Can you add Night elf paladin (or more paladin/race Options)?

Yes. Paladin for all! Expecially worgen and nelves.

Lore is well beyond saving. And i guess tyr chainquest is somthin to give start to new races accepted as paladin (i agree a forsaken paladin could be… weird… but bein forsaken humans reborn some of them could have a “paladinial behavior”).

Points at Lightforged and Velf DK

Lore reasons were yeeted a while ago. Now when they do more class x races everybody gets them. It is only matter of time. I am ever thankful because gating classes with races is old, old, old.

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Anyone can die and be raised :man_shrugging:

Except death hates the void and you’d think being lightforged would protect your soul against that… although you have that undead Paladin.

Alonsus fowl is a priest

Not if done right. An undead being, using Holy Light that tortures itself to aid others has something to it, doesn’t it?

As long as it is explicitly clear in lore and depiction in-game, that a Forsaken Paladin basically suffers for others, it could work.

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He’s far more than just a priest, dude was the Archbishop of the church of the holy light, founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the mentor of multiples priests AND paladins, like Uther.

I’m pretty sure we’ll gonna have undead paladins, and he will be the reason behind this.

Hes still a priest not a paladin

i would like a dark paladin. like an oath breaker.

Absolutely! Night Elf Paladins should’ve been in the game for a long time already. I don’t see any reason why they could not be paladins. Besides, we’ve had night elves going their own way from the get go, such as Jarod Shadowsong. There’s really no reason why another one couldn’t have just gone their own way and learned the ways of a paladin.

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He’s only a priest in terms of gameplay because of limitations. Once again, in the lore, he’s much more than that.

I wasn’t talking about him. See Sir Zeliek.

Also, I present to you: Lightforged Draenei Warlocks

They should just add more pointy ears paladins im bored of the dwarfs choices

Night elf paladins


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