Can we talk about things that Shadowlands did BETTER compared to all other expansions?

For example I think the Vault is designed better now compared to not having it before at least. There’s a meme nowadays on streaming media to only farm hate for wow so I wonder what people think shadowlands did better compared to all other expansions?

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Having up to 9 choices is a vast improvement on ‘here you go have dis’. I agree.

More RNG over RNG

Also I think the design of raiding bosses have a specific improvement. There are a lot of debufs now that are spammed a lot but because of their frequency they don’t insta-kill but they may gradually kill if you do the same mistake again; e.g. the waves sylvanas spams once in a while; they allow for debufs of a high frequency that should still be avoided but not kill on the first hit since they happen more. I’m not sure when exactly that started since it could be from an old expansion but I definitely noticed it now myself.

Good looking transmog can be obtained while doing casual content, before good looking transmog would usually just drop from raids/pvp, but now we can get really amazing transmog by just doing casual content, we don’t have to grind pvp or raids to get a cool set, we can just get it while doing something we enjoy.

The Shadowlands Mission Table is probably the least annoying of them all. My only real gripe with it is that leveling followers is too slow. I’ve been doing the mission table pretty much every day since I hit 60 and my highest team is only 52 and my second team is around 47.
Now I don’t have the app and don’t check the table four times a day. I check it first thing every day when I log in. Maybe have more longer missions that reward more xp or something for people like me who are grinding the table (as it were).

Vault is definitely an improvement over the weekly cache, but we still need a way to target specific items. My DK has been on the hunt for the Blood-Spattered Scale since mid season 1 and this warlock has done well over 30 DoS runs this season alone without getting the haste/mastery legs, and the chance of getting a specific item from the vault is so miniscule it’s not even worth considering even when there’s 3 options.

A step in the right direction, still a way to go.

Dungeon’s boss design is very good.
Most of them are interesting but don’t feel unfair.
In bfa some bosses started one shotting you on +20 tyrannical like Skycap and Eudora or had disgusting unavoidable aoe like Overseer Korgus or Galvazzt.
Sl bosses all feel doable if you do the mechanics right.
I also like that they actively nerf dungeons instead of leaving them be for entire patches.

Spec balancing has been very good, maybe aside healers. There are allways the outliers but you can pretty much play anything and still do well

Just got flashbacks to trying to LoS the Azerite Powder Shot behind a wooden plank but still getting one shot because my player model was too tall in meta as a DH, so one had to spam /sit to actually hide. Not sure if that worked but I was told it did.

Fixing their broken systems 2 patches before Legion did

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Is that a thing? I thought hitboxes are the same in terms of gaming mechanics. Then again: mounts appear to be taller or smaller for doors so you might be right.

On Skycap I remember people using toys to become gnomes to be shorter than the fence and dodge his shot

I dont think vault is an improvement… sure you can choose an item out of 9 at most, but in bfa you simply got 2 items from pvp and pve. I would say quality over quantity but most of the time vault is more of a disappointment if anything.

I like the transmog covenant sets, they look good. Addition to back slot like wings etc are good too! Now with the goggles even better, but they should seperate goggles and head slot and also seperate cloak and “wings” slot to have both equipped the same time.

Torghast is objectively better than what it appears to replace: those vision instances for nyalotha or those instanced missions with the following-npcs in suramar.

OK it’s not great (it was supposedly “rogue genre” and if you play Hades you know Hades is 10 and Torghast a 7 at best), but it’s better than other expansions.

1 thing and one thing only cross my mind. decrease of max lvl.

It’s hard to count honestly.

Vault is better? But it shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

PvP vendors are back? They shouldn’t have removed them in the first place and the way they brought it back have caused a drastic increase in the boosting area, now we have 1400 people playing at that cr with rival gear?

And… that’s it i think.

Please remain on topic. 90% of the forum is negative comments. Keep this thread about 1 thing.

It was definitely a thing in that case. If a DH was in meta, their head was above the wooden plank so they still got hit, but I just remember there was a slight recline just behind the wodden thing so all the DH had to do in that case was to simply move a few steps back to be be fully hidden. There were multiple ways to go around it tho.

You can see in this video:

He’s got this buff on him to make his player model smaller.

This is most probably unintended, and if the devs said it’s intended or fun it would be wrong because using obscure items from old expansions is too cryptic.

But: if they make it a more readily available with abilities of shrinking or enlarging it might be actually fun (e.g. healers being able to mass-shrink).

Not sure what you mean that is unintended. If you mean that he didn’t have the buff on himself intentionally for that purpose, then that’s wrong, because I have played DH in BfA and I had to deal with the LoS issue myself, except I didn’t use anything to make myself smaller, but instead used the strategy of moving a few steps back to get to lower ground.