can’t receive a blood transfusion from a woman who may have been pregnant. You still need to check for male cancers (even if you have had srs).

The well meaning but disturbing pretending ‘allies’ have been colluding in has gone too far. Now everyone is expected to believe, and fuddled wording tip toeing around medical necessities is putting vulnerable people in danger.

Humans should be able to coexist without forcing everyone around them to think like a hive mind. My Muslim/Christian friends don’t berate me because I don’t believe what they do. Why should people who believe in gender be allowed to, why do they need to?


Pretty sure you’re the one trying to make the rest of us believe in what you call ‘delusions’ since you’re asking us to ‘forget’ all the scientific studies already done that prove our points while you bury your head in the sand and go back to early school biology that oversimplified things and got a lot wrong.

Sorry, being LGBTQ+ isn’t ‘fake’ as you call it. Assuming the world is heteronormative is, however.

I didn’t say being LGBT was being fake, did I? LGB is a sexuality, and those with gender dysphoria can hardly help how they feel.

Go on then. As you are using the argument I’ve seen many delusional souls try to use on Twitter…

Please tell me where you found this third gamete which would mean there was a possibility for a third sex (and please let me know when you are picking up your Nobel prize).

Also any known case (once again, respecting those with dsd’s wishes to not be dragged in to it and made to feel ‘other’ when they are not) who is a third sex? How prevalent is the third sex? Or the fourth? Or however many you believe there are?

Sure could have used that knowledge in medical school.

Now gender, if you are talking about that I understand there are many. But biological sex? No.

A: The article you linked to me is actually stating that there are only 2 biological sexes. As i said discuss it with the scientists and not with me. Your knowledge on this matter is incredibly limited.

B: Mate is gender neutral. Keep yourself up to date regarding languages before talking to me in this regard.


In my coutnry we don’t separate gender from sex. We even use this same word to define both.
I’m starting thinking that all those people who fight about gender have some issues.
No binary? and what next you will ask me to name you a cat or a dog?
Where is border between common sense and madness?

Blaming them all for the extremists amongst them is just like when people go on a rant in Twitter about white men because of a few idiots. Most of them aren’t causing they things you’re stating? I blame the individual not the group. That’s what I find wrong these days. It’s all of a sudden the norm to group everyone up in to this little bundle and judge away.

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My posts weren’t criticising the whole group?

They were criticising the ‘allies’ and individuals who zealously police other people’s thoughts/beliefs. And those who rage against biological reality and demand others ignore it/pretend it is suddenly changed.

And unfortunately those people ARE having an effect.

They are both drumming up hate and discord towards the LGBT community (like there wasn’t enough already!) by acting so divisive, demanding and outrageously unreasonable.

Most LGBT people I have met just quietly want to get on with their lives. They don’t demand attention and capitulation from everyone else or stamp their feet if people don’t 100% agree with their every word. They are trying to scramble down from the pedestal mostly straight ‘allies’ are jamming them on to.

Lgbt+ people do not demand you to believe in anything mate. They want you to acknowledge them as they are normal human beings, have the same rights are you and others. This is not demanding belief at all, this is demanding acknowledgment. You ( not you as Poladra) cannot say i do not believe in lgbt or their identities because its for a fact. Lgbt is real, living in society , going to work, celebrate holidays and birthdays, playing games , getting wasted some nights out.

You can disagree with what they say about identity or their any kind of idea in general, but you cant say i dont believe them or they are delusional etc.

That is not the case at all.

I haven’t said they don’t exist. I have clearly stated that my posts are directed against a specific group of people.

And I do get to say I don’t believe in gender, that is my belief. I think it’s a load of outdated rubbish stereotypes.

You can believe in it if you wish, anyone can.

What people can’t do is insist that I must. Or try to gaslight people about reality/science.

(I absolutely stand by that anyone who demands other believe there is more than two biological sexes is delusional. Genders, fine, believe in as many as you like).

I fail to see what is contentious about that statement?

There are six biological karyotype sexes that do not result in death to the fetus mate

X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
XX – Most common form of female
XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
XY – Most common form of male
XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births

so apparently not two to begin with