Can we reduce Mage mobility?

eeeeeh… still unsure, ive seen hunters somehow above me even tho i use nade pots and everything on that nuke… ST mage dmg is B tier imo, literally noexistant

Warrior mobility nerf first.


Melee have almost perma uptime, so when you can’t be on a target for a short time - they need to be nerfed?

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this, u literally have a 3-4 seconds window where a warrior MIGHT NOT BE on you, assuming u saved all cds just for him, and not for, u know, sheeping a healer with shimmer, knocking a healer into ring of frost because he shadow word death your db

u have warrior uptime 75% of the time, nah, needs to eb 100% me want more dmg, me need always damage, me warrior, me bladestorm.

Only when warrior, rogue, DH and ret mobility is nerfed.

did u played fire mage? or frost, or arcane?

the mobility on fmage seems fine to me, but on fire, and arcane it looks out of controll

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cuz paladin only has steed and…thats it

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melees mobility must be pruned for sure. saw a warrior arena 2 v 2 yesterday, evoker couldn`t escape and died in melee range xD, arcane mage barely kept him on distance being just 1 mobility spell ahead. warriors now are “melee mages” mobility wise.

I think in TWW MM will still have an upper hand on mage (and probably always), but I also think the removal of Tranq Darts from hunter is a significant buff to mage in this situation.

Its pretty tilting to face frost mages in shuffle

Its just an insane amount of mobility & defensives and immunities to go throw from him, on top of his healer throwing immunities/big cds on him, and shuffle doesnt last long typically to begin with, so mage always is advantaged

That being said, i killed an arcane mage with a 540k ferocious bite crit

the mobility is the same on all 3, the only difference is how much you have to cast

thats what i meant with mobility

frost mage have to cast

and fire mage? i never have seen a fire mage is casting spells since shadowlands

and arcane mage idk, everything looks instant, or too fast for the human eye except poly lol

arcane casts alot, fire doesn’t need to

Mage mobility is ok, in current game where every melee has many instant cc and multiple charges on gap closers

Problem is playing other classes, outside of the neverending mage-melee balance

Sorry, wheres ferals multi charge and mobility? ferals cant even pick the 15% movement speed increase trait because they gotta invest into defensives otherwise even lower chance of survival (feral is the most killed spec in ss).
Enhancement is in a similar position.

why would feral need a double charge, i cannot even sheep them by default…

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who gives a damn about your sheep i cant even go back to my target once i succesfully Cc.
Plus its not impossible to sheep and ferals cant connect to you either way, another point is - you can always circle of ice.
And my last poiny is, having an extra charge would really help kyting as we are struggling rn.

sure man, when il have 5 stacks of shimmer and they can blink stuns

what an Andy.
dude we really cant connect to a mage and funny thing is we cant connect to a monk, hunter, plus any other dps aside from shaman which decides to just leap across the mf map in 2 global cds.

we talking feral ye ? idk, i dueled feral, he didn’t have much issue connecting at all…
i have a feeling that if i played it perfectly, MAYBE i couldve won ONCE, but it didn’t happen, obv because i didn’t pl ay perfectly, but idk if feral played perfect either