GGs to every frost mage , enjoy ur S2 RMP / mage lock meta

Oh my god, you’re the troll here, sorry I didn’t notice before, have a good one !

How exactly? You hate Arms+Ret meta, I get that, but you can’t deny that all your arguments were somewhat weird as none of it fitted.

You made it sound that people love RMP meta while the truth is, that people hate the meta at least on the same level like Ret Arms.

I will feed the troll one last time and leave you

I said that when rmp is " meta ", there is diversity, have I said once that people loved it ?

Then I said that one season, compared to YEARS with rmp, with ret war meta has led to either less people playing other comp than ret war x

Since ret war were at least 60% of the ladder, it doesn’t mean people like it xD It means it was beyond broken xD

Good night

Then I got you wrong. I was more focused on the part

I am just honest here, I hate Rogues and Mages like nothing else in this game. If they are meta it is the most bad experience from my point of view. Even when there are other comps with them meta, it is still totally unfun from my perspective.

Frost was already really really strong, icelances doing 60k etc

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This guy is just…

Guys guys… the real problem is destro lock doing 120k incinerate and 150k chaos bolts on multiple targets …

Now imagine destro, frostmage and rdruid in 3s with precog-gear. I can taste the melee tears already :rofl:

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Frost recived most of these buff as a spec which will lost most on crit nerfs, blizz stated that they are aware that some classes will lose more than others with crit nerf so they buffing them in compensate. Also arms clown calling something clown fiesta lmao

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What do I have to do to make my warlock crit those numbers? :joy:

Don’t tell me you believe that? Frost Mage is the most broken spec right now, maybe only topped by Destro Lock. How good, that they can harmonize perfectly together, making it a pure nightmare for everyone else.

They could easily remove all changes and nerf Frost Mage additionally and it would still be S tier in the current game state. No idea how it turns out when people have full gear etc. but right now they are dominating by miles ahead!

yeah like 123 instant cc goes are so hard because u need to stop drinking beer while u’re counting otherwise u might cough and the go will be ruined and u will have to spam poly/autoattack through walls with poison slow

dude rmp’s starter rating was 2.4 not because people got better at playing rmp it was because rmp was so dumb and easy to play literally any mongo could do it

You act like if rmx is insta lose, if you lose it’s because you most likely overlapped cd/trinket and got terrible awareness.

Fighting against rmx as been the most fun experience I’ve had in arena cause you have to pre use something and try to deny the setup, anything else is boring melee cleave pressing w or double caster playingax range doing dmg.

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The only real issue ive seen with rmx is basically just 6sec kidney shot on a low cd. Otherwise rmx to me has been mostly fine in both seeing ppl play it but also facing for examples rogues. (other classes obv.)
Personally dont like stuns on a short cd in general x) Kinda close example are SP 45 sec stun, reasonable long CD for 4 sec before but now 3sec while others have longer stuns but shorter cd or the same stun but short cd.

Rogue is supposed to shine during kidney, it’s not a warrior that’s why they are squishy and normally are supposed to run after kidney is over.

Idk I feel like rogue cc were fine, now with the nerf they will most likely be either trash or absolutely insane to compensate the cc nerf and lack of survivability. Not sure if it’s what people want.

Well, not sure if a 6 sec stun is good gameplay in general since sure, its a setup you do, but if you coordinate it, its 6 sec you freely do dmg. Even if ppl hate HoJ stun, it can be instantly dispelled by a healer unless its used on the actual healer.
Played rogue in WoD I think it were in 5v5, was fun being the shotcaller and call for everything but it felt disgusting when u kidney shot for 6 sec → smoke bomb and they can just sit there if they used trinket beforehand.
Theres no real counter to a 6 sec kidney since you cant dispel it unless you trinket it and because it had a short CD… Well.
Except if you have a retri on your team ofc.

I dont want rogues to be unplayable, I still want them to be viable. Just the same as I want every single spec to be viable in their own setups/ways.

I guess the majority of rogue player plays rogue cause they like to cc and setup, sure it’s a unique playstyle and that’s why warrior or monk doesn’t have 6 sec stun cause it’s not their playstyle.

Actually feral is similar, you got maim that do close to same stuff and got a similar playstyle as rogue (more to Assa).

There is ways to play around it, you have to use stuff to either deny a setup or extend the window by using stuff like earthen wall and buy times to kill rmx before they kill you.

Maim costs 30 energy and 5 sec stun on a 20sec cd. (5 combo) have to specc it
Kidney costs 25 energy and 6 sec stun on a 20sec cd. (5 combo) dont have to specc it but can spec so everyone deals 10% increased dmg to them.
Long stuns can also count as a defensive since you lock that person out unless he trinkets.

1 sec difference is quite huge even if most ppl dont know it x)
My entire point we’re just reducing kidney by 1 sec and see how it would have functioned would have been a good option instead of nerfing everything (personal opinion). and it should have been tried before 10.0.7.

yep always fun to fight against insects who kill u through pact and wall like nothing

or pre blurring kidney only to die 100-0 in a duel yes that was really fun thanks
fun to be unable to press trinket before duel or u die through anything
yes idd

or fun to fight assa rmp who pve 1 target while spamming infinite ccs on the rest yes

least biased and delusional warlock player fr

did you try not pressing them at 5% hp?