Can we reduce Mage mobility?

Bladestorm x2, spell reflect, a ranged stun, that’s 7 already.

Mages get such a small window to do anything against warriors that, by the time warriors have exhausted their counters, charge is already back up. The only thing that keeps warriors from having a 100% uptime is pillars. In open field PvP, warriors hardcounter mages.

Warrior is the most obnoxious class in game - bar rogues, perhaps.

Loool sorry but this coming from a Warrior is a bit of a joke.


roflmao xd

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because other classes have double charge vanish grip etc. And classes like a Ret is more a hybrid than a melee. But im in favour the reduce all classes mobility too, and some games its player vs pets wtf. Give all classes 10 pets and see what happens…

You guys are crying too much. What am I supposed to say on enhance shaman? One feral lunge, one spirit walk… :slight_smile:

tbf u can ground some of the control, and u got Ascendence which is ranged Stormstrike attacks.
You can spam slows and roots and u got movement immunity every once in a while.
Ghost wolf is pretty good too at keeping you afloat.
And you can always burrow as a final resort.
I do agree that enha and ferals are bottom dwellers and both need a solid rework but in all honesty i dont think shaman struggles against ranged though admittedly a second charge of Lunge being added would make perfect sense.

we can nerf mage mobility, but also we nerf mobility across the board including warriors.

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Sad to break it for u guys but warrior always was a mobile brawler. The game just evolved so did warriors.

Only reason Warriors have the mobility they do is because of the many many many roots this game has. They’d be sitting ducks if they didn’t have their mobility. The answer to this? Remove the many many ccs this game has, then Warrior mobility changes can be made.

The reason for so much mobility is only the PvE dude.

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most warriors charge bolt reflect bladestorm spear in the first 5 seconds, if they can they also second bladestorm too, then u hit them with the nova, they trinket nova… and that sdb sheep, resset and they cry.

the equiivalent of me blinking 2 times itno a warrior to db sheep him and pressing alter time during sheep and block.

yeah i hate when mobs kite me

Magegod the duel king.

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He claimed that warrior has mobility cause of many roots in the game. Does anyone believe that design warrior with pvp in mind?? They gave mobility to dodge mechanics , focus adds or follow a certain mechanic. Does a mage need such mobility in pvp with a good amount of cc and defensives? . The hypocrisy of some posters here . Always my class should be strong and the rest should be trash

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my class suck vs more than half the classes, anything that is not a ww retri and a warrior, rly doesn’t struggle much vs a mage, but yeah sure, that 2 classes i can actually somehow kite, i shouldn’t be able to

i love how u ppl make it a point that i talk mostly about duels and bgs

and arena is … WAY WORSE. u have 2 melees, lets assume the most zugzug scenario and say its 2 warriors, 1 charges me, do i blink? then the other charges me, then waht ? kiting and gap close are 2 very different kinds of mobility

warrior mobility literally suprress your gameplay as caster, while castere mobility its literally “i need to breath”

im not denying that mage, specially among caster has good mobility, but w/e u are trained by 2 melees, u RLY don’t feel like u have any

put dh dk
put warrior dk
put Dh Warr
your best case scenario is WW/Retri

even warr retri or warr ww already feels like u are waiting for your team to setup for you

so w/e u think im talking about bg and duels because thats what i play i say, damn right, because if i was talking about arena id say its even a worse situation than i make it sound to be.

You do realize wow is not a 1v1 game since like 2008.

I don’t think i’ve run into double warrior once in 15 years. And in shuffle scenario i highly doubt they will coordinate charges to match the absurd mobility that mage has.

I actually think you should be even able to 1v2.

It’s a team game (shocker) and pairing mage with classes like rogue still makes the game basicly unplayable for every1.

I get the complains about mobility game is a joke but not as the only class that can literally piss on every melee except maybe rogues/dhs that blizzard loves to keep overtuned to attract droolers.

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thats exactly what i said, wow is not a 1v1, so assuming we q shuffle the mobility scenario gets even worse.

Not being funny but fmages CC is out of this world. Warriors are pretty much sitting ducks vs you. You can EASILY kite a Warrior.

what ccs specifically

We’re talking about the billion roots you have, not to mention dragons breath sheep combo. Also a billion blinks and teleports.