Can you add Night elf paladin (or more paladin/race Options)?

You get Gnome Paladins!
Undead Paladins!
Vulpera Paladins!
Worgen Paladins!
Night Elf Paladins!
Nightborne Paladins!
Void Elf Paladins!

Now if they gave us spell glyphs or something like green fire so that Velfs got shadow and were dark paladins (there were such in legion with eredar!) and nelfs/worgen got white, that would be awesome.


Not to mention there’s already a Night Elf paladin ingame…

If I’m not mistaken Delas Moonfang will be an NPC in Bel’Ameth and some were speculating it might be a sign of NE paladin becoming a thing. And while I’m not for any random class - race combo, this one would at least make sense. Kaldorei priesthood shipping the light (of the moon) for long enough now and the night warrior plot screams for some sort of implementation, too.

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With the Lightbound, we now know that paladin orcs are a thing. If they become an enemy in the future, there is great chance that players will be able to play paladins with more races.

I’m listening :eyes:

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Not all priests use the holy light. They can also be priests to other gods/powers, because thats what priests are People who pray and spread the words of a god. Just like how not all priests in real life are christian

. And the night elves have priests of elune technically. Just look at night elf priestesses in wc 3. They were entirely different themed.

Very true… Like a Undead Paladin…

They’re working on it.

why not high elfs paladins?

Long as they’re alliance and have awesome hairstyles like the void elf melancholy

i want more longer hair styles added for all wimen races its boring with pigtails.-

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You as a night elf have the longest hairstyles actually

yeah but its like 2004 alpha graphics slime hairstyle can’t blizzard make more barber shop option for wimen that want to have longer hair styles who grows out their hair ?’

Like loads of people would buy more wowtokens its a win win situation if they go full hair style and class/race combos. I personally would buy race changes for my boring human to a night elf if they announced night elf paladin and more hairstyles with longer hair. And More blue colours.

Like the night elfs were in stormwind for quite a while if you go by lore some must have been trained as paladins.

Like i can’t believe blizzard miss the opportunity to make money.

Alonsus Faol is the reason why we will get paladin forsaken.

Wouldnt Arthes count??.. :thinking:
Google says hes Human - Undead and he trained to be a Paladin…
So could be… :thinking:

Technology, Knowledge and Religion was restricted to certain civilizations too in the ancient era of mankind. Yet stuff like Christian religion and technology did spread and became more universal.

Having it any other way would actually make the World of Warcraft feel an-organic, stale… Like an already finished chapter in a history book before reading.


Those abominations would rip the paladin lore apart and should never get paladins

On that, I agree.

UNLESS, they specifically tie the Paladin class to “highelf” skin colors and eyes. So that players can’t look like Void Elves while playing a Paladin Voidelf. On the paper they are, but it isn’t really “canon lore”.

Add high elves don’t butcher pally lore

I’ll take a paw-ladin :3