Can we please have non-binary gender option?

You cant debate about that with certain kind of people.

Compare them with flat earthers…Even tho there’s billion of proofs earth isn’t flat,they will always contradict you because they are simply deluded.So no matter what you say,they wont believe it.


I’m quite aware of what it is.
WoW character creation does not have genders. So you can fill it in any way you like.
There are however 2 sexes, as is the biological norm for our species. Sure there are biological exceptions to this ‘norm’, but you can’t fault Blizzard that they do not provide additional options for these, irl, very rare exceptions.

Now… For instance, my main:

The look of my character is pretty androgynous and that is definitely on purpose.

If you could pick your voice and you could pick from a variation of ‘typical’ male and female sounding voices, that would be totally fine with me, because that actually impacts your gameplay.

The gender however, does not. So pick anything you want and RP that that is your gender - or lack thereof. It’s all good.


and again go read the previous article I linked so you can understand what non-binary is. <3

I mean…either you have .!. or (.)

Dude wants blizzard to add gender that doesn’t biologically exist…this is fantasy game indeed,but lets keep it the way it is atm.

Objective. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I know what it is and I know the difference between facts and pseudo-science or opinion.


Please elaborate, because the link says “non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from their assigned sex”. Your assigned sex is male or female in world of warcraft. You identify yourself as something else. Sounds pretty simple to me. What do you want, options for what exactly?

WoW just wow how dare you , all communities have there bad eggs every single one of them please do not generalise thanks you are better than that .

I said nothing of the sort to Zen just they are well known for spreading hate in LBQT topics that was my point please stop assuming thanks thats pretty vile of you .

Is game made my blizzard and blizzard do wathever they want.

Stop bring irl logic into a online game.

What is the biological role, though? There’s no such thingAll roles are social roles. You can walk down the street and determine every person’s gender because they conform to social roles, not biological ones.

The problem is that it’s not. And it’s so not normal, that the people who identify with behaviors outside of their expectation need to come up with new genders in order to find at least some acceptance. There are parents who think their boy is broken if he wants to play with dolls, a boy in a skirt will get absolutely beaten and bullied at school. It’s not about how things should be, it’s about how things are.

And by the way, conservatives like things the way they are. They even think there’s too much freedom to go around these days. Meanwhile, the left is trying to make things the way you say they should be. That’s what this whole thing is all about - everyone should be free to do whatever, look whatever, dress whatever and nobody should care. But there’s a whole lot of people who try to police your fashion.

There’s nothing biological about men and women using separate toilets, though. In fact, we know WHEN exactly this norm was born and we know it to be… completely social. Prior to the 18th century, men and women would work together in coal mines, completely naked (because it was hot) and that was fine. Men and women naked together - nobody cared. It wasn’t profane. Actually, in the 15th century saying “Oh my god” was more profane than any of the 4-letter words we’d consider profane now. But then Victorian morality happened and it became “indecent” for men and women to be together. This idea of indecency gave birth to the gender segregated toilets. That comment simply showed me you have no idea what is biological and what is social. The sign on a toilet door - completely social and we even know its history.

Again,you either have .!. or (.) that’s the 2 genders.

Someone who’s born without anything isnt binary.That’s DNA degeneration.

You can call yourself whatever the F. you want,but you are what you are born as,and NOTHING LITERALLY NOTHING you say is going to change that,ever.


Clearly not, since both the articles I linked take it from science and the views you were spouting were the ones found to be old psuedo science. But I guess you’re another alt righter.

Sure! I can elaborate

There you go

Since you like linking stuff, here’s a few you might like:

I do not mean transgender people. I mean everybody. And with the social expectations placed upon the genders, do you think it’s fair at all to do such tests in order to prescribe behaviors on people?

M8, I took this from your link. This exact quote. I’ve read your link and nothing in it let me come to a different conclusion.

Partially agree.

Science is fun and learning more about how our body and mind works is always useful.

I’m always open to learning new things. That is the way we evolve as a society, by opening our eyes to new possibilities.


Both of those are news articles and not scientific in nature.

The ones I linked are.

Try re-reading it, then.

(Another note, the canadian board also declared a new meaning for genocide recently that no one else in the world recognizes, so might want to find better sources)

I agree and I’m generally supportive of LGBT. Using science or biological determinism to try and either validate or invalidate trans is nonsense to me.

Let’s take a boy XY as example.

Maybe this boy likes playing with dolls and stereotypically feminine stuff.

They can just be a boy who is that. No need to state they’re really a girl.

Or they could indeed feel like they want to be a girl as well and make physical changes.

So long as they understand implications, both are valid to me.

But people saying “it means you can’t be a boy” or “it means you’re just a boy who likes this stuff, you can’t be a girl” what on earth is the point?


Quote —Gender identity is how a person feels internally, while their expression is how they present themselves to the outside world. For example, a person may identify as nonbinary but present as a man to the outside world ---- Quote

So,in the end,it really doesnt matter how you identify yourself,because that’s not important at all.

You can identify yourself as a serial killer,but that’s not what you really are.

So basically,identity is nothing but lying to yourself in order to feel better?

Ok,i get it now.

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Yet you assume i spread hate, when all i do is try to understand and challenge LGBT people. No hatred intended.

As far as i know males cant give birth, or female get other female pregnant. So that is main indication of biological role.

Thats my point, it should be considered normal, then we wouldnt even need social genders, as in you could do anything you like, thats what we should teach people, not that some are normal and some not.

If you have cubicles then its totally fine, i meant more where you dont have privacy.

You know, I think more studies regarding this issue are always welcome.

A DNA test is non invasive, it’s just very expensive. That’s the reason why it’s not done unless the situation calls for it.

We cannot evolve unless we research and it would be interesting to see the results.

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