Can you add Night elf paladin (or more paladin/race Options)?

Make paladin night elf after 12 years expecting it.

Tauren got rogues draeneis got rogues and worgen got monks were is Night elf paladin

Not to mention all races can be warlocks now.

why can’t paladin be night elfs now too… with a golden Divine Saber mount.


I mean, why not? I see no reason why some wouldn’t turn to the Light instead of Elune, after the whole “lel, become fertiliser” event.

So why not bring Nelf paladins? Makes more sense than Warlock Lightforged, that is for sure.


They can be warlocks now to night elf warlocks. After years in Stormwind, some of the night elf’s must have learned the way of the paladins.

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Blasphemy :hear_no_evil:

Before TWW preferably!


They will make tauren demon hunters first probably


Surely we’d have to call it a Lightsaber.


They don’t even really have to turn to the light, just fulfill the role. I mean Zandalari don’t use the light they get their power from the loa. Shame the game does not reflect that in their abilities.
Priestesses of Elune again, they are fueled by their goddess, not the light. I don’t see why paladins couldn’t do to the same.
What people need to ask for is for Blizzard to give each type of paladin distinctive abilities. So when a nelf paladin casts flash of light it looks different than a human’s or a zandalari.

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We have had that in game for night elves. Its called a night warrior. So maybe once we get to see more of elune directly we can excuse night elf paladins lorewise like that

I think Blizzard should revert back to the days of Shamans were Horde only and Paladins were Alliance only.

Races were restricted to classes, which actually made sense.

Hell no!!!


genuinely curious what, in your mind, would happen to say, Dwarf shamans? Would they be deported to the Orgrimmar? executed?

Story wise, executed! Ironforge wiped off the face of Azeroth :stuck_out_tongue:

But being serious, I just miss there being something unique for each faction, outside of the races.

I support this, Night Elves can be priests after all which uses the holy magic school- the same as Paladins. I can’t see any reason why this hasn’t happened sooner.

good idea :grinning: remaining night elves too

Not to mention that Legion was also the god damn expansion that gave us gnome hunters, after giving us one lowly gnome hunter npc.

Gnomes and Mechognomes could do with a paladin option.

hope so just want them to add it its boring being human and human in a mmorpg

I dont think people would play Paladin - Night Elfs… Remember only the true players stick to there class… Alot of people play FOTM…
Flavour of the month…

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I rather have more alliance options than 2 hoofs races along boring human with 2 short fat dwarfs :stuck_out_tongue: options to choose from.

no offense its just nice picking a race you wanna play.

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