Can we reduce Mage mobility?

how much of the content is 1v1, Andy ?
Also how many times you can micro- root me in the matter of 10 seconds with no DR what so ever along with you or coppies slowing me by 70% 24/7 ?(my slow is only 40% btw) Now imagine having to powershift into that along with most of pvp scenario not being 1v1.

Doesn’t make it any easier getting to a friggin fmage.

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i can root you once every 30 seconds, for 6 seconds, not that it matters because you are gonna be out of it either by dmg, or by shapeshift, or dispell, so assuming its not 1v1, you have even more options, u can, not go for the mage, or get help from your temmates

as for “how much content is 1v1” pretty much more than arena, arean is the only 2v2 3v3 content ye ? then everytime u encounter a feral in open world and bg or u duel him its a 1v1, so, more likely.

the rng root from frostbites are randoms, remove frostbites for all i care, see the difference it makes to me.

it´s anyway rare nowdays that a mage using sheep on a dps

when i played against rmp at 2.2/2.3 they just spam living bomb and flamestrike and jump as much as an elemental shaman lmao

fire mage the new pvp m+ spec

About Mage i see the current problem is, Schimmr, or the low Cd on Alter Time

Just Remove Schimmer, or Make both cd´s a Longer cd, same counts for warri Mobility and shaman knockback and we will be fine i guess game would be less Adhd like

and na Feral dont need double charge, Feral just needs the old Speed increase back, and other classes Nerfed mobility wise, like Dh, Warri.

Dh just a cd increase on fel rush

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I troll druids by spamming slow on them. They keep wasting their globals that way, as they have this natural urge to keep shifting.


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sometimes i iceblock at full hp knowing the enemy heal will stop healing the flag carrier to mass dispell me

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buff mage
nerf 0 skill classes like lock and boomy
10 characters

its already there isnt it? pet cleanse, disengage low cd with posthaste

? Dont tell people you cannot stay on a hunter, thats awkward

Mage always been a class that makes you realize how absurdly broken they are only when you face a good mage.

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I personaly think blizzard need to start War within with this lore narrative:
Someone cursed entire world -40% abilties bye bye

Lets be honest in WoW classes are overbloated with power and failsafe mechanic, to degree they are almost imposible to play bad, and to degree that classes loses its identity. Example almost anyone have bubble mechanic just different name etc…

Hunter needs at least 4 charges of Disengage to deal with Arms’ braindead uptime.


Use traps , press and refresh concussive shot

I would, if Bladestorm doesn’t be spammable and cc work on warriors when they spam it. No need to say spell reflection is up other times.

I bet you don’t even know Disengage doesn’t work against Bladestorm. Its 70% slow applies instantly when you press Disengage so you only move away few yards but can’t benefit from 50% movement speed increasement.

Also all these required explanations to so-called 2.1k player shows that PvP only consists of meta abuse nowadays. You are maximum a 1.4k player if we consider your shallowness level.

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it was in every xpac s tier, kinda crazy if you think about it

Sorry bro I didn’t do anything of what u said. It seems like need professional help.

Yeah, I don’t know about that. Warriors have about 10 gapclosers, so…

the fact that warriors can almost have 100% uptime on mages, says it enough how busted this whole thing… even in tww, i had almost 100% uptime vs any random warrior in durotar

then u get 2 warriors in arena ? what u think blinking 1 charge automaticlaly gets rid of the other warrior ? just an example of how melee mobility stacking up gets way stronger

sure, double caster 1 caster is free to cast, but it wont do the dmg of 2 warriors, and the mage being tunnelled is DEFINETLY not doing the damage of a warrior

all tahts left is sheeps db and rings, assuming those don’t get broken and you are on voice with wazz and not a random no voice or soloshuffle lock sp boomie which will only be a race between u and him to destroy sheep/dispell dots

yet everytime “omg i cannot catch up to a mage for 2 seconds”

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stop calling me handy clown hide behind lvl 18 character saying nonsense.

Double charge with 18 seconds of cooldown each use , heroic leap 35 sec cd 2+1=3