Can you add Tier crafting next week?

Ye it would be cool if they do it but it’s not going to happen
I only need one item to have 4 set :smiley:
and diablo start soon :smiley:

Yeah but people cant take eveything into account and ofc will result in what is best on paper.

You cant take every “if” into consideration.

Oh ik I’m just saying sometimes the best player on paper isn’t actually the better player

“It’s always been like this” is a weak argument considering how much WoW (and the genre) have changed over the years.
RNG loot is a timegating mechanic and not something that makes the game better, just longer. Since you’re fond of nostalgia I’ll tell you of a time when people played games because they were fun, not because the sword didn’t drop the first 5 weeks.

Btw I had a tier in my vault last week and 2 in this one. It’s because I earned it much more than these other guys who beat the exact same content as I have.

My point is if it’s not broke don’t fix it. The catalyst is a gift blizzard didn’t need to add it at all

Your point is understood, after having been made 10 times in this thread alone.
My point is M+ didn’t become one of the most popular features over the years despite it’s loose ties to what you define an MMORPG, but because of it.
Maybe if people want less timegating and more deterministic rewards then the solution is to change the game rather than giving them the middle finger.

This is what have been done this whole expack. lol

screw you we dont fix test stuff or nerf dungeon or fix bosses or help people LFG quees for 2hrs to get in to 20+s

Or add tier crafting.

Also we dont fix specs we half bad reworks them for 1 person to play.

I feel that m+ fits in that definition. The only “issue” is that it doesnt drop tier

it might come next reset heres hopeing

Its being released on June 14th.

the reason is quite simple.

because they want raiders to feel more special then anyone in game.

there is no other reason .

no matter how hated by most of playebase raiding is blizzard golden child and will always be special - and it doesnt matter how much negative impact it makes on game .

yes, without crazy incentives nobody would raid anymore. they are afraid to let raiding die because it has been their staple since classic. they dont want to move on for sure

Some not most

Yeah keep believing that. Even during Tiers where Dungeons trinkets were better people raided. Same during tiers where there was no Tier Sets etc etc.

keep believing there are more people doing raids than dungeons and any other content out there.

And where i have stated this to be the case? You said nobody would raid. Which is evidently false.

Catalyst should have opened week 3-4. If you want you could cap the ilvl the catalyst can produce and scale that up gradually to 447/450 by week 6-7 when it normally comes out, but people should be able to make their tier sets and at least have the bonuses on average by week 5-6 at the latest.

Says the person who has 4/4 tier set bonus lol.

bragers will be bragers.

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