Can you add Tier crafting next week?

The 20’s in SL?

It really isn’t the forums are full of gimme gimme nowadays

Has always been that way

Ok? My point is if your pushing high keys yeah maybe you need it but that level your earning ooot and slowly improving. See that’s the key word you people keep ignoring EARNING your loot

Your point? I’m doing 14s/15s atm and am just fine without any s2 tier

Well, is it really “earning” if it’s just sheer RNG on a Weekly Loot where i can chose 3 Items and they might not even be T-set? Earning would mean i have to put in the effort for the Reward, the only reward i get in the Vault is the ilvl.

You have to put the effort in to fill the vault even but I get it people are allergic to effort nowadays

All right bro, wannabe elitist being like “Y’all have to put in work” while you don’t put in any work yourself.

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I mean, we had 380 people in 12 keys. But them saying “you dont need gear to do 12” would be a bit disingenuous don’t you think?

It is all a matter of perspective.

Not being elitist just pointing out how the game works or should. People just want a free ride nowadays

Terrible ilvl vs tier abut disingenuous don’t ya think

Very true, they are.

Yes and no, the vault has not existed in the entirety of the game. And even if it had, it doesn’t mean the system can’t be flawed, which is what I’m arguing is the case.

A very substantial percentage of the groups I was sifting through when I obtained this season’s level 20 portals required 4 set. Luckily for me I had it.
The leap in overall dps, tank survival, and healing, gained from 4 set, across all specs, is extremely significant, and to argue that “you get gear anyway at those levels” is simply not comparable to having a 4set bonus on top of that alleged high-key obtained non-tier gear. Not even close.

No they don’t, they just want a Fair way to get something that is almost necessary in Pugs, you can’t say “people are not putting in the effort to get gear” when there is people that put in more then enough work without a reward like the T-set while some dudes do 1 Key a week and are sitting at 2 Set, while i for example max out my Vault and the only Set piece i got is from the 2K Achivement.

Factually speaking with your Mindset i should be the one getting the T-Set and not the other Person right?

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People are not asking to have the set handled to them, but mostly tired of putting the “effort” for absolutely no results.

You could think of a number of systems to help with that. The catalyst is fine, but comes a bit late imho.

Personally, I feel sets are a relic of the past (however glorious it was). I can see the benefits of sets though. Given the right circumstances, it can give variety to gameplay, as it can changes how specs works.

The main issue is balance (often is). Some specs have it better than others. While some just have a flat % throughput increase, others have a small overhaul of their spec for the current tier.

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Not really, both are damage/hps/survival.

My point is:

You dont need it as long as the people around you dont mind it. Which is not true for everyone.

Yes they are they refuse to put effort into earning the loot

Or a key part of pve in an mmo they help provide motivation and rewards to raiding

Ilvl is a huge difference tho 380 vs 420 your prob doing 10* as much dmg nearly. Tiers maybe 4-5k

I don’t feel that “being lucky” has anything to do with earning it, but sure. We might have a different opinion on the matter, it’s fine.

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Maybe but it’s like they refuse to do the content that gives tier. Let’s put it like this “I only do world content but I demand you hand over 4 set right now to me” is basically what they’re saying. Yes it helps with m+ and raiding but it isn’t essential

I don’t mean to call you out or put you on the spot, and don’t take this wrong way, but I don’t understand where you are pulling these numbers from, and I don’t see you having ever played in the higher end of m+, at any point (so north of 2500 rating/KSH). To be frank, I’m a bit at a loss here.

No your fair highest I’ve hit is 2200 last season

General xp

I’m talking from personal experience as we all are correct?

I have this friend, who did everything he could to “earn” the set.

He’s been pugging and clearing the raid since the first week, this reset even in heroic on top of normal. He’s still waiting on that last piece though.

Sure, he could push it a bit forward and only invite people that are not on his token, but he’s not like that. The new roll rules made him watch some guy get 3 pieces while others had none.

So yeah, I fail to see how luck is not a factor here.

To be fair, most of us will wait for the catalyst anyways, I know that’s what I’m doing. It’s fine, we’ll get through the wait.