We had another poster who said they add people from their mythic plus groups if they thought they were a reasonable player and would want to do m plus with them again. Another added them to a community.
People just have to network
We had another poster who said they add people from their mythic plus groups if they thought they were a reasonable player and would want to do m plus with them again. Another added them to a community.
People just have to network
I am so confused…
But it’s nice I guess that people have communities for it and network to get it done
Always another side to the story, always.
Source : M+ keys leaver right here.
You say tank left cuz the grp wasn’t going to 3 chest it.
I say I left because it was going to take 1 hour and I didn’t sign up for that.
You say someone left after their mistake was pointed out.
I say someone was being awfully rude to me.
You say some one left because they didn’t like the group’s performance.
I say I left because the group turned out not what they advertised and I don’t wanna get scammed into boosting people who don’t deserve it.
and the loop goes on and on and on.
M+ leaving issue is a case by case issue.
Sometimes the leaver is in the right side, sometimes the leaver is in the wrong.
If blizzard choose one side then the other will be unfairly treated and will complain, quit , take extreme measures.
And blizzard can’t realistically have people that study M+ leavers case by case.
Now on to another subject that might interest you OP, we have a community that is trying to bring back the social aspect of the game, it’s open for everyone regardless of what they like in the game with hopes of making the game more social and maybe if people wanted they could group up with others in the community.
You can find Mythic raiders, old content players, High Rio players and people who just do M+0s, no one differentiates or speaks lowly to others, if it interests you feel free to join, I’m pretty sure you won’t find douches in here like the tank you mentioned in your OP.
Here’s the link to the community :-
Bur aren’t all the people you boosted your friends?
i wish they’d leave my keys… they dont exist.
ok you can add me to friend list and you can be a void elf loser
Im Bukachu#21354
nah i hate them
Would it be difficult for rio to show how many keys you didnt finish ?
It would be impossible, since Blizzard API doesn’t provide that info.
Check the runs, if all are finished in time → leaver.
Ez clap
Doubt. You are famous here, I remember a recent request from a certain belf to print your name on his chest.
This is such a good clear explanation of how it would never work.
Well I acctually disslike the discussion about server “uniqueness” and how it got ruined by cross factions, linked servers, server groups, LFR, LFG, Sharding etc. I mean everyone choose their poison and blame it. It’s sort of a natural and human reaction…
I must however say there’s alot of issues with some of these systems, but in the end the common denominator usually ends up being the player itself. Especially now when It’s easier then ever to befriend people both in and out of the game.
You can go to Facebook find a nice friend there that plays who don’t even have to be on the same server. You don’t have to leave a guild to form a community or join a existing one. Heck you don’t even have to be on the same faction to be friends now.
Yet people seem to struggle to find people to play with.
Then people will just afk or suicide to make timer run out, and if you allow for it to count people that are kicked as leavers then it is just ripe for abuse.
We’ve already had that, no one cared, it was not a good system. Players are not that likely to go a rate other players well, but are very much willing to go leave negative rating (if it was a thing) so the system just does nothing.
just, make statistics.
make visible - who left what and at what time and percentage.
that’s all i wanna know
there’s always this and that, sometimes you leave sometimes someone else leaves, but statistic would show who’s what better.
maybe system wouldnt be perfect but it’d definately be muuuuuch better
Not very well defined. Will it count all the other players that then does not finish either? what if you agree to not finish?
As someone in guild said.
The best way to operate is do a +10 and take low scoring people. They are likely to both need and want to finish the +10 and less likely to leave as they need the score.
If you want your weekly avoid anything above a +10 because anything beyond +10 is pure vanity and most people at above +10 are doing it purely for score so far more likely to bail if things arent perfect all the way and pretty much guaranteed if there is a sniff of not finishing in time.
In the same vein as Hinata, there are easily counterexamples where this would be faulty.
I was not too recently in a SotS. We’re 10-15 min in and starting the first boss. So far people have not been interrupting very well, and the 2 other dps are not doing too well, but whatever it is still doable. We get on boss and someone dies on the first charge, CR him and keep going. The boss splits and starts his tripple charge. Immediately, the 2 dps and the healer dies… We wipe and with bloodlust gone there is no way we’re timing this now. I barely even needed it in time, i am not staying for 45 more minutes just to not even get a reward. Tbf i did say that it was not doable, and asked if it was okay to leave, and they agreed to call it, but i would not blame anyone who would leave that kind of situation despite the wishes of the rest of the group.
What you will see with your suggestion is me leaving 15 min in with 30%, which does seem like i was being a dick, though that was not the case at all.
Also would you cut this down to a single number or do you want the system to just show all the keys you have left with time and % so you have to check everything manually?
I think classic will be better in this part since they will need to wait the new person to walk up until there so… People will maybe be more co-operative over there.
OP would allow name&shaming about leavers, then post with an alt character.
That doesn’t really help
I do 6 or more alt keys every week and i can tell you this is absolutely not the case.
Most of the runs i join that is a group comprised of low scoring people, it is always the same. Low dps, no interrupts and no knowledge of mechanics. The run is never smooth, but it does almost always finish.
When i go with groups of medium score it is most of the time smooth runs where people actually have a clue, and people are not that likely to leave.
If i take high score people (high score as in compared to a 10) then almost all the time it is smooth, but it only takes a few screw ups for the to leave, so it is a double edged sword.
I would say if you’re not that good and can’t carry your own weight, then go for low scored people so you can finish, but if you’re decent and can actually do somewhat well then take medium to high scored people for a faster and cleaner run.
That tells you nothing. And if people know it’s going to be recorded we are going back to the I’ll just afk until you all start leaving issue.
Yesterday someone whispered me to join his group of KR12 out of the blue. He wasn’t from my friend list nor community. I must have made a good impression on him in the past. Unfortunately we didn’t make it on time due to reaping + miniboss encounter, but we had fun until the end. I never leave a M+
Leavers, leavers. Oh my oh my. I hate them. Often people leave because they don’t want to screw their precious Rio score. I think Rio should and must incorporate not finished runs in the mix. That would shows how reliable people are and how consistent they are going to the end. Because this is all about at the end: not ruining keys for nothing.