i mean this is soo boring, is this world of waiting or what, how long do we have to wait til we can play our class? is your healer pvp player base so high that u can actually remove specs from being playable like this? dude this is so boring how long do we have to wait, what happens if we dont like hpala or mw just try to make every healer viable holy f, the devs have 0 idea and put 0 effort into this dog game
how is this a thing for so long time when u can clearly see the spec is so weak
its always the same its just that people reroll to whats fotm
doesnt matter if 6 healers are “playable” or just two there will always be the same amount of healers in the game
now while we’re at it can we remove monks please thanks
alot of people reroll (mostly because their main is bad) but so many people just stop playing because their healer is bad
it’s hard enough to play healer and if u sum on top having play a complete new class it’s just not worth the effort
i have few druid friends that stopped playing just because druid is unplayable, how can u release a expansion with this unbalance on healers, when the game have huge issues with queues because there are no healers
this should be easy, if hpala/disc/mw are the kings, just buff the rest and see what happen? i dont get it
nonmeta dps quit because they cant win a single round in shuffle/cant kill anyone in arena?
As a warrior enjoyer, please buff other healers! Tired of bops… btw sarcasm remove double charge while you’re at it. It’s too easy to connect nowadays. But ye… buff healing by at least 5% see wtf happens
i agree with you, but when there is no healers in wow game just dies

but when there is no healers in wow game just dies
there are always the same amount of healers
Hpriest and Rsham are in worse state than Rdruid currently in both Solo and 3s brackets,so they got to get buffed first and then Rdruid who is at the middle of the pack.I wish i would knew the feeling of dropping from so high to middle of the pack but as a Rsham main i dont remember when was the last time we were that broken(and to stay on top for long time like Rdruids usually do).So that feeling must be new for you Rdruid players but i HOPE you will get used to it alot more times for the future
as i said, they should buff all the weak healers, all healers should be playable
I think they should give them adaptive swarm back.

the devs have 0 idea and put 0 effort into this dog game
They can’t even fix healer MMR issues compared to dps in Shuffle after an entire expansion so I doubt that they put any effort into healer balance either. They’re treating the role as a 2nd class citizen.
No thanks, the treant abusers can eat a fat L for all i care for the rest of the expansion
Why is it always priest player crying over druid. Priest literally has every tool to counter them. They can dispell even clone. Like what else do you want?
And pressing power word shield isnt much more skill than pressing trees. Difference is shield is like 60% of your heal and trees are like 15%?
They made like 3 overall healing % buffs to rdruid for PVE and none of them applied to PVP despite everyone knowing the state rdruid was in PVP. The developers just don’t care…
I believe the mastery nerf in PvP combat (currently at 20%) should be removed. Additionally, several other talents are excessively nerfed in PvP:
- Budding Leaves: This talent is nerfed by 33% in PvP combat, which should be reverted.
- Forest’s Flow: Reduced by 50% in PvP. This nerf seems to have been implemented due to concerns that druids might become overpowered with passive Nourish healing, as seen in DF Season 4. However, the current balance doesn’t justify such a drastic reduction, and it should be lifted.
- Renewing Surge: This talent is reduced by 25% in PvP, which also feels unnecessary.
- Nature’s Swiftness: Originally increased healing by 125%, now capped at 100%. I think this is fine and doesn’t need further adjustment.
The main challenge for Restoration Druids in 3v3 or any scenario requiring healing more than two targets is the overwhelming number of GCDs (Global Cooldowns) needed to keep HoTs (Heals over Time) active.
For example, in solo queue, let’s say you’re matched with a Warrior and a Death Knight. When the match starts, you might pre-cast Lifebloom on both DPS and cast Regrowth on yourself, applying three stacks of Regrowth. Now imagine the opponents focus solely on your Death Knight, and you need to switch Lifebloom from the Warrior to yourself. Currently, you’d have to apply Lifebloom twice to swap targets correctly—once on yourself, then reapply on the DK, effectively requiring two GCDs instead of one. This feels excessive and clunky.
Additionally, the Lifebloom talent’s triple-stack system adds to this GCD burden. In PvP, Restoration Druids without mastery suffer from extremely low healing output. Without adequate haste, each GCD is 1.43 seconds, and applying all necessary HoTs typically involves:
- 3x Lifebloom
- 2x Rejuvenation
- 1x Cenarion Ward
- Regrowth (a cast)
This adds up to 7 GCDs plus a cast time, totaling around 10.5 seconds for disappointing HPS (Healing per Second).
The root issue is the excessive PvP nerfs on core abilities and the high number of GCDs required before we can even start healing effectively.
And as soon as rdruid is S tier, ur gonna reroll to one, so my real question is, who is the real L?
Coulden’t have said it better myself.
100% with you Dex.
Healer balance is way more important because we have a shortage of healers already. Every healer also has completely different playstyle strategy wise and it’s sometimes hard to switch to the other one. Healer balance also affects the comps you can play that’s why it’s even more important. You cannot put Disc instead of R Druid and expect the same thing. After good DF where we had almost every healer with H Paladin being a bit worse in season 4. We came to place where R Druid and H Priest are playable but they have to put 3x more effort than other healers to win and R Shaman is slightly better because he only needs 2x more effort. H Paladin while being the best gets some extra tools that make him even better.
In reality, not the case. Most priest players aren’t capable of playing rdruid above 1500 hence that’s why they are coping so much that rdruid should stay bad.
Thank you sir.
Been messing around with some SOLO shuffle on my druid, and honestly, it’s rough. I’m sure a top-tier player could make it work, but for us average folks, it’s brutal. As soon as dampening kicks in, I’m smashing buttons harder than a fury warrior, and it still barely keeps people alive. The healing output seriously needs a boost. Yeah, the double NS is cool, but it’s just one more global to keep people up. I’d rather have a single NS as an emergency heal and some HoTs that actually do enough to keep everyone alive.