Can we please have non-binary gender option?

I have seen some of the people you’re talking about and there is people like that out there. However how did we get into the subject of the people you’re talking about on discord from the OP without grouping them all up then?

I don’t understand how you get from point A to point Z? It honestly sounds like when I read people judging me because I’m white and I don’t like it because I’ve personally never done the things I get accused of?

I will give you an example of my “don’t care attitude” I’m really not a fan of religion( any of them) I don’t believe in it and I personally don’t understand people who partake in it. However I don’t walk up to someone religious and say to them “I feel like your god doesn’t exist!” It’s like being rude and disrespectful for no reason.

I’m a big believer in everyone having a right to be and do what they want in life if it doesn’t affect other people. How is someone going about their day not wanting to be called “he or she” affecting your life on a personal level? I’m not talking about extremists. I’m talking about a random person going to work and coming home to eat and not bothering anyone.

Let’s say you’re right and they’re wrong. You really think they are going around lying about how they feel? Imagine you felt like you where the opposit sex or not any, I honestly can’t see anyone going around 24/7 faking such behaviour? I certaintly couldn’t. I truly believe it’s not fake to them so don’t you think it’s distasteful to remind them constantly that they are “a man” for example? I repeat why do you care what they’re doing? You don’t need to talk to anyone in life you don’t want to, Go about your day and ignore it all you want. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.

However It’s wrong to tell them how to feel or what to do, no?

That’s a karyotype.

I said a gamete. Honestly, if you find the third gamete I will be extremely impressed.

I feel you are arguing in bad faith but will go along with it. Not sure why you keep mentioning being persecuted for being white.

What I am doing is not the equivalent of going up to someone with a religion and insulting them.

What is happening is an extremist from a religion coming up to others and demanding that their language is changed, that science is ignored, and that they espouse 100% their beliefs OR they will be labelled a hateful bigot.

Note that I said extremist. Most ordinary people, LGBT or otherwise, don’t feel the need to ‘convert’ the world to their way of thinking only.

Who says yours or mine way of thinking is the correct way? Who decides what way is correct? What gives you more power of the people asking not to be reminded of something that they want to forget about? They have a right to feel and believe that way. It’s like you’re actually annoyed about people feeling a certain way?

You admit yourself that they can’t help how they feel so how is reminded them they are something they hate being not distasteful exactly? What next walking up to someone and reminding them that they are ugly for no reason? You don’t have to interact with them if you don’t want to?

As I said, I have no idea who is right or wrong and I really don’t care. I just don’t see why it’s a big issue. It does nothing to my life what so ever.

I’m also using the white example because it’s the closest example of my experiance in life on the subject. It’s not directly the same but the principle isn’t much different to the stuff you were saying imo.

Not at all, unless you consider seeing occasional youtube clip or watching him for about ~30min on his FF stream as being a fan. I am however against idiots, specifically people that act so holy and just and think they know best, and take on them selfs the right to command how others should act and what is acceptable. I did however enjoyed that drama. Poking the hornets nest and then complain about stings… priceless.

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what does that even mean in this context? you pick a race and then what?
100% curious and want to know

Can we have void elves with blond hair first ? Maybe some more customisations that were promised and finally some heritage armour announcements for the other races ?

Then… we can talk about gender fluidity k ?

A sting from me:
I’m not an Asmon fan, even sometimes feels like bugs crawling up on my back from that guy… but I watched a lot of his videos mostly on YT. Let’s be honest he speaks for the majority of the community, and he makes great contents with the community. But calling his viewers transphobes?
I mean srsly? And you talk about acceptance and things like that?
You really just need to mute yourself at this point…

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Male with feminine traits is still a male. Same goes for females.

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Yes, and these Karyotypes still are male or female.

X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s ) ->female
XX – Most common form of female
XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter) ->male
XY – Most common form of male
XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people ->Male
XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births ->Male

Having a Y Chromosome makes you male.

BTW these are maybe mutations that are liveable, but some of them have pretty negative sideeffects and can hardly seen as normal.

Hehe same, i mean he is funny at times with his exaggeration and i do agree with a lot of his views on game, but im just to old to watch some gaming on youtube/twitch. I do find it funny how a lot of times this “tolerant” people are most intolerant people around.

deleted post

Wow honestly, i don’t have much to tell you at this point.

Just look at the entertainment-industry… it just gets worse and worse.

Btw If I see you and the little fox: I allways love to see LGBTQ clashing against eachother. It just shows these bad eggs (the fox is). How they try to rip people appart because they dont believe in the same thing.

Like when People call lesbians transphobes.

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Isn’t there a addon that allows you to add descriptions to your character, even change the name of your gender? Why not use that?

A cultural Marxist that wants the entire world to adapt to ‘its’ hyper-sensitive feelings. Well done. Blizz would prolly do it anyway since it’s woke af anyway

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It’s like an attention seeker community.
None of my gay friends had anything negative in their life due to their sexuality, and I’ve seen nothing hateful or anything like that towards those ppl in my entire life.
And they don’t like this pride thing either, completely useless and meaningless while humanity has much more serious problems to face with… but some ppl can’t accept their own gender… that’s sounds more psychological to me rather than scientifical.


You are undead, you literally don’t have all your body parts, so what’s the big deal?
You can imagine you are whatever you want to be!

Just make only undead classes.

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You mean like you’re doing, despite the evidence of scientists and biologists?

No, he does not. He speaks for a portion of the community in which have hated the game for years and hate the ‘majority’ of players.

Mm, doesn’t make great contents either. Game developers do that, not Asmon.

It’s been proven plenty from him, his chat, his tweets, and here in this very thread. So yeah, his viewers TEND to be.

Tolerant if intolerant I am not, sorry. Learn the paradox.

Nice ad homs about stuff that’s been proven vs stuff like Therian that is not. In your case you think you’re intelligent, but you’re not. :3

Seems to me the heteronormative community is the one doing that, it all has to be about them or they get really upset! Like you do.

You are not the original poster, ergo you can’t speak for them. So Shush.