Can you make the weekly loot 421 for 18+ instead of 20+ in m+.,

Is there a reason why blizzard are making it like only meta classes should get gear?

Personally i don’t get it Half my guild coexist with no meta classes and making the skill cap Only Requires meta class is the worst design since i don’t know when they should stop trying to be legion so much and go back to how it was in shadowlands and build on that.

Shadowlands was better on so many lvls season4 is best season of mythic i’ve played.

people just want to push the keys get done and making it 20+ just make meta classes viable, Compared to when it was 15+ making it 18+ I would prefer since its the peak where any takes anything.

i`d like to overgear content im doing BEFORE im doing it :smiley:
thing with wow is, its not doable

and your random bis item from random chest from random dungeon each week doesnt count

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problem is wow devs thinks they are world first moba game and not an MMORPG anymore and the 1% + streamers makes the content deciding. Yet loads of them don’t sit on wow everyday which i do.

I just find it astounding how we can go from Shadowlands S4 which was fun in to a garbage season which only melee is wanted, and or premade rating 2700+

making 20+ give highest reward is bad for wow shouldn’t be about that.

They should lower it to 18+ for vault atlest.

many people have quit making this the 2nd worst expack ever released.

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Nah man. I dont like him and his views and specs and complaints are terrible…but hes completely capable of doing +20…since he already did some of them.
Issue is not getting invites to +20 because youre not meta and +20 is hot stuff which everyone and their mom wannts to join. So why would you pick a 2.4 shadow when theres somebody thats meta spec and 2.7k score. Especialy for cos or sbg.

Honestly i dont even know what my point is with this…other than your take on him is kinda flawed and i do believe, no matter how much i dislike the guy, that if shadow was meta atleast one season since the introduction of m+ content…he would be doing +20s just fine.

Well this case not related to DF alone. If you get like 50 signups for 1 dps spot. No matter how you can try to bent it and twist it. Somebody will be left behind and there is nothing you can do about since you can’t take everyone.
So people need to choose 1 between the 50 applicants…

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I think they should tune their dungeons better so other 20+s besides Court and Burial groups feels like those two.

I got a vault 21 but people will just leave since its a dead key and blizzard cares 0% adds just 1 shots you

reason why shadowlands was better in content you only had to do 15+ then you could go on and try high keys in peace now its a stress show trying to make the weekly vault.

People just leaves keys on 20+ if one mistakes and no penalty’s is given for that toxicity game play.

Thats a reason why they should make it 18+ give 421 instead of 20+ but that will never happen since blizzard recruit toxicity game play and leavers.

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Sorry, no, unless I am missing something with the armory. He has done the 2 easiest m+ (SBG and CoS) on +20 and almost missed his HoV+18 run by 5 seconds. All the other ones are also on 18, 17 or lower. With SBG and CoS being that much easier, none of the other dungeons even cleared on +19, and him complaining, this is not a +20 player.

You do have a point, though, people will obviously always invite the top dmg classes especially in higher m+ keys simply because it lowers the risk of your run failing / not being in time and people don’t like wasting their time. This isn’t tied to +20 being the ceiling, however, people will always create their groups in this way and unless Blizzard decides to balance m+ on their own it most likely won’t change as balancing for a 5 player environment is much harder than balancing for a raid environment, for example.

No. This is completely on you. You feel like you’re forced to get the max key level for the highest item level reward. You don’t have to get that gear. You could chill out on your +18/19 and simply get that gear and chill for the rest of the week or try clearing +20 the same way you tried clearing keys higher than +15 in Shadowlands.

And for anyone checking, I’m also only doing +18 and +19 because I’m fine with that. I know I am not good enough for some of the +20 keys (HoV and NO are a pain to heal for example) but I don’t go on crying on the forums calling for nerfs.

You just can’t see the whole picture of how it influence the games health. Op had a point. I’m not running with my guild mates any longer as they are just too noobish to play on my level. We never had this problem in shadowlands.

+15 was a good goal for the make playerbase. Wildstar did the same mistake


No, I don’t see the problem in the game design. I see the problem in people having too high expectations of what they should be able to achieve. If they lack the motivation to practice enough to reach higher levels of gameplay then it’s on them. I am honestly glad WoW still has kept its identity where being a better player rewards you with better gear and isn’t like most modern mmorpgs like Lost Ark who throw everything at you for doing nothing but spamming a few of your skills.

Also, Wildstar died because it had basically no content after reaching max level (2 or 3 dungeons?) and everyone quit. They didn’t quit because the game was too hard.

I have a lot of casual players in my guild, too. And you know what they are doing? They are playing on their +8 to +14 keys and are enjoying their evenings. They are not complaining about higher key levels being too hard, if their key levels get too high they just downgrade them at the NPC.

Personally I quit this season because it’s impossible to get loot. How am I gonna do higher keys when 9/10 I’m getting primal chaos instead of loot? I literally need to invest all my free time into wow to gear up and attempt higher keys. And then I have to get all the way up to 20+?

Just lmao no

Hope next season is different or goodbye PvE


did a vault 21 with over time 2hrs 21min 141 deaths to last boss we died 130 times

yep these Dragonflight season 1 dungeons are fun :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont get why they had to make 421 in to 20+ keys they could just had made it 18+ and called it a day.

starting to miss shadowlands-.

when a mvp and Us forums complains then blizzard should listen

this season is just cancerous atm people leaving keys and you be forced to sit with people for 2hrs to get one chance on a gear piece in vault which wont be any loot and you probably wont get lucky.

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And what exactly is your suggestion going to change? Then people will ask 2,7k+ for +18 instead of +20… Literally zero difference.

So you want max gear just to instantly quit then? Why even bother getting the gear in the first place? Especially since you obviously don’t even want it to be a challenge, you want the gear as easy as possible. What for? You are not going to use it anyway.

you`re not entitled to getting the best loot. If you do not have the score to get invited then you do not get the loot, simple as.

meh, I just stopped doing m+ - this end game content has gotten a bit stale and far too demanding for me and I don’t have energy or desire to have to try with overtuned instances. If I get left behind too bad.


You don’t. I still don’t understand where that assumption is coming from

Even tho you are right, the pug scene in WoW is beyond crazy and stupid while guilds and communities are not a viable alternative.

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You do realise they are just regular players?

Dear blizz, Please mail me 421 loot so that i can quit. Thanks!

Git gut.

And yes, I’m taking my own post personally.

I’ll get you one day, I will, you blasted +20.