Can we please have non-binary gender option?

I see at least 6 of those that are considered alt-right, in which slurs are openly posted. So… Thanks for proving me right, I guess?

Which ones? xD

EDIT: How interesting; he stopped replying. Seemed he knew it right off the top of his head given that he could respond within 2 minutes.

Correct! :slight_smile:

Dankmemes, latestagesocialism, polandball, wallstreetbets, Looneytuneslogic(Made after their last subreddit-Looneytoonslogic got banned), PCMasterrace.

Also, thanks for misgendering me again.

Worst one is probably WSB with all those slurs that make it to front page all the time.

I disagree with you therefore you are an alt right gamer incel who murders kittens!

Also Reddit is about as leftist as you can get lmao

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You can have an XX chromosome and still be a biological male. Its not that uncommon as a matter of fact. XXYY is how its called. While both X and Y are present youre still going to be a biological male. The rate is around one in every 18,000–40,000 male births. But that is a statement on the sides as many people believe “its XX OR XY and it means only THIS!!” and take that as a hard fact for everything.

Not just. We only understand a fraction about our body and how it develops. Even less about our brain. General acceptance is that nothing of this is something that one can choose or alter naturally.

That is completely correct. I dont understand why people want this in this game. Or well, i can understand it but i dont support it as i find it personally to not be needed. The thing at character selection is only for the decision between the female and male sex. It doesnt aim at genders and it has no intention of doing so and its better off untouched in that regard for a wide number of reasons.

Tbh i would advise against that. At least with the general playerbase aka pugs. At least in the age of cross realm. In the old days where everyone had to keep their reputation in mind nobody would even try to go “ewwww” and mean it as that would more than heavily backfire on you. At least if you would treat the person differently after knowing that. The same applies in guilds still and guildies usually already know you so they are way more open. My last guild didnt give a flying poop about it but were saying “hehe, cant wait for the german raid leader rage because of hormones” as a joke and that was absolutely fine. They were fully aware of my humor anyway so the odds of insulting me with that was practically 0%. Not that any of the officers would have allowed it anyway.

Yup. And that is not needed here whatsoever. At least in my opinion. This is World of Warcraft and not SecondLife.

If you aim at procreating ye sure. However there are more reasons than just self-identity or self pleasure to it.

Judging from this playerbase in particular i actually dont want that. I can only see this going wrong. However that is my personal stance on it.

Thats quite a hollow stance on this matter im afraid and one that has been disregarded by science since a while given its not an opinion for these people. The problem resides more in the difference in quality of people allowed to decide what is the case with you. For example to get the stuff through in the US is an absolute joke. To get it through in germany however is an actual pain considering how the state is quite literally bombarding you with stuff. And i much prefer the German version as it eliminates so many things that could go wrong or be wrongly judged.

Its the general acceptance of scientists in this regard. Ye sure it could change given scientific facts are always up to change given its nature in the future but given current information this is highly unlikely to occur.

*extremists do get upset when they are contradicted

Thats more accurate. There are beeeeeps among every community and they all have one thing in common: They are counterproductive to the cause and only pee people off.

I honestly can’t tell the difference between male and female vulpera xD

dankmemes is not alt-right. Edgy? Yes. Political? No.
latestagesocialism is a response to latestagecapitalism. It is a capitalist subreddit, not a socialist subreddit, and especially not a national socialist subreddit.
polandball makes comics about national stereotypes
wallstreetbets is another joke sub about the stock market. They don’t discuss politics at all.
looneytuneslogic is about people falling over in hilarious ways. I have no idea there was a looneytoonslogic and I haven’t seen any abuse in it. Also, the series is called looney tunes, not looney toons. I don’t know who would make a “looney toons” subreddit but, whoever it is, they can’t have been terribly well educated.
PCMasterrace refers to a sarcastic remark made by The Escapist - video games review site. It is not associated with the alt right or racism.

Anything else?

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The right censors too. We have famous examples irl atm and history is also supporting this. With germany taking quite literally the cake not even 100 years ago.

The ONLY proper stance one can take is being in the middle and listening to BOTH sides and then decide.

Yes, it does actually. It posts a lot of memes bashing the left.

It is alt right, yes.

Often with stereotypical alt-right viewpoints, yes.

They do, a decent bit. They also use slurs to describe people constantly.

May want to look into the history of the mods on that one.

Yes, actually it is. It’s made quite a few posts about how certain races are lesser than others.

Anything else? :3 Also, guess what you should do if you don’t know someones gender instead of assuming by looks? Neutral pronouns or ask first.

Oh, so making fun of the left now means you’re a racist national socialist, does it? lmao



Yeah, they’re edgy. They’re mostly calling themselves slurs.

If you mean that they’ve said that people playing PC are superior “as a race” (lmao) to those playing consoles, then yes. Otherwise, no.

Check the bloody subreddit rules and you’ll see how ridiculous you are. It truly is next level.

This goes vise versa. Yes one could do that. However not everyone is thinking about that in his daily life. And judging by looks is actually part of our nature. Also people could not get upset if they are by accident misgendered if the person afterwards is doing it correctly. If the person however utterly refuses for whatever reason then ye one can complain (or ignore the person since its not worth ones time)

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When it’s used to make fun of the left in the very same ways the alt-right does? Yes.



Not if you read any of the comments particularly when talking about places like Robinhood and those execs, and anyone that defends those companies.

Yes, actually. Looking at rules and what’s enforced is different, considering you can go ‘lel there’s no subreddits that break the reddit rules that have existed ever, because you can’t make one if so!’

Well considering this isn’t the first time they’ve done it to me, nah. Goodbye. Don’t involve yourself into conversations you’re not involved in with views that don’t matter.

Okay, so let me get this straight: If I share an opinion with someone and make fun, that means we are politically the same?

Interesting point of view. Very interesting, indeed. I think, though not entire sure, that that is literally the dumbest statement I have ever heard.

Robinhood weren’t fulfilling their obligations. They were breaking the law.

Again, I’m not seeing this hate, and I’m certainly not there for it.

But hey, I guess you’re here, and I’m here, and since you’ve called me an alt-right racist, that means you’re now an alt-right racist. You racist.

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Sorry to break it to you but this is a forum where everyone can post equally. And my view matter as much as yours im afraid


If it’s in regards to views that the alt-right would have, there’s quite a few memes that are directly from alt-right views.

They did not, proven by no lawsuits and all. Which shows, as current-day WSB proves that you don’t know anything about stock trade just like current WSB.

Yeah, I guess we’ll find out if Blizz keeps you around won’t we? I doubt they will.


I really think that even to this day, psychology and psychiatry are not taken seriously.

If a mental issue puts you in a grave, it’s a serious condition that needs to be seen accordingly.

We’re scared of cancer but we’re not scared of depression when they’re equally dangerous. And yes, gender issues can cause major depression.

However, I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this but I’ve always liked honesty, a lot of people are putting themselves through surgeries and intense hormonal therapies to change their gender, which is equally dangerous to their health.

Where do we draw the line? Shouldn’t we first teach people to accept their gender as it is without looking like hateful bugots?

I believe the LGBT is a phenomena that exploded in the past few years and a lot of younger folks are drawn into it because “hey it’s cool to be different”.

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Not for very long, from the looks of things. :3

Having an alt-right opinion or even two doesn’t make you alt-right.

For instance; I’m willing to bet you might agree with this:

  • Universal suffrage with a lowered voting age to 18 years, and voting and electoral office eligibility for all ages 25 and up;
  • Proportional representation on a regional basis;

Unfortunately, that’s the beginning of the Italian fascist manifesto. You fascist.

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There are 10 kinds of people. Those who can count binary and those who can’t.


bashing left is meme