Can we tuskarr allied race now?

Please? There are many hints that the next expansion is literally wotlk 2.0 so this is great opportunity to get tuskarr as allied race :slight_smile:


Why not alpaca?
You gotta keep it fresh,
Your suggestion is 2k10

Would be awesome! :slight_smile:

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I can picture it already… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Aahh… so peaceful.


The turtle made it to the water!


The walrus race in Wrath?

Who want playable alpaca when you have the awesome tuskarr??

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They look very similar shape to the Pandarens.

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Pandarens are a cheap version of the great tuskarrs
But at least it will support having tuskarr as allied race.
Just look at the tusks, the culture, their design!
It’s pretty nice :slight_smile:

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So Horde or Alliance race?

Horde for sure. Or else they will be degraded in the alliance.

I love it…

Tusky dusky shammi

You see how glorious is it? They just need new models before they are ready to be playable :slight_smile:

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Kill Nola, eat her innards, make waste disposal out of her shell

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Ok so they are Horde, so what classes can they be?

Death knight

Possibly mage as well?

Everything always seems to be able to be a warrior or a hunter :slight_smile:

It takes no skill for someone to wield up a sword or a bow :slight_smile:
But it does to other classes

The others seem to require a calling are racial affinity with something.

If Tuskarr fill the pandaran allied race slot, then why not make them neutral? Heck, neutral allied races would cut down on a whole lot of “it’s unfair that they get THAT when all we get is THIS” threads :joy:

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