Can you nerf these classes please?

thats how i feel playin fury in pvp when everyone is op compared to fury :slight_smile:

Do tell, what’s wrong with destro?

Wouldn’t say mage has been busted at all in dragonflight either, glacial was a meme.

(1) present it. Link it. Show a picture of it. Referencing is not proof.

(2) please understand that classes can be strong in team based formats without being OP. Rogue require specific compositions to be strong for this reason. An example of a class being OP is ret and arms which does not require a specific composition to be good. Particularely rogue are good in team based game modes because of its cc tools. The strength of the class right now is long games were the short kidney shot CD can win games. But I would gladly trade a longer kidney shot CD (1min) for 90% arms warrior damage.

see thing is, with these picks running around, ret paladin and the trio of hunter specs not squashed to the dirt, its safe to say this entire season is invalidated.

You are not getting outplayed when the enemy composition just has a lot shorter cooldowns or a lot more cooldowns to press. Then you are basically only getting outcomped. RMX was here no difference to Ret+Arms right now, just with the difference that you can move you character and not being forced into afk for 50% of the times because of spamable cc.

You could have seen historical ladder data on xunamate back until WoD season 3. Not sure if there is any other site currently that provides historical arena data for you to check.

Well, if the comp is op how is that different? RMP was broken in countless seasons, so nerfing rogue and mage would have solved that problem.

People always said that you might punish other comps with that, but to be fair 90% of rogues and mages were playing rmp, so that would have been fine.

But history also have shown us, that rogue always found a comp that was broken. If it wasn’t rmp, it was thug, rpx, rlx, rogue+ele and so on. It’s the stun based class design of rogue that is broken.

Like it or not, rogue/mage have a lot higher skill cap than ret/warr, ret/bm.

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That might be true, but like it or not, higher skill cap is only given if there are also a correspondingly larger number of useful abilities and cds that can be used.

It also doesn’t mean, that the comp has the right to be broken, only because it might be harder to play.

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there is no actual skill in this season, hope onto a ret or arms warrior or any of the hunters and its free CR and you get showered with gifts and praise as far as the eye can see. not even Midas got this special treatment!

meanwhiles, rogues and mages have to play dance dance revolution to even do half a health bar in.

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Oh noooo, RMX isn’t the absolute meta once in a whole decade. Sorry, but that won’t end in sleepless nights for me, more in a big smile when I wake up! :wink:

When RMX is dog, the game can actually be fun!

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Yes, ret’s became giga op and the meta became ret/shamm/fw/warr/bm/demo and a lot of people just not playing shuffle, or the game entirely. What was already a very bleeding part of WoW just got absolutely butchered to it’s death, long live the retpocalpyse.

Sounds like you got bent over by RMX multiple times and have some sort of weird vendetta against it tho, ret enjoyer maybe? Warr enjoyer maybe? I dunno, but this meta is brainless and the quicker it’s gone the better, give me setup comps on top, with maybe some sort of LSX as their counterplay over this ME PRESS W.

The company has been wrong many-a-times before, though.

Just like how Blizzard has made some very questionable choices.

And that’s why with this “fun” meta no1 actually playing a game :sweat_smile:
And to clarify only baboons playing now because its meta perfectly suits them, probably you as well.

Says the guy who argue like that against melee cleaves calling it zugzug, no skill and so on.

I just dislike comps that achieve maximum defense and offense by having a setup every 20 seconds or so. There have been times where a RMX had to kill in 2 minutes or they lost the game because they ran out of defense. And at that time, comps had a lot more counterplay.

Really? I have instant queues in 3s on medium to high mmrs and even shuffle wait time hasn’t changed at all.

Most streamers already talked about massively decreasing viewers way before the recent patch. Or what about SL season 3/4. Wasn’t the pvp literally dead even though every game had at least one rogue in it?

My opinion remains the same. When RMX is dog, the game can actually be fun!

Aaaah, that is why most rogues rerolled ret and play that spec currently. Because they are baboons, used to play only meta. :sweat_smile:

That been said though. I wish every spec would kinda be like ret. It is a lot more fun when your character feels like it has enough options to deal with any situation. That is how the game should feel in my opinion.

Demo is very good right now, but i am not sure if you’ve noticed that 90% of comps on high cr have ret in it, not demo. ret/hunter, ret/war, ret/demo, ret/ele, ret/ww.
Demo indeed can use some nerfs, but saying that it’s as op as ret is straight cap.

Correct. Historically speaking, Rogue’s have dominated CC until Blizzard decided that it was best to try and give Rogue CC to all classes and now we have this CC fest that is current pvp. However, Rogue can still be UP and perform well in 3v3. How? Because of the stun based class design, but without another class to deal the damage WHEN we are UP, we wont do anything else than support. And so we can agree that there are TWO problems at hand, (1) Rogue is currently UP and (2) 3v3 seems to be won by CC, so can we do something ELSE then give classes tons of CC to make it a more balanced experience. This is want is meant by a class capable of being strong in 3v3 but in general weak.

Still a reference. Not evidence.

Disagree. Current arms and ret require much less coordination to be successful, largely because of the damage throughput that both of these classes have. The fact that arms has almost the same amount of CC in the first 2min as a rogue, and a paladin now ALSO has a lot of CC just breaks it even further, but this follows the above statement; we have two separate issues at hand, and trying to solve both of them at the same time is only going to cause frustration because the majority of people dont play competitive 3v3.

Generally, the problem that has occurred is that Blizzard decided to balance the game by making all classes equally good in 3v3 arena AND give all classes equal dps in raiding. The problem is that if you homogenize the game like that, then you have to continue to give the superior tools of pvp to each class, because you cant balance the damage. And that is how you get the current DF arms warrior that is basically a combat rogue from TBC in terms of CC. With this, I am not denying that the CC capabilities of rogues is not strong, but we are currently severely lacking in the damage throughput compared to what the top melee classes are capable of, and so we lose except if we play an insanely coordinated play that you see in competitive team pvp. But since the majority of players dont play like this, you get the frustration that the majority here are voicing; that as solo players rogues are incapable of competing, and get steamrolled.

Rogue was designed in vanilla to be a strong 1v1 pvp class, but in turn be less relevant in PvE. In TBC they gave us PvE options through the combat sword spec. Then from Cataclysm and on, they have largely tried to tune all classes to be relevant in pvp (AND pve) and here the rogue class has lost its identity more and more. Why? Because if rogue is strong in an expansion now, it largely means that we can stunlock people and control the fight 100%. This is not fun for non-rogues. But at the same time, if rogue is weak in an expansion now, we cant do anything that other classes cant do better and this is not fun for rogue players. Hybrid classes get more options. A rogue cant compete with a druid or a paladin unless we have more damage because we are more squishy and have less healing. And so Blizzard has forced themselves into a corner were they either frustrate rogue players or frustrate non-rogue players.

So yes. Rogue is a strong pvp class historically speaking, because this was the design fantasy of the class, but that does not change the fact that the class is now doing badly in 10.0.7.


they are both stupidly overpowered suprise suprise a demo main

Nobody said that demo isn’t. Surprise surprise, ret fotm roller ignored important part of argument and typed something that noone disagrees with.

demo is just as broken as ret and the top players know it. both specs need nerfing to the ground