Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

This would benefit everyone.


Itā€™s been pretty clear for years now that the woke agenda is blizzā€™s priority, look at the new trailer, black, amputee, powerfulā€¦ and with a lance? wtf?

My wife, who is the bread winer at home, iā€™m a stay at home dad, and ni, it doesnct threaten my masculinity, we are feminists, we are vegans, i mean, we lend quite to the liberal side, she puts it pretty well, and simple: a woman doesnā€™t need to be masculinzed and loze her feminity to be powerful, this doesnā€™t mean that women in games need to wear skimpy heavy armor that is a bikini, absolutely not, but women behaving like men to be powerful and be taken seriously is just nonsense.


No. Donā€™t do this.
Youā€™re ruining it for yourself.

Why donā€™t people understand this?
You donā€™t get your way by being like that. :person_facepalming:t3:


Oh. My. God.

She is not behaving like a man she can be a fricking Paladin and disabled and black and a woman and nothing in that is masculine and affecting her being a woman. What sort of feminists are you to say a character isnā€™t a woman because she isnā€™t wearing a skimpy dress and heels?!

How DARE you say what is and isnā€™t a woman? How DARE you say a woman is less of a woman because she isnā€™t a barbie doll?

I hate these forums. I hate them. Iā€™m going.


What do you think about the topic though? Is it a good idea? A bad one?

I honestly just want Blizzard to see that people care. Hereā€™s hoping the mods can restore visibility to the OP though. :confused:


Yes I would like a choice. I liked when the voiced lines refered to me as a ā€œsheā€ at times.


When adults in the first world are bored and have too much free time on their hands


Yeah, speaking as a gay guy who exclusively plays men I want my characters to be referred to as men. Itā€™s jarring when people or NPCā€™s try to have a conversation without using masculine pronouns.

Thatā€™s one of the biggest problems with the decision to switch to the clinical ā€˜body 1ā€™ and ā€˜body 2ā€™ approach. The LGBT community is not a hive mind and many of us are actually opposed to being described in such terms.

At the very least, making it optional would be a better compromise. At least then those of us who do not like it could refuse to use it whereas those who do want to use it could do so if they so choose.


yup, ā€œthe only slavers where white peopleā€

they donā€™t even know about blacks slaving blacks all over africa on the 15th and 16th century, north africans slaving more than a million people from southern europeā€¦ but ITā€™S THE WHITE MENā€™S FAULT!

they care about pronous and inclusion but they wonā€™t learn sign language or brailleā€¦



Sorry Shenyssae.
Some people on both sides of the issue need to grow up.
Iā€™m withdrawing from this thread because itā€™s already getting worse.

I still support your idea though. Choice is good for everyone.


And thatā€™s why such a thread is not a good ideaā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦it always ends in people being angry with eachother, insulting eachother, attacking eachotherā€¦

PS: Iā€™d also like to have a choice, so I can choose ā€œheā€, ā€œsheā€ or whatever else for each of my chars.


Yeah unfortunately. I just donā€™t really see any other way to provide the feedback that I want. I donā€™t think anyone checks the ingame version of the support tickets in the EU clientā€¦


You canā€™t talk about the steak without addressing the cow.


*that agree with mine

You win the internet for today :beers:

And more often than not, the responses of the ā€œslightedā€ proudly display why things /initiatives like this ARE important if we ever want to become anythng close to an actual enlightened civilization that doesnĀ“t still constantly pit people against each other by gender, race, creed, etc. for no purpose but to distract the normals from whatĀ“s really going on at the topā€¦

Rail against corporatecorruption all day, fight for political toleranceā€¦ but demonize your new neighbor for having dared to spend 2 weeks in Tahiti getting a sick suntan before he moved in ā€¦ :wink:


If people could keep their personal politics out of the discussion it would be fine. Honestly just donā€™t engage with those with bigoted views. Nothing good ever comes of it. If they break the forum rules just flag otherwise just ignore them.

It would be nice if the datamined options were something we had in game.

I understand going for gender neutral terms is probably the easiest solution in the mean time. Given a choice I would have my male characters referred to as he and my female characters as she.


Oh believe me, I did. Iā€™m now on a 24h flag lockout. x)

Before people ask: No, I wonā€™t confirm nor deny who I did or didnā€™t flag. There is enough hate in this thread already. If you think it could be you, you probably did write something inappropriate or did troll and you do realize it now. That is the first step for getting better. :heart:

Totally agree on that. That way everybody can chose what seems to be appropriate for them and in theory everybody could be happy.


Poor OP, targeted and flagged by the siths.
You re not with them then you re they/them enemy :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I ll pray for you Sheny

By the light be protected
By the light be guided
By the light be empowered


Me too. Iā€™m glad thereā€™s quite a few people that agree, even though the majority of this thread is a warzone atm.


[Sees OP make a suggestion for more customisation options in game]
[Witnesses the comment section burst into flames because they saw the word ā€˜pronounsā€™ and suddenly assumed what the entire post was about.]

OP the only reason I can imagine they havenā€™t done something like this already would be workload. If Blizz already went to great lengths to make everything more neutral, it would likely be a pain to comb through every quest again and add in more personalised text.

Although a part of me wishes they had someone doing some editing anyway, because I keep finding typos. Especially in quests where they have messed with pronouns to remove tasteless gendered jokes and insults (coughsludgefieldscough.) I know it was done in a blind panic and theyā€™ve left some quest text and dialogue in an absolutely butchered state.