Can you add Tier crafting next week?

Yeah cause TSet were invented before M+ even existed so, well sure.
Catalyst and Vault are proof that TSet isn’t meant as a raid only thing.
The problem is that the loot chances are poorly tuned and delayed for no reason.

Plus nm/hc raid are not exactly the definition of effort.
Only Echo and Sark are somewhat harder.

But still more of a fight against your own raidmates than it is against the boss itself.

Sarkareth especially

A small number of pugs. I deliberately DON’T apply to pugs that require 4-set, even though I have it (from being in my guild’s mythic raid team and getting traded pieces). Anyone who thinks you need 4-set to time the level of keys I’m doing obviously isn’t a very good player and I’d rather not do keys with them.

Despite deliberately avoiding the ones requiring 4-set, I find no shortage of pug groups to join.

You just pay the price of trigger happy dispeller and selfish people that wanna pew pew and do not do bombs.

Sark is a quite an easy boss otherwise.

Maybe but those two definitely feel like a step up from previous boss in the raid. Maybe steward but that’s mainly a dps race

I am nowhere near the competitive m+ scene. I usually simply grab a fresh character, and just progress with it.

I am playing resto shaman, only pugging, 415ilvl, atm 1839rio (I dinged level70 roughly 2 days before Season2 start), in total I did 33 keys in this 2.5weeks.

And yes, I am at complete mercy of vault. In theory I need to get 3pieces (I will get 4th when I reach 2000 score, but this is useless until I have 3-set).

And I am starting to feel the pressure of not having even 2set, let alone 4set. Tried healing couple +15s, and it was really a strech, on how much spike damage was going on from time to time.

At least farming 12-14’s gives useful loot (crests), so it’s not a waste. I feel I will be sitting in +16 for few upcomming weeks, until I can get 4/4 and move upwards.

I don’t blame you, it’s super triggering.

I don’t really feel that loots are earned, hence the quotations. I’ve tried to elaborate on that in previous posts, but I guess I can go on a little more.

I don’t want to write “I feel” or “to me” 20 times, so just bear with me and consider everything below as just my humble and biased personal opinion.

You do the content, you get a reward, that’s how the game is at the moment (and mostly throughout its history). But that’s not exactly true, isn’t it ?

You CAN get a reward, either if you are lucky or if you happen to have a friend that will trade it to you (another form of luck, arguably).

You earn currencies for doing the dungeons and at the moment in this very season, you get them at the end of each key (providing you finish it). The amount of currencies varies depending if you timed it or not.

The main difference is there. You don’t really earn loot because it’s never about any effort (except finishing the key). It’s not about personal or group skill nor about the amount of bosses you killed. You can even get loot if you frak off mid-dungeon and the rest of the party clears it without you.

The vault can protect you from this dependency to luck, but it’s also very random so it does not really change anything. It’s just another form of luck.

You get one set piece from the 2000 achievement, that is earned, rest is nothing but pure luck.

Also, I often see the word “earn” as tied to “deserve” and some kind of elitist mindset. I don’t mean you specifically though. But sometimes I read topics and I get the impression that you have to be some kind of god-like player to “deserve” rewards.

You know the type of topics I’m talking about, hardcore players and casual players clashing about what rewards is suited for what content.

But to me it’s all bs. One does not deserve more because they play the game better, and one should not get loot in the mailbox doing nothing either.

Rewards in this game shifted from actually, you know, rewards to some kind of goal in itself. To me, gear is a mean to an end (i.e being able to do content that’s more difficult). But I understand that it’s not at all like that for a lot of people, and that their main goal is acquiring the gear itself, rather than accessing and enjoying a game mode.

Back to my first point :

If I was to give an example :

The other day, I logged in, my friends and guildies asked me if I wanted to join them in a normal raid. They had 3 bosses left to kill.

I’m not a raider, I haven’t read any guides so I had no idea what I was doing the entire time. Sometimes they’d just say to me “avoid that” or “don’t stand in that”. I’d just heal people until the bosses were dead.

If I had gotten loot, would it be because I earned it ? Me that did just leech a group that had knowledge about the fights ?

Wednesday, when I will open the vault, I might get lucky, I might not. But there’s no real notion of earning. At the end, I have the same chances as my friends that did most of the work. Deserve has nothing to do about it, neither has “working for it”.

You either get lucky or you don’t.

Is a percieved need of course but is an advantge still, that is time + rng locked in an insane way in a game mode compared to another. Which does really make little sense.

1 month after season +4 week is beyond silly.
And before that it force non-raiders to basically always go for the Tset in GV.

Plus if people have rerolled they probably not have the S1 set, and that makes it worse.

Same to me

But you selectively quoted to ignore the part where I said they’re obviously not a very good player, so there wouldn’t be any point in doing a key with them.

Because i disagree with that given no one realistically believe that.

People just pick the strongest option available, on paper.
If you had 2 people with same score but one had 10 ilvl less and no set. The majority would pick the higher ones.

Not because it is needed but because they have a better option to pick and people with 4p knows that, so they put it in the notes.

Yeah, we had that in a NL key that I joined last night. The leader picked the strongest option available, on paper, and that person left on the last boss because we were going to be a couple of minutes over time. People are idiots.

Ok ten ilvl a less but has the set higher person doesn’t. Who do you pick

I know, same for me in a Neltharus 20 yesterday. Wiped cause someone died at Sargha.
The dps monk left despite being over time probably of 1 min despite the wipe.

But again you really do not know that before. Little to do with it, on paper that person was probably good.

Exactly and even good players have bad days

Ye and even a bad player can, so what is the point?

You dont know that

Couple of weeks to go…

On Blizzard’s Dragonflight Season 2 Update Blue Post, they have stated that the Revival Catalyst will be enabled on the week of June 13th (NA) / 14th (EU), as well as some additional information:

  • When the Revival Catalyst is enabled, all characters will gain a charge. Just like before, spending a charge on one character doesn’t influence charges on additional characters.

  • This also means there will no longer be a quest for Revival Catalyst charges - All characters will gain a charge at the beginning of every WoW week.

  • The Catalyst is also being worked on to allow Dragonflight Season 1 to continue being catalyzed for transmog purposes for free. However, this functionality will not be available once the Revival Catalyst is disabled at the end of Season 1. Once the Catalyst returns, you will be able to transform Season 1 pieces for free, no charges required.

They were, but when I checked their RIO after the run finished (which I would have done before inviting them if it had been my key), there was hardly a single completed over time run on it. That’s a huge red flag that the person will leave if it looks like going over time.

My point is that good players can have bad days and bad players can have great days. Score ilvl etc can only tell you so much