Can we reduce Mage mobility?

frost nova, every 30 seconds
ice nova 25 seconds root

warriors have 2 bladestorm, that should already be enough to ge tyour of those 2…
if not, spellreflect, fear, and even if u don’t get out… then what 1 cast and it breaks, and then we r back to gap close > run

Bro, please keep making fun BG montages on YT, but stay away from arena discussions. Your BG experiences don’t translate well into an arena setting.


but if u gonna provide feedback and change the class i play based on a damn mini game mode that more than half people play only to boast about their rating in pvp discussion and literally almost nobody i know even enjoys it but forces theymself to play it for the elitè set vault and other carrots they keep chasing

i do feel like i need to comment on that level of stupidity.

Let’s see how high you will get it blitz then.

Well most of us play mini games to have fun

And mage were allways a ranged, try play solo and 3v3 as mage and see how range you feel nowadays.

Well its pretty simple, you increase melee mobility and now you have to increase caster mobility. Which caster is meta? one that has to cast less and does most dmg from instant spells.

fire ? boomie ?

Reducing warr and mage mobility would help the game a lot

making so druids can be sheeped even while sahpeshifted would also.

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