Can we reduce Mage mobility?

Don’t understand why they should have double blink, Alter time and Displacement (and blastwave)


Because warriors have 2 charges, leap and 2 bladestorms? Because dh have fell charge, meta, glimpse, hunt, self dispel? Etc


because once you connect to them they are dead if already burned through block :stuck_out_tongue:

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i swear i dueled on the beta and i found out there was exactly an average of 3 seconds window in which i couldve casted something between
charge 1
charge 2
Heroic Leap
Bladestorm 1
Bladestorm 2
hit me, and that is still taking in consideration pummel and spear of bastions misses

what happened to mage being warrior counters, if i meet a feral a hunter a shaman a dh or a dk im helpless in a 1v1, am i supposed to struggle this much vs the only class i actually counter in the game ?

like, do u have any trouble against anything but mages ? because i struggle vs good of most classes… can’t u leave me with at least 1 matchup i can play?


NGL, on my warrior
i do struggle getting to a mage, between roots and mobility its pretty hard to get connected

however. when i do connect. i do giga dps and the mage turns tail and runs

  • mage do have too many blinks though, everyone can see that

Rogue can jump over the arena and sap enemy in 2 seconds, feral do not count as very mobile spec anymore - thats how absurd mobility are these days.

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I think blzzard shoud reduce anyone mobility, delete half of people abilties… and make classes which have strenghts and weakness, not classes which people cannot play bad. No classed which can have best damage, best tankines and best mobility all in same time… right now there is no much difference if my mother is playing or R1 they are ALL dangerous.

And yes restore class identity, from paladin having bubble we got game where almost anyone have bubble just with different name.

Blizzard destroyed the game trying to please everyone… but holy truth is: Game for everyone is game for no one

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Mage on retail currently is a class which is ‘bad’ but its not really bad, it just sucks vs certain classes. The usual ones basically who sit there spamming purge or chew them out cough hunter.

I don’t recall mage once being in a remotely unplayable or bad state, but no mage doesn’t need a nerf, its sufferable to play some classes into but you’ll survive :stuck_out_tongue:

Damage overall in the game entirely, mage included needs looking at before we address utility / defensives.

Class vs Class | Win
Mage vs Warrior | Mage
Mage vs Rogue | Rogue
Mage vs Paladin | Mage
Mage vs WW | Mage
Mage vs DH | DH
Mage Vs DK | Dk
Mage Vs Feral | Feral
Mage vs Boomie | Mage
Mage Vs MM | MM
Mage Vs Survival | Survival
Mage vs SP | SP
Mage vs Deva | Deva
Mage vs ANY HEALER | Healer

thats how i feel w/e im facing anyone above average

Btw arms is losing double bladestorm next expansion so once again warrior will be helpless versus mage.

everyone is playing fury in fact

mage loses icy nova and supernova btw

Sad life for arms at TWW Honestly I dislike seeing fury in pvp even tho I am warrior main . Slayer fury with double bladestorm is gonna be trully braindead.Sad but in less degree mage is loosing root the signature cc of mage.

Replying to OP : Actually no. Imo warrior and mage should be the gods of mobility . A never ending game of chase where the warrior has limited uptime to mage while mage has few seconds to cast leaving the other classes Light years behind.And ofc their defensives and damage are unmatched.

we lose ice nova not frost nova

Ok thx for clarification.

buff mages

i think a blink refund when you use displacement would be nice and fair

No. They are papier, and hard to heal them. Something for something. Ask for more dispel freedom/sprint etc at your healer.

Nope. The question should be can we increase Hunter mobility to Mage level?


id be okay with it, if mage can do hunter dmg D:

then yes we can make that trade

Fire does more than hunter. Don’t pretend you don’t know :wink: