Can you make the weekly loot 421 for 18+ instead of 20+ in m+.,

Well, the OP has a point. Before we did a lot of weeklies on tuesday for the guild with the name “tornment tuesday”, or we runned weeklies in communities. Now we aren’t able to do 20’s ourselves so the community gameplay is dead. It also was fun enjoying some alts since 15’s didnt require our mains.

We are here talking about a weekly item you reward. Gearing 1 per week, if lucky, is very slow anyway. I do not think it was gamebreaking to need 5 months of weekly vaults to gear close to mythic ilvl.

It was also encouraging keypushing since you got slowly over time competitive ilvl. With 20 ilvl below the top it is just ‘whatever’. It doesn’t makes sense to even try.


What identity?

WoW succeeded BECAUSE it was easy. WoW´s entire identity was based on creating a game that was more casual and forgiving than the MMOs at the time like EverQuest.

Imagine gatekeeping WoW difficulty. We are the number one joke in e-sports among Dota and CS players. No WoW player would even be able to make the International at Dota 2, no matter how hard they tried.

Want a challenge? Play Dota2, SC2 or Chess. Start your own business! Squat twice your body weight. These are actual challenging things.


I really can’t follow you there. You are claiming WoW is not actually challenging, yet people here are complaining about m+20 being too difficult. Just because these challenges aren’t interesting for people to watch on an e-sports level doesn’t mean they aren’t a challenge. And if you take players who clear m+25 keys right now you do have the top skilled players of WoW. There is a huge skill gap between these players and the m+20 ones.

Exactly my point now its just boosting 2700 only premadeing only we don’t take pugs.
Its just very boring used to do 8 15s then push 20+ above to get the portals then take a break now they are just locking it behind boosters and leavers at 20+ to get best gear.
I don’t even want to join a low key now. there is no point in wasting time in them.

Wow lost its fun when they went down this spiral locking it behind boosters.
I don’t get why they don’t tune their dungeons or raids better or we don’t even hear from their dev team.

Shadowmoon Burials and Court are still puggable but the rest forget those at 20+.

spent 2hrs 20min in Azure vault 21 for 1 chance on a 421 that probably wont be any good.

Dev team replies 0 we don’t care we cater to only 1%.

Compared to shadowlands any season they were still fun this season is just boring filled with boosters and incompetent’s tuning team.

this is actually the worst m+ season i’ve played, a game shouldn’t give you depression.

They should go away from the e sports and go back to the roots make the game viable.

Like the open world professions raids mythic + feels stale compared to season 1-4 Shadowlands.

we aren’t league of legends or dota 2 we are wow they should bring back or lower the difficulty to obtain gear down to 18+ attest this isn’t even fun.

This season makes me just feel sad not even fun to sit through 2 hrs with friends for a 421 in one dungeon when you could walk 8 dungeons 15 to obtain it then choose to pursuit the portals when you had the gear.

They just made the game more anti social in one season.

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Guys, you forget the bigger picture here.
Nobody said he can’t do 20s, he merely said people don’t invite him to dungeons even is he’s qualified for them.
I’ve done some 20’s and I don’t even get invited as a tank because people nowadays want only warriors.

So you basically have 2 choices if you want to do 20s:

  • Either push your own key but it’s extremely hard since people can leave keys without any penalty and for no reason
  • Either join other people’s 20’s but good luck with that if you’re not 2800 RIO or a meta class.
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That’s cause the average pug performs way worse than he should. I was wondering why nobody invites my ilvl 392 alt DK in a +11, then I tanked a few and noticed that most ~390 ilvl people are doing around 25-35k dps meanwhile they should be pulling 45k+ overall.
Pugging is hell because most people are simply beyond bad and they expect everyone else to be at least as bad as them.

They don’t seem to look closer than their short noses :stuck_out_tongue: they think game should be build around ME no one Else matters. ME Vault not Our team effort vault.

No use to explaining for them how toxic the game has become, blizzard will lose more people over the first season if they don’t take actions towards this boring season.

Like they said gearing would be no problem i feel as if we go joked on and this is not even an aprils fools joke its blizzard just not giving a dam.

They don’t even take actions towards leavers making them unable to quee for a M+ key for 1hr after leaving 1 key that would be a suitable punishment’s.

Give them a Mythic deserter so they can’t quee in to Mythic pluss for awhile after leaving a Key.

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The dungeons are balanced now

You just need better gear

Nobody said you have to do +20 right now

The season lasts for another 4 months

Why are you doing it if you’re sick of the sight of it? It doesn’t look like you’re going to be mythic raiding, and you don’t need 421 ilvl for AOTC.

why make it last so long when the season sucks. You really dont feel like you want to play wow today i got 421 boots out of the vault yay did 4hrs in 21 vault for that.


I dont think anyone enjoy this season thuss far. Me thousand xD

Honestly it’s a L2P issue, I know some people will reeeeeeeee at that but it is what it is. We all have somthing to strive for, I’m not at 2.4k on my main yet but I know I will get there eventually, if we moved everything back to 15 then it’s too easy. I don’t understand people who are not up for a challenge and want things handed to them on a plate.

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Ever occurred you can sign up other 20?

The competition for getting into shadowmoon keys is very big.

The issue is, as is always the case, blizz are so hopeless at tuning that all key levels at 20 should be OF EQUAL DIFFICULTY. This isn’t the case and they don’t seem to want to do anything about it. Even if it means buffing stuff in cos or SMBG.

Compare a SMBG to a say AV. One wipe on AV generally kills the key. You can wipe multiple times in SMBG and still +2 it. Shouldnt be the case.

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I’ve loved the season so far.

Did you ignore mechanics again? :clown_face:

I agree, the balancing is so bad it’s literally worlds apart. The worst part is, if they cannot even find good balancing on this season imagine next season with Brackenhide.

They’ve also ignored people who play at competitive levels who have said repeatedly that AV needs more time added.

Theres more to this… SBG is clearly undertuned…
Bliz in genral doesnt like buffing bosses/dungeons after the tier has started.

AV is hard, and the timer should be longer, but its unfair to compare it to SBG imo.

Edit, every single dungeon has been done at 25, 1 dungeon has been done at 27 which is COS. So outside that one key the highest ones are within 1 level of each other.

I dont want to even think about that. Brackenhide + Halls of infusion already are making me question why i want to play it.

They seem to have tuned it around these people what with the scaling increase per key lvl at +10 + the absolute multitude of interrupts needed in every pack.

Its like Blizz are scared for ‘normal’ people to do this content, they want the no life MDI runners and top top players to keep playing. They keep forgetting that it scales forever and these players will ALWAYS push high… So tuning the rewards/diffuclty to the ppl who play 10 hrs a day every day competitively in full organised groups is just wrong. IMO anyways

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they stink like how can they even release a season were you don’t even want to play the main dungeons of the expack cus they suck at 20+ xD

This is literally it.

Some variation in dungeon difficulty is fine, but the difficulty gap between SMB and RLP or AV is really vast. And the difficulty for completing a +20 RLP does not match up well with the reward, especially compared to SMB for vault.